Dipartimento di Matematica
Ancient Solutions of Geometric Flows with Curvature Pinching
2019-01-01 Risa, S; Sinestrari, C
Ancient solutions to the Ricci Flow with pinched curvature
2011-01-01 Brendle, S; Huisken, G; Sinestrari, C
Convex ancient solutions of the mean curvature flow
2015-01-01 Huisken, G; Sinestrari, C
Convex hypersurfaces evolving by volume preserving curvature flows
2015-01-01 Sinestrari, C
2020-01-01 Cinti, E; Sinestrari, C; Valdinoci, E
Convexity estimates for a nonhomogeneous curvature flow
2010-01-01 Alessandroni, R; Sinestrari, C
Cylindrical estimates for mean curvature flow of hypersurfaces in CROSSes
2017-03-01 Pipoli, G; Sinestrari, C
Evolution of convex entire graphs by curvature flows
2015-01-01 Alessandroni, R; Sinestrari, C
Evolution of hypersurfaces by powers of the scalar curvature
2010-01-01 Alessandroni, R; Sinestrari, C
Generation of singularities from the initial datum for Hamilton-Jacobi equations
2020-01-01 Albano, P; Cannarsa, P; Sinestrari, C
Global Propagation of Singularities for Time Dependent Hamilton-Jacobi Equations
2015-01-01 Cannarsa, P; Mazzola, M; Sinestrari, C
Hypersurfaces with capillary boundary evolving by volume preserving power mean curvature flow
2024-01-01 Sinestrari, C; Weng, L
Mean curvature flow and isoperimetric inequaltities
2010-01-01 Ritoré, M; Sinestrari, C
Mean curvature flow of pinched submanifolds of CPn
2017-01-01 Pipoli, G; Sinestrari, C
Mean curvature flow with surgeries of two-convex hypersurfaces
2009-01-01 Huisken, G; Sinestrari, C
Neckpinch singularities in fractional mean curvature flows
2018-01-01 Cinti, E; Sinestrari, C; Valdinoci, E
Non-homothetic convex ancient solutions for flows by high powers of curvature
2023-01-01 Risa, S; Sinestrari, C
On a differential model for growing sandpiles with non-regular sources
2009-01-01 Cannarsa, P; Cardaliaguet, P; Sinestrari, C
Regularity along optimal trajectories of the value function of a Mayer problem
2004-01-01 Sinestrari, C
Semiconcave functions, Hamilton-Jacobi equations, and optimal control
2004-01-01 Cannarsa, P; Sinestrari, C