Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 599
AS - Asia 442
EU - Europa 425
AF - Africa 5
OC - Oceania 4
SA - Sud America 2
Totale 1.477
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 598
SG - Singapore 376
IT - Italia 331
GB - Regno Unito 17
CN - Cina 16
FR - Francia 16
RU - Federazione Russa 15
IQ - Iraq 13
DE - Germania 11
HK - Hong Kong 9
TH - Thailandia 7
EG - Egitto 5
FI - Finlandia 5
KR - Corea 5
MY - Malesia 5
AU - Australia 4
BE - Belgio 4
CH - Svizzera 4
DK - Danimarca 4
ES - Italia 4
IE - Irlanda 4
TR - Turchia 4
AT - Austria 3
JP - Giappone 3
BR - Brasile 2
HR - Croazia 2
RS - Serbia 2
TW - Taiwan 2
BG - Bulgaria 1
CA - Canada 1
IN - India 1
PH - Filippine 1
PL - Polonia 1
UA - Ucraina 1
Totale 1.477
Città #
Singapore 341
Engelhard 164
Santa Clara 85
Rome 64
Milan 34
Council Bluffs 31
New York 30
Boardman 18
Naples 18
Moscow 15
Basra 12
Bergamo 11
Beijing 10
Florence 10
Bologna 8
Del Norte 8
Palermo 8
Bari 7
Bangkok 6
London 6
Alexandria 5
Helsinki 5
Ankara 4
Cagliari 4
Chiampo 4
Hamburg 4
Manfredonia 4
San Jose 4
Seongbuk-gu 4
Sydney 4
Taranto 4
Atlanta 3
Brescia 3
Brussels 3
Central 3
Dublin 3
Dyssegard 3
Erice 3
Exeter 3
Genoa 3
Kuala Lumpur 3
Modugno 3
Parma 3
Pescara 3
Ravenna 3
Salt Lake City 3
Santarcangelo di Romagna 3
Zurich 3
Aversa 2
Bacoli 2
Belgrade 2
Brighton 2
Buffalo 2
Carugate 2
Dalmine 2
Duino-Aurisina 2
Fabbrico 2
Farnham 2
Fisciano 2
Grezzago 2
Kowloon City 2
Las Vegas 2
Lecce 2
Leeds 2
Lucca 2
L’Aquila 2
Messina 2
Monopoli 2
Nuremberg 2
Oklahoma City 2
Orio al Serio 2
Palma 2
Pianello Val Tidone 2
Pisa 2
Pontedera 2
Presidente Prudente 2
Rescaldina 2
Salerno 2
San Mauro Torinese 2
Somma Vesuviana 2
St Louis 2
Taoyuan District 2
Taurisano 2
Venice 2
Verona 2
Vicenza 2
Vienna 2
Zagreb 2
Alès 1
Ancona 1
Appenzell 1
Aragona 1
Baghdad 1
Bayan Lepas 1
Berlin 1
Billings 1
Churriana de la Vega 1
Columbus 1
Daejeon 1
Delia 1
Totale 1.075
Nome #
Inclusione, benessere e patrimonio. Il progetto INTERACT per alunni di scuola secondaria 58
Promuovere l’inclusione sociale e culturale tramite la fruizione del patrimonio. Percorsi innovativi presso Palazzo Barberini 48
Musica e stampa 3D. Promuovere le competenze trasversali in alunni di scuola primaria tramite la riproduzione di strumenti musicali etruschi 47
Personalized Virtual Reality experience within museum education context: the Inclusive Memory web app 43
Promuovere e valutare il benessere negli studenti in contesti di istruzione universitaria: definizione di uno strumento di valutazione 42
Heritage Education. Cittadinanza e inclusione I 36
Professional development of in-training museum educators: An experience of curriculum improvement in time of a pandemic 35
Digital Storytelling for Digital Skills development. A pilot experience with in-training educators 34
How to make Museums Autism-friendly. The Erasmus+ Spektrum Project 33
Sollecitare il Pensiero critico al museo attraverso la realizzazione di infografiche. L’esperienza del progetto INTERACT 33
Teaching science through technology and creativity in innovative learning environments 33
Supporting the Development of Critical Thinking Skills Through Work-Based Learning Activities: A Pilot Experience in the Educational Science Context 32
Promuovere il pensiero critico attraverso la fruizione e l'interpretazione dell'opera d'arte 32
Redesigning Post-Graduate Courses for Future Museum Educators in Time of a Pandemic: An Experience from University Roma Tre 31
Pensiero critico tra scuola, università e mondo del lavoro. Esperienze innovative di formazione / Critical thinking between schools, universities and the workplace. Innovative learning experiences 31
Promuovere le competenze digitali negli insegnanti in formazione. Alcuni risultati del MOOC “Digital Storytelling” 31
