Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 40.256
EU - Europa 3.834
AS - Asia 2.182
AF - Africa 40
SA - Sud America 40
OC - Oceania 21
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 11
Totale 46.384
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 40.222
IT - Italia 1.510
CN - Cina 957
SG - Singapore 799
UA - Ucraina 619
DE - Germania 447
IE - Irlanda 387
RU - Federazione Russa 226
KR - Corea 205
FI - Finlandia 128
GB - Regno Unito 128
FR - Francia 109
SE - Svezia 105
IN - India 65
BE - Belgio 40
NL - Olanda 32
IR - Iran 28
CA - Canada 27
JP - Giappone 27
TR - Turchia 20
VN - Vietnam 19
BR - Brasile 18
PL - Polonia 17
EG - Egitto 15
ES - Italia 15
CH - Svizzera 14
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 14
HK - Hong Kong 13
MY - Malesia 13
RO - Romania 12
EU - Europa 10
PH - Filippine 10
DZ - Algeria 9
AT - Austria 7
AU - Australia 7
GR - Grecia 7
MX - Messico 7
NG - Nigeria 7
NO - Norvegia 7
AR - Argentina 6
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 5
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 5
EC - Ecuador 5
PE - Perù 5
LY - Libia 4
PT - Portogallo 4
BG - Bulgaria 3
CL - Cile 3
CO - Colombia 3
EE - Estonia 3
ID - Indonesia 3
IQ - Iraq 3
MA - Marocco 3
MT - Malta 3
AZ - Azerbaigian 2
CY - Cipro 2
HU - Ungheria 2
JO - Giordania 2
A1 - Anonimo 1
AL - Albania 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
DK - Danimarca 1
IL - Israele 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LT - Lituania 1
LV - Lettonia 1
OM - Oman 1
PK - Pakistan 1
QA - Qatar 1
SC - Seychelles 1
TH - Thailandia 1
TM - Turkmenistan 1
TW - Taiwan 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 46.384
Città #
Woodbridge 12.602
Wilmington 10.990
Houston 10.627
Ann Arbor 807
Singapore 710
Chandler 687
Fairfield 577
Jacksonville 540
Dublin 382
Ashburn 347
Beijing 315
Medford 293
Rome 271
Seattle 256
Dearborn 233
Hangzhou 223
Cambridge 183
Santa Clara 146
Lawrence 139
Zhengzhou 106
Milan 97
Mülheim 87
New York 63
Menlo Park 60
Shanghai 56
Moscow 43
University Park 41
Brussels 39
Pune 37
Munich 35
Bologna 33
Redwood City 33
Nanjing 32
San Diego 29
San Mateo 25
Naples 22
Verona 21
Saint Petersburg 20
Mountain View 19
Norwalk 19
Torino 19
Hefei 17
Guangzhou 16
Xian 16
Brescia 15
Parma 15
Catania 14
Del Norte 14
Falls Church 14
Kunming 14
Padova 14
Bergamo 13
Indiana 13
Los Angeles 13
Seoul 13
Toronto 13
Florence 12
London 12
Chengdu 11
Redmond 11
Bari 10
Dalian 10
Helsinki 10
Shenyang 10
Dong Ket 9
Garbagnate Milanese 9
Taranto 9
Auckland 8
Baveno 8
Boardman 8
Cesano Boscone 8
Dallas 8
Nuremberg 8
Palermo 8
Wuhan 8
Cagliari 7
Catanzaro 7
Central District 7
Changsha 7
Hanoi 7
Kraków 7
Monte Vista 7
Napoli 7
Nürnberg 7
Pfaeffikon 7
Salt Lake City 7
Aversa 6
Chongqing 6
Hangyang 6
Perugia 6
Reggio Calabria 6
Rende 6
São Paulo 6
Turin 6
Buenos Aires 5
Cagayan de Oro 5
Chaoyang 5
Chennai 5
Chieti 5
Council Bluffs 5
Totale 41.810
Nome #
Duttilità e resistenza di strutture in c.a.: influenza della localizzazione delle deformazioni nell'acciaio 780
Strengthening of R/C existing columns with high performance fiber reinforced concrete jacket 650
Rinforzo di pilastri in c.a. con incamiciatura in calcestruzzo fibrorinforzato ad elevate prestazioni 513
Mechanical behaviour of corroded rebars and influence on the structural response of R/C elements 471
Design procedure for precast fibre-reinforced concrete segments in tunnel lining construction 469
Numerical cyclic behaviour of un-corroded and corroded RC columns reinforced with HPFRC jacket 442
FRP reinforcement at sagging and hogging zones in continuous beams: Iifluence on redistribution of moment 437
Numerical analysis of precast tunnel segmental lining supported by full-scale experimental tests 436
Precast tunnel segments with GFRP reinforcement 431
Statistical analysis of seismic behaviour of steel frames: Influence of overstrength 424
Reliability of simplified analytical models for the analysis of FRP reinforced masonry frames 424
On shear verification according to fib Model Code 2010 in FRC elements without traditional reinforcement 423
