Dipartimento di Matematica
2013-01-01 Liverani, C
A spectral gap for a one-dimensional lattice of coupled piecewise expanding interval maps
2004-07-01 Keller, G; Liverani, C
Anosov diffeomorphisms, anisotropic BV spaces and regularity of foliations
2021-01-01 Bahsoun, W; Liverani, C
Anosov flows and dynamical zeta functions
2013-01-01 Giulietti, P; Liverani, C; Pollicott, M
Banach spaces adapted to Anosov systems
2006-01-01 Liverani, C; Gouezel, S
Birth of an elliptic island in a chaotic sea
2004-01-01 Liverani, C
Compact locally maximal hyperbolic sets for smooth maps: fine statistical properties
2008-01-01 Gouezel, S; Liverani, C
Conformally symplectic dynamics and symmetry of the Lyapunov spectrum
1998-01-01 Wojtkowski, Mp; Liverani, C
Convergence to equilibrium for intermittent symplectic maps
2005-01-01 Liverani, C; Martens, M
Coupled map lattices without cluster expansion
2004-01-01 Liverani, C; Keller, G
Deterministic walks in random environment
2020-01-01 Aimino, R; Liverani, C
Edgeworth expansions for weakly dependent random variables
2021-02-01 Fernando, K; Liverani, C
Energy transfer in a fast-slow Hamiltonian system
2011-11-01 Dolgopyat, D; Liverani, C
Ergodic properties for a quantum nonlinear dynamics
1999-01-01 Fidaleo, F; Liverani, C
Ergodic properties of a model related to disordered quantum anharmonic crystals
2003-01-01 Fidaleo, F; Liverani, C
Exponential decay of correlations for finite horizon Sinai billiard flows
2018-01-01 Baladi, V; Demers, Mf; Liverani, C
Exponential Decay of Correlations for Piecewise Cone Hyperbolic Contact Flows
2012-01-01 Baladi, V; Liverani, C
Fast–Slow Partially Hyperbolic Systems Versus Freidlin–Wentzell Random Systems
2017-01-01 de Simoi, J; Liverani, C; Poquet, C; Volk, D
Fredholm determinants, Anosov maps and Ruelle resonances
2005-01-01 Liverani, C
Globally coupled Anosov diffeomorphisms: statistical properties
2023-01-01 Bahsoun, W; Liverani, C; Sélley, Fm