Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 16.152
EU - Europa 1.467
AS - Asia 1.129
SA - Sud America 8
AF - Africa 5
OC - Oceania 2
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
Totale 18.764
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 16.141
SG - Singapore 806
IT - Italia 416
IE - Irlanda 290
CN - Cina 246
UA - Ucraina 171
RU - Federazione Russa 163
DE - Germania 138
FR - Francia 68
FI - Finlandia 48
SE - Svezia 48
KR - Corea 42
GB - Regno Unito 40
NL - Olanda 28
PL - Polonia 28
ES - Italia 10
CA - Canada 9
JP - Giappone 8
ID - Indonesia 6
IN - India 6
BE - Belgio 5
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 4
HK - Hong Kong 4
IR - Iran 4
MA - Marocco 4
PE - Perù 4
BR - Brasile 3
TW - Taiwan 3
AU - Australia 2
DM - Dominica 2
PT - Portogallo 2
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
CH - Svizzera 1
CL - Cile 1
CM - Camerun 1
EU - Europa 1
LT - Lituania 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
LV - Lettonia 1
PH - Filippine 1
PK - Pakistan 1
RO - Romania 1
TR - Turchia 1
VN - Vietnam 1
Totale 18.764
Città #
Wilmington 4.626
Houston 4.335
Woodbridge 3.961
Singapore 703
Fairfield 356
Ann Arbor 295
Dublin 277
Chandler 272
Ashburn 240
Medford 212
Santa Clara 190
Seattle 175
Jacksonville 147
Beijing 127
Cambridge 117
Lawrence 101
Rome 73
Del Norte 68
Salt Lake City 62
New York 46
Menlo Park 44
Milan 35
Council Bluffs 31
Dearborn 25
Boardman 24
Kraków 17
Munich 16
Nanjing 15
Moscow 14
San Diego 14
Mülheim 13
The Dalles 13
Verona 13
Falls Church 12
Redwood City 11
Durham 10
Hefei 10
Warsaw 10
Zhengzhou 10
Guangzhou 9
Helsinki 9
Norwalk 9
Shanghai 9
Brescia 8
Groningen 8
London 8
Madrid 8
Seoul 8
Creede 7
Formigine 7
Nuremberg 7
San Jose 7
Torino 7
University Park 7
Wuhan 7
Bologna 6
Jakarta 6
Modena 6
Calgary 5
Fuzhou 5
Mountain View 5
Florence 4
Genoa 4
Jinan 4
Kunming 4
Lappeenranta 4
Lima 4
Marrakesh 4
Naples 4
Porto Potenza Picena 4
Redmond 4
Treviso 4
Brussels 3
Buguggiate 3
Březina 3
Chieti 3
Hangzhou 3
Martina Franca 3
Napoli 3
Nave 3
Nepi 3
Palermo 3
Pisa 3
Rimini 3
Salzano 3
Schijndel 3
São Paulo 3
Usmate Velate 3
Baotou 2
Bari 2
Berlin 2
Caorle 2
Cermenate 2
Cernusco Sul Naviglio 2
Cerro al Lambro 2
Chengdu 2
Chiswick 2
Delray Beach 2
Duncan 2
Engelhard 2
Totale 16.994
Nome #
Catalyzed hydrogen peroxide combined with CO2 sparging for the treatment of contaminated groundwater 432
An easy-to-use tool for the evaluation of leachate production at landfill sites 422
Development of technical guidelines for the application of In-Situ Chemical Oxidation to Groundwater remediation 417
The fate of MtBE during Fenton-like treatments through laboratory scale column tests 414
Assessment of biogas production from MBT waste under different operating conditions 413
Analysis and modeling of metals release from MBT wastes through batch and up-flow column tests 410
Human health risk assessment: models for predicting the effective exposure duration of on-site receptors exposed to contaminated groundwater 400
Water-balance model for predicting the leachate production in landfills 396
Storage of carbon dioxide captured in a pilot-scale biogas upgrading plant by accelerated carbonation of industrial residues 395
Applicability of water balance models for predicting leachate production in sanitary landfills 389
Pilot-scale ISCO treatment of a MtBE contaminated site using a Fenton-like process 385
A new screening model for leachate production assessment at landfill sites 382
Analytical model for the design of in situ horizontal permeable reactive barriers (HPRBs) for the mitigation of chlorinated solvent vapors in the unsaturated zone 382
Analysis and interpretation of the leaching behaviour of waste thermal treatment bottom ash by batch and column tests 382
A Methodological approach to assess the dissolution of residual LNAPL in saturated porous media and its effect on groundwater quality: preliminary experimental results 380
Modelling of vapor intrusion from contaminated soil and groundwater accounting for aerobic biodegradation 379
Analisi delle criticità dell'analisi di rischio mediante il software Risk-net 376
Applicazione di modelli di trasporto per la stima della distanza di esclusione del percorso di volatilizzazione 369
Chemical risk to workers involved in the remediation of contaminated sites: conceptual model, fate and transport factors for risk evaluation 364