Collapse displacements for a mechanism of spreading-induced supports in a masonry arch 421
Conci prefabbricati in calcestruzzo fibrorinforzato. Il tunnel Monte Lirio a Panama. 417
Applicazione del documento CNR-DT 204-2006 per la progettazione di strutture di calcestruzzo fibrorinforzato 415
Experimental evaluation of the corrosion influence on the cyclic behaviour of RC columns 412
Influence of the corrosion damage scenarios on the residual life of bridge grillages 411
Non linear procedure for the analysis of FRP reinforced frames 410
Numerical modelling of corroded RC columns repaired with high performance fiber reinforced concrete jacket 407
A simplified methodology for the evaluation of the residual life of corroded elements 407
Influence of corrosion on the bond strength of steel rebars in concrete 405
Strengthening and repair of RC beams with fiber reinforced concrete 400
Punching shear behavior of lightweight fiber reinforced concrete slabs 400
Mechanical behaviour of corroded rebars in reinforced concrete elements 399
Mechanical behaviour of corroded rebars and influence on the structural response of R/C elements 393
Repair of fire-damaged members with high-performance jacketing 387
Analytical and experimental evaluation of FRC ductility 387
Experimental investigation on precast tunnel segments under TBM thrust action 387
Corroded RC columns repair and strengthening with high performance fiber reinforced concrete jacket 387
Comportamento teorico-sperimentale di travi in c.a. rinforzate con calcestruzzo fibrorinforzato 385
Fire damaged R.C. elements repaired with high performance fiber reinforced concrete jacket 383
Softening behavior of reinforced concrete beams under cyclic loading 383
Experimental behaviour of fiber reinforced bridge decks subjected to punching shear 383
Precast tunnel segment in fiber reinforced concrete. 382
Vulnerability of masonry arches under increasing embrace displacements 381
Influence of corrosion on prestressed concrete beams: an experimental survey 380
Experimental behaviour of masonry frames strengthened with composite sheets 380
Seismic retrofitting of existing plane frame with FRP materials 380
Optimization of GFRP reinforcement in precast segments for metro tunnel lining 380
Influence of high performance fiber reinforced concrete on the ductility of beam elements 379
Design according to MC2010 of a fiber reinforced concrete tunnel in Monte Lirio – Panama 378
Redistribution bending moment in continuous reinforced concrete beams strengthened with FRP 376
Structural behaviour of precast tunnel segments in fiber reinforced concrete. 376
Ductility of r.c. beams reinforced with FRC 375
Curvilinear GFRP bars for tunnel segments applications 375
Experimental tests on bridge decks subjected to punching shear. 374
A simplified methodology for the evaluation of the residual life of corroded elements 373
Precast tunnel segments reinforced with fiber glass reinforcement. 372
Strength decay of RC sections for chloride attack 372
Experimental tests on precast tunnel segments in fiber reinforced concrete 370
Behaviour of r.c. beams reinforced with FRC material: analytical-experimental evaluation 370
Punching shear behaviour of fiber reinforced slabs 368
Residual strength of r.c. beams after fire 368
Analisi adattiva per la valutazione del comportamento sismico di strutture intelaiate bidimensionali e tridimensionali in c.a 368
Analisi sperimentale di portali in muratura rinforzati con FRP all’intradosso 367
Influence of the steel properties on the ductility of r.c. structures 367
Bond slip model in cylindrical reinforced concrete elements confined with stirrups 367
Global ductility demand for FRP strengthened structures in seismic zone 365
Comportamento sismico di strutture in c.a. rinforzate con materiali HPFRC 365
Experimental evaluation of the load bearing capacity of corroded beams 364
Fire-damaged R/C members repair with high-performance fiber-reinforced jacket 361
