Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 14.846
EU - Europa 1.651
AS - Asia 574
AF - Africa 41
SA - Sud America 15
OC - Oceania 11
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 4
Totale 17.142
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 14.823
IT - Italia 317
SG - Singapore 280
FR - Francia 279
DE - Germania 263
UA - Ucraina 232
IE - Irlanda 127
CN - Cina 119
SE - Svezia 93
GB - Regno Unito 89
RU - Federazione Russa 83
KR - Corea 67
FI - Finlandia 56
RO - Romania 22
VN - Vietnam 22
ID - Indonesia 21
PL - Polonia 19
SC - Seychelles 19
IN - India 16
NL - Olanda 16
CA - Canada 15
ZA - Sudafrica 15
BE - Belgio 14
AU - Australia 11
KG - Kirghizistan 10
HK - Hong Kong 9
JP - Giappone 8
ES - Italia 7
LU - Lussemburgo 6
MX - Messico 6
TR - Turchia 6
BG - Bulgaria 5
CH - Svizzera 5
BR - Brasile 4
CL - Cile 4
EU - Europa 4
IL - Israele 4
EG - Egitto 3
PE - Perù 3
PH - Filippine 3
AL - Albania 2
AR - Argentina 2
AT - Austria 2
BD - Bangladesh 2
CO - Colombia 2
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 2
GR - Grecia 2
HU - Ungheria 2
LY - Libia 2
MY - Malesia 2
NG - Nigeria 2
RS - Serbia 2
TW - Taiwan 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
BZ - Belize 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
DK - Danimarca 1
LT - Lituania 1
MD - Moldavia 1
MK - Macedonia 1
MT - Malta 1
PT - Portogallo 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
Totale 17.142
Città #
Woodbridge 4.829
Wilmington 3.861
Houston 3.579
Ann Arbor 277
Chandler 277
Singapore 242
Fairfield 226
Jacksonville 213
Ashburn 132
Dublin 125
Dearborn 103
