Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Ingegneria informatica
3D bioprinted colorectal cancer models based on hyaluronic acid and signalling glycans
2023-01-01 Cadamuro, F; Marongiu, L; Marino, M; Tamini, N; Nespoli, L; Zucchini, N; Terzi, A; Altamura, D; Gao, Z; Giannini, C; Bindi, G; Smith, A; Magni, F; Bertini, S; Granucci, F; Nicotra, F; Russo, L
A chemo-mechano-biological formulation for the effects of biochemical alterations on arterial mechanics: the role of molecular transport and multiscale tissue remodelling
2017-01-01 Marino, M; Pontrelli, G; Vairo, G; Wriggers, P
A comparative analysis of transient finite-strain coupled diffusion-deformation theories for hydrogels
2024-01-01 Urrea-Quintero, J-; Marino, M; Wick, T; Nackenhorst, U
A continuum large-deformation theory for the coupled modeling of polymer–solvent system with application to PV recycling
2023-01-01 Liu, Z; Marino, M; Reinoso, J; Paggi, M
A convex analysis approach to mechanics of tensegrity structures
2013-06-01 Maceri, F; Marino, M; Vairo, G
A finite-element approach for the analysis of pin-bearing failure of composite laminates
2014-01-01 Marino, M; Nerilli, F; Vairo, G
A finite-element approach for the analysis of pin-bearing failure of composite laminates
2014-01-01 Marino, M; Nerilli, F; Vairo, G
A FSI computational framework for vascular physiopathology: a novel flow-tissue multiscale strategy
2017-01-01 Bianchi, D; Monaldo, E; Gizzi, A; Marino, M; Filippi, S; Vairo, G
A model for the mechanical response with damage of collagenous biostructures
2010-01-01 Maceri, F; Marino, M; Vairo, G
A nano-micro-macro mechanical model for the analysis of soft collagenous tissues
2009-01-01 Maceri, F; Marino, M; Vairo, G
A novel flow-tissue multiscale strategy for analysing vascular physiopathology
2018-01-01 Bianchi, D; Gizzi, A; Marino, M; Vairo, G
A novel stress-induced anisotropic growth model driven by nutrient diffusion: Theory, FEM implementation and applications in bio-mechanical problems
2020-01-01 Soleimani, M; Muthyala, N; Marino, M; Wriggers, P
A novel thermomechanical model of shape-memory alloys’ beams
2015-01-01 Brach, S; Marino, M; Vairo, G
A numerical failure analysis of multi-bolted joints in FRP laminates based on basal fibers
2015-01-01 Nerilli, F; Marino, M; Vairo, G
A numerical failure analysis of multi-bolted Joints in FRP laminates based on basalt fibers
2015-01-01 Nerilli, F; Marino, M; Vairo, G
A Phase-field model of cell motility in biodegradable hydrogel scaffolds for tissue engineering applications
2024-01-01 Gaziano, P; Marino, M
A polyconvex framework for the multiscale homogenization of cardiovascular tissues
2015-01-01 Marino, M; Vairo, G; Wriggers, P
A simple mechanical model of mineralized collagen fibrils
2017-01-01 Villani, G; Bianchi, D; Marino, M; Vairo, G
A unified multiscale mechanical model for soft collagenous tissues with regular fiber arrangement
2010-01-01 Maceri, F; Marino, M; Vairo, G
Age-dependent arterial mechanics via a multi scale elastic approach
2013-02-01 Maceri, F; Marino, M; Vairo, G