Per un uso critico della tecnologia: come valutare un MOOC 30
Academic Communication Via Twitter. The Case Of #Edenchats 28
Sviluppo di uno strumento di valutazione delle risorse aperte (OERs) 28
La fruizione del patrimonio museale nell’era del Covid-19. La sperimentazione pilota dell’app E-trouria del Centro di Didattica Museale 28
Collecting information about museum users to provide personalised and inclusive visits: the Inclusive Memory questionnaire and the web app 26
Supporting the Development of Critical Thinking Skills Through Work-Based Learning Activities: A Pilot Experience in the Educational Science Context 26
Heritage Education and Initial Teacher Training: an International Experience 26
Nomina sunt consequentia rerum. Promuovere il pensiero critico attraverso lo sviluppo di percorsi didattici in collezioni museali epigrafiche 25
Raccogliere informazioni sui visitatori per fornire percorsi personalizzati e inclusivi all’interno dei musei: il questionario e la web app Inclusive Memory 24
Participants' expectations and learning needs in an online professional development initiative concerning “Emergency Remote Education” during the 2020 COVID-19 lockdown 23
Applicazione delle tecniche digitali in contesti di educazione per gli adulti: le linee guida per le industrie creative del progetto europeo Digiculture / Using digital skills within adult education context: the DigiCulture project Guidelines for Creative Industries 23
Promoting Social Inclusion in Vocational Training Students with Disabilities: An Experience of Museum Education 23
La collaborazione di Muzio Mazzocchi Alemanni a «L’Italia Socialista» (1947-1949) 22
Using different learning methodologies and tools to exploit the educational impact of a University Art Collection: a pilot phase at Roma Tre University (IT) 22
Digital Storytelling in Museum Education Context: How to Promote Critical Thinking Skills through Digital Tools within Secondary School Pupils 22
MOOC Design and Heritage Education. Developing Soft and Work-based Skills in Higher Education Students 21
Innovative Learning Methodologies to Promote Social Inclusion and Well-Being Within Etruscan Museum Context: A Pilot Experience 21
Inclusive Memory. Museum Education to Promote the Creation of a New Shared Memory 21
Pen or keyboard. An empirical study on the effects of technology on writing skills 21
Digital Storytelling e Object-based Learning per la promozione dell’inclusione sociale e del benessere al museo. Un’esperienza pilota 20
Teachers’ training on critical thinking teaching strategies: the CRITHINKEDU experience 20
Use of digital resources in Primary School cultural and heritage education. The DICHE menu 20
Promoting Critical Thinking through the Observation and Interpretation of the Work of Art 20
Inclusive memory. How to promote social inclusion, well-being and critical thinking skills within a museum context 19
Cittadinanza attiva e patrimonio culturale. Primi risultati dell’esperienza “Scuola IN museo” del comune di Reggio Emilia 18
Pietro Gibellini, Sinigaglia o la carne senza carne: tradizione e novità di "Bordellesca", in Sulla poesia di Sandro Sinigaglia. Atti del convegno, Ginevra 17-18 febbraio 2012, a c. di Sveva Frigerio, Francesca Latini ed Emilio Manzotti, "Microprovincia", n. 50 (2012), pp. 11-27 18
Progettare percorsi educativi al museo in contesti digitali. L’esperienza del corso Digital Education di UNIMORE 17
La valutazione del prodotto creativo di argomento scientifico 17
A Virtual Reality Etruscan Museum Exhibition–Preliminary Results Of The Participants’ Experience 17
HERITAGE EDUCATION. Tecnologie, patrimonio immateriale, paesaggio e sostenibilità 17
Ricerche in corso – Verba sequentur 17
Accessibility in Italian University Museums of school and education 16
La ricerca in contesti di educazione e mediazione museale. Esperienze nazionali a confronto 16
