Dipartimento di Storia, Patrimonio culturale, formazione e società
Addressing conspiracy theories through Media and Data Literacy Education. An exploratory case study
2024-01-01 Fabbro, F; Gabbi, E
Alfabetizzazione critica ai dati e alle teorie del complotto : un approccio media educativo
2021-01-01 Fabbro, F; Gabbi, E
Analisi critica del discorso e pratiche di media education
2020-01-01 Fabbro, F
Beyond media stereotyping : Media education as an opportunity to disclose everyday discrimination
2016-01-01 Fabbro, F; Ranieri, M
Children's Learning, Agency and Power Relations within a Culture of Entitlement with Digital Technology in Schools
2019-01-01 Correa, E; Fabbro, F
Collective feedback as a formative assessment practice in an e-learning platform for teachers’ professional development
2023-02-01 Romiti, S; Fabbro, F; Mattarelli, E
Come co-progettare la Media Education nella scuola multiculturale? : Principi, linee guida ed esempi di attività didattiche
2019-01-01 Ranieri, M; Fabbro, F; Nardi, A
Creating a "docutorial" on Media and Intercultural Teaching. The MEET Approach
2019-01-01 Fabbro, F; Nardi, A; Goffard, C
Curricular co-design in the context of Higher Education : a case study on the course for the qualification of socio-pedagogical educator = La co-progettazione curriculare nel contesto dell’Alta Formazione . uno studio di caso sul corso per la qualifica di educatore socio-pedagogico
2022-01-01 Fabbro, F; Gabbi, E; Ranieri, M; Pellegrini, M
Designing blended learning for lifelong learners. Results from a study on social educators
2020-01-01 Ranieri, M; Gabbi, E; Fabbro, F; Pellegrini, M
Designing media literacy education for intercultural contexts. The MIEF framework and guidelines
2018-01-01 Maria, R; Fabbro, F
Discorsi di cittadinanza nell'archeologia della media literacy education
2018-01-01 Fabbro, F
Educare alla diversità con i media
2014-01-01 Maria, R; Fabbro, F
Educazione, media e cittadinanza : la sfida della media education
2007-01-01 Fabbro, F; D., F
Engaging Young People against Discrimination. An action research study in the field of media and citizenship education
2015-01-01 Ranieri, M; Fabbro, F
Ethno-nationalism and racial capitalism in populist framing of migrants as a threat
2016-01-01 Pajnik, M; Fabbro, F; Kamenova, D
Exploring the features, benefits and challenges of the eTwinning ITE. A multiple case study in five Italian universities
2023-11-01 Ancillotti, I; Fabbro, F; Gabbi, E; Ranieri, M
Exploring the potential of Media Literacy Education to question discrimination and promote civic participation
2016-01-01 Ranieri, M; Fabbro, F; De Theux, P
Il feedback collettivo per promuovere competenze comunicativo-relazionali in un programma di e-learning sulla valutazione scolastica
2022-01-01 Romiti, S; Fabbro, F; Mattarelli, E
2022-01-01 Gabbi, E; Ancillotti, I; Ranieri, M; Fabbro, F