Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Ingegneria informatica
A case study for hybrid regulation: output tracking for a spinning and bouncing disk
2013-01-01 Carnevale, D; Galeani, S; Menini, L
A Certificate of Global Asymptotic Stability for Planar Polynomial Systems
2018-01-01 Menini, L; Possieri, C; Tornambe, A
A comparison between classical robust stability conditions
2004-01-01 Paoletti, S; Grasselli, Om; Menini, L
A dynamical interval Newton method
2020-01-01 Menini, L; Possieri, C; Tornambe, A
A high gain observer for the estimation of velocity and coefficient of restitution in non-smooth mechanical systems
2008-01-01 Galeani, S; Menini, L; Tornambe', A
A Lie symmetry approach for the solution of the inverse kinematics problem
2012-01-01 Menini, L; Tornambe', A
A linear algebra method to decompose forms whose length is lower than the number of variables into weighted sum of squares
2019-01-01 Menini, L; Possieri, C; Tornambè, A
A local observer for linearly observable nonlinear mechanical systems subject to impacts
2003-01-01 Galeani, S; Menini, L; Tornambe', A
A locally convergent continuous-time algorithm to find all the roots of a time-varying polynomial
2021-01-01 Menini, L; Possieri, C; Tornambe', A
A multirate approach to input or output augmentation for sampled-data static output feedback
2003-01-01 Galeani, S; Menini, L; Tornambe', A
A Newton-like algorithm to compute the inverse of a nonlinear map that converges in finite time
2018-01-01 Menini, L; Possieri, C; Tornambè, A
A note on the structure of dynamic stabilizing controllers for linear time-invariant systems
2003-01-01 Galeani, S; Menini, L; Tornambe', A
A parameterization of exponentially stabilizing controllers for linear mechanical system subject to non-smooth impacts
2003-01-01 Galeani, S; Menini, L; Tornambe', A
A parameterization of exponentially stabilizing controllers for linear mechanical systems subject to non-smooth impacts
2004-01-01 Galeani, S; Menini, L; Tornambe', A
A Procedure for the Computation of Semi-Invariants
2009-01-01 Menini, L; Tornambe', A
A symbolic algorithm to compute immersions of polynomial systems into linear ones up to an output injection
2019-01-01 Menini, L; Possieri, C; Tornambe, A
A “practical” observer for nonlinear systems
2017-01-01 Menini, L; Possieri, C; Tornambe, A
Active vibration control of an elastic plate using multiple piezoelectric sensors and actuators
2003-01-01 Caruso, G; Galeani, S; Menini, L
Algebraic analysis of the structural properties of parametric linear time-invariant systems
2020-01-01 Menini, L; Possieri, C; Tornambe, A
Algebraic approaches for the design of simultaneous observers for linear systems
2020-01-01 Menini, L; Possieri, C; Tornambe', A