Adopting Augmented Reality to Engage Higher Education Students in a Museum University Collection: the Experience at Roma Tre University 16
Assessing a MOOC users experience in a virtual mobility project: preliminary results for quality enhancement 16
Narrazione digitale, educazione inclusiva e fruizione del patrimonio ai tempi del COVID-19. L’app E-Trouria del Centro di Didattica Museale dell’Università Roma Tre 16
What Skills are Involved in Open Virtual Mobility? A Students’ Perspective from Italy and Spain 16
Enhancing Higher Education Students’ XXI Century Skills through Co-writing Activities in Science Teaching 16
Critical Thinking assessment: A first approach to the automatic evaluation 15
Promuovere le Competenze digitali e il Pensiero critico nei professionisti dell’Industria Creativa. Il progetto DigiCulture 15
Using 3D Reproductions of Archaeological Objects in Museum Education Context. A Learning Experience within an Etruscan Musical Collection 15
Creare e valutare OERS per la fruizione museale. L’esperimento del corso “Sperimentalismo, Museo, Lettura” dell’Università Roma Tre 15
Promote social and cultural inclusion through heritage. Innovative experiences at Palazzo Barberini 15
Automatic Assessment of University Teachers’ Critical Thinking Levels 15
Use of webcasting and development of critical thinking skills 14
Accessibility in Italian University Museum of School and Education 14
Designing MOOCs for Creative Industries professionals. The E+ DigiCulture project experience / Progettare MOOCs per professionisti dell’Industria Creativa. L’esperienza del progetto E+ DigiCulture 14
Evaluating OERs in Museum Education Context: A Collaborative Online Experience 13
Tecnologia critica e didattica museale. Il progetto Erasmus+ DICHE 13
Developing a web App to provide personalized feedback for museum visitors: a pilot research project 13
Correlations among natural language processing indicators and critical thinking sub-dimensions in HiEd students 12
Developing Users’ Soft Skills in Higher Education Through University Painting Collections: The Tito Rossini Project 12
Nomina sunt consequentia rerum. Promuovere il pensiero critico attraverso lo sviluppo di percorsi didattici in collezioni museali epigrafiche 12
Supporting Virtual Mobility Skills in a {MOOC}: Preliminary Results 12
Promuovere il pensiero critico attraverso la fruizione del patrimonio epigrafico in lingua latina: I risultati del progetto Nomina sunt consequentia rerum / Developing critical thinking skills through Latin inscriptions: Results from the Nomina sunt consequentia rerum project 12
Narrating the museum to promote empathy and critical thinking in medical science students and doctors through online activities: a pilot research experience 12
MOOC and OERs in a Virtual Mobility experience 11
Digital object-based learning for people with ASD: a training experience within heritage education contexts 11
Inclusive Memory. Museum Education to Promote the Creation of a New Shared Memory 11
Establishing a MOOC quality assurance framework – a case study 11
How to use assessment data collected through writing activities to identify participants’ critical thinking levels 11
Virtual and mobility activities to promote dual learning approach in higher education: the EuroDuaLE project experience 10
Imparare le scienze con la scrittura creativa: il percorso degli allievi della scuola secondaria 10
Road to Critical Thinkingautomatic assessment: a pilot study 9
Totale 1.718
Categoria #
all - tutte 7.418
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 7.418

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/2024614 0 0 332 13 7 54 24 7 31 34 62 50
2024/20251.104 309 489 292 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.718