Il monitoraggio del soil gas per la valutazione del rischio e degli obiettivi di bonifica 359
Vapor intrusion screening model for the evaluation of risk-based vertical exclusion distances at petroleum contaminated sites 359
Caratteristiche e peculiarità del software Risk-net per l'applicazione dell'analisi di rischio ai siti contaminati 357
Modeling of vapor intrusion from hydrocarbon-contaminated sources accounting for aerobic and anaerobic biodegradation 356
A risk-based approach for assessing the recycling potential of an alkaline waste material as road sub-base filler material 350
Confronto tra modelli numerici e fattori di trasporto usati nell'analisi di rischio di livello 2. 346
Validation of transport factors equations in Tier II risk analysis. 346
Leaching behaviour of incineration bottom ash in a reuse scenario: 12years-field data vs. lab test results 344
An alternative screening model for the estimation of outdoor air concentration at large contaminated sites 340
Descrizione e validazione del nuovo software di analisi di rischio risk-net 330
Using dynamic flux chambers to estimate the natural attenuation rates in the subsurface at petroleum contaminated sites 317
Assessment and comparison of the leaching behavior of two types of compost materials from aerobic/anaerobic biodegradation processes 312
Modelling the water-balance of sanitary landfills: a case of study 307
Towards a national protocol for the application of In-Situ chemical oxidation 306
Predicting and comparing infiltration rates through various landfill cap systems using water-balance models – A case study 304
Assessment of the leaching behaviour of treated biowaste: comparison between compost and mechanically-biologically treated MSW 301
Prospettive di evoluzione e affinamento delle assunzioni e dei modelli alla base dell'analisi di rischio sanitario-ambientale 300
Role of the source to building lateral separation distance in petroleum vapor intrusion 300
Modellazione della attenuazione naturale durante le migrazione di VOC verso gli ambienti confinati 286
Dehalogenation of trichloroethylene vapors by partially saturated zero-valent iron 224
Performance of passive sampling with low-density polyethylene membranes for the estimation of freely dissolved DDx concentrations in lake environments 181
Characterization of road sweeping waste in view of developing specific strategies to enhance its valorization. 153
Il software di analisi di rischio Risk-net 3 Pro 124
After 25 years of contaminated land-related human exposure models: READY, STEADY, GO? 117
Applicazione di campionatori passivi in LDPE per il campionamento dei gas interstiziali 103
Assessment and Comparison of the Leaching Behaviour of Two Types of Compost Materials from Aerobic/Anaerobic Biodegradation Processes 102
Interpretation and Utilization of Soil-Gas Survey in Petrochemical Plants 98
Humic Acids extracted from Compost as amendments for Fenton treatment of Diesel-Contaminated Soil 98
Campionatori passivi a base di LDPE per la stima del percorso di lisciviazione nella procedura di analisi di rischio: esiti delle prove di laboratorio 97
Modeling of source to building exclusion distances at petroleum contaminated sites 92
Combined Fenton-like oxidation and CO2 sparging for the treatment of groundwater contaminated by organic compounds. 91
Performance of polyethylene passive samplers to assess DDx bioaccumulation in freshwater mussels 90
Campionatori passivi a base di polietilene per il monitoraggio del soil gas 90
Combinazione di ossidazione chimica e CO2 sparging per il trattamento di acque di falda contaminate 90
Refinement of risk assessment models: toward a more sustainable management of contaminated sites 90
Modelli per la valutazione preliminare del rischio durante le attività di scavo di terreno contaminato 89
Proposta di un approccio a livelli per l’analisi di rischio 87
Ossidazione chimica e CO2 sparging per il trattamento di acque di falda contaminate 85
Modelli per la valutazione preliminare dell'esposizione durante le attività di scavo di terreno contaminato 84
Contaminanti chimici: dall’analisi di rischio alla valutazione delle esposizioni. Esperienze applicative nei siti Versalis 84
Il percorso di intrusione di vapori negli ambienti indoor nei siti contaminati 84
Using low-density polyethylene films for quantitative passive soil gas sampling of BTEX 83