Riparazione di travi in c.a. danneggiate da incendio con incamiciature in calcestruzzi fibrorinforzati ad elevate prestazioni. 361
Systems of arches and columns strengthened with FRP at the extrados 361
R/C Beams strengthening with high performance fiber reinforced concrete jacket 361
An analytical model for the evaluation of the local ductility of R/C members 360
Full scale tests on precast tunnel segment made in concrete reinforced with high strengths steel fibers 360
Punching shear behavior of slabs in lightweight green concrete 360
Riparazione di travi in c.a. danneggiate da incendio con incamiciature in calcestruzzi ad elevate prestazioni 359
Experimental evaluation of the flexural behavior of corroded P/C beams 356
Ultimate behavior of masonry arches reinforced with FRP at the intrados: comparison between analytical and numerical models 356
Experimental tests on tunnel precast segmental lining with fiber reinforced concrete. 353
Influenza del fibrorinforzo sulla duttilità locale, globale e sull’aderenza in travi in c.a. soggette a flessione 352
Riparazione di pilastri in c.a. con armature corrose mediante incamiciature in calcestruzzo ad elevate prestazioni 352
Monotonic and cyclic behaviour of lightweight concrete beams with and without steel fiber reinforcement 351
Comportamento sismico di telai rinforzati con FRP 350
Repair of RC columns with corroded reinforcement by means of high performance jacke 350
Repair of RC columns with corroded reinforcement by means of high performance jacket. 345
Redistribution of bending moment in continuous reinforced concrete beams strengthened with fiber-reinforced polymer 344
Masonry structures reinforced with FRP materials optimization for seismic actions 343
Influence of the corrosion on the serviceability limit state of reinforced concrete beams 343
Resistenza laterale di portali in muratura rinforzati con FRP all’intradosso 343
Numerical evaluation of the influence of fiber glass skin reinforcement on the crack evolution of R.C. ties 342
Non linear analysis of r.c. beams strengthened with frp: theoretical-numerical comparison 341
An application of high performance fiber reinforced cementitious composites for R/C beams strengthening 340
Comportamento a punzonamento di solette da ponte in Green concrete alleggerito fibrorinforzato 339
Comportamento analitico e sperimentale di tiranti in c.a. confinati con armatura di pelle in fibra di vetro 339
Experimental evaluation of the structural behaviour of corroded P/C beams 337
Analisi sperimentale di archi in muratura rinforzati con FRP all’intradosso 336
Solette da ponte in calcestruzzo fibrorinforzato 335
Cordoli in calcestruzzo fibrorinforzato in solette da ponte per l'applicazione di barriere antirumore 334
Collapse behaviour of FRP reinforced masonry arches: a parametric enquire 333
Punching shear response in fiber reinforced bridge decks 332
Comportamento ciclico di travi in cemento armato 326
Pilastri in c.a. danneggiati da incendio riparati con calcestruzzi fibrorinforzati ad elevate prestazioni 323
Modellazione analitico-numerica di pilastri in ca rinforzati con camicie in HPFRCC 323
Energy performance analysis of STILE house at the Solar Decathlon 2015: Lessons learned 322
Experimental tests on precast segmental lining with fiber reinforced concrete 320
Experimental evaluation of the influence of fibers content on the tensile behaviour of concrete 320
Confronto teorico-sperimentale del comportamento di travi rinforzate con frp: un caso studio 319
Precast concrete tunnel segments with GFRP reinforcement 319
Totale 38.052
Categoria #
all - tutte 86.590
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 86.590

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20206.858 0 0 0 0 0 1.263 1.007 1.012 909 1.022 795 850
2020/20216.981 918 806 714 966 715 786 880 585 164 103 274 70
2021/20221.126 47 118 21 47 34 67 34 72 126 121 55 384
2022/20232.052 192 165 28 229 203 418 145 143 244 19 203 63
2023/2024860 95 36 73 28 99 166 41 45 22 33 84 138
2024/20251.758 131 792 432 224 100 79 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 46.723