Campionatori passivi per la stima della disponibilità degli inquinanti in suoli e sedimenti 83
La distanza laterale di esclusione nel percorso di volatilizzazione indoor 83
Operatori della bonifica di siti contaminati: valutazione del rischio chimico inalatorio 82
Modeling of Vertical Exclusion Distance Criteria for Assessing the Vapor Intrusion Pathway at Petroleum Hydrocarbon Sites 81
Using dynamic flux chambers for the estimation of the natural attenuation rates at sites contaminated by petroleum hydrocabons 80
Modeling of source to building exclusion distances at petroleum contaminated sites 79
Modelli di trasporto nella procedura di analisi di rischio: una visione dal passato 77
Misure di soil-gas: aspetti applicativi nei siti Versalis 67
Horizontal permeable reactive barriers with zero-valent iron for preventing upward diffusion of chlorinated solvent vapors in the unsaturated zone 66
An Excel®-Based Visualization Tool of Two-Dimensional Soil Gas Concentration Profiles in Petroleum Vapor Intrusion 59
A two-dimensional analytical model of petroleum vapor intrusion 54
Comparison between PVI2D and abreu-johnson’s model for petroleum vapor intrusion assessment 53
Applicazione di campionatori passivi per la determinazione della frazione biodisponibile di DDx 51
Investigating the role of soil texture in petroleum vapor intrusion 50
Examining the Use of USEPA's Generic Attenuation Factor in Determining Groundwater Screening Levels for Vapor Intrusion 50
A two-dimensional analytical model of vapor intrusion involving vertical heterogeneity 48
A Petroleum Vapor Intrusion Model Involving Upward Advective Soil Gas Flow Due to Methane Generation 46
Assessment of the risk to groundwater related to disposal vs. reuse of different types of waste thermal treatment bottom ash. 43
Risk Assessment Tool for Chlorinated Vapor Intrusion Based on a Two-Dimensional Analytical Model Involving Vertical Heterogeneity 42
Assessment of the leaching behaviour of treated biowaste: comparison between compost and mechanically-biologically treated MSW 41
Modeling the influence of advection on the soil gas radon deficit technique for the quantification of LNAPL saturation 40
Examining the role of sub-foundation soil texture in chlorinated vapor intrusion from groundwater sources with a two-layer numerical model 40
La nuova release del software Risk-net. 40
In Situ Equilibrium Polyethylene Passive Sampling of Soil Gas VOC Concentrations: Modeling, Parameter Determinations, and Laboratory Testing 39
Risk Assessment Framework of Vapor Intrusion from Groundwater Sources Based on Model Predictions. 39
Modeling of soil gas radon as an in situ partitioning tracer for quantifying LNAPL contamination 39
Estimating the oxygenated zone beneath building foundations for petroleum vapor intrusion assessment 37
Humic acids extracted from compost as amendments for Fenton treatment of diesel-contaminated soil 37
RISK-NET PRO 3.0. A new tool for the risk assessment of contaminated sites 35
A review of recent vapor intrusion modeling work 35
A new vapor intrusion model including aerobic and anaerobic biodegradation 34
An integrated experimental and modelling approach to evaluate the environmental impacts of residual resources for LCA and risk assessment 34
Investigating the leaching properties of MBT wastes and composts from aerobic/anaerobic processes 32
Sviluppo e validazione di campionatori passivi a base di polietilene per la misura di composti organici volatili nel soil gas 29
Examining the applicability of the soil gas radon deficit technique for quantifying residual LNAPL contamination 28
Degradation of trichloroethylene vapors by micrometric zero-valent Fe-Cu and Fe-Ni bimetals under partially saturated conditions 28
Il nuovo software Risk net 3 1 1 per la valutazione dei rischi per il consumo di prodotti agroalimentari (D M 46 2019 aree agricole). 27
Intrusione di vapori: attività del gruppo di lavoro RECONNET 27
Totale 18.369
Categoria #
all - tutte 48.297
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 48.297

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.566 0 0 0 0 0 396 315 351 439 322 268 475
2020/20213.952 563 448 470 485 410 437 506 385 71 50 113 14
2021/2022692 24 83 16 5 19 48 27 30 101 40 39 260
2022/2023891 119 58 16 73 73 266 105 49 57 3 44 28
2023/2024706 45 17 9 7 38 66 65 71 9 13 225 141
2024/20251.754 87 819 430 267 54 97 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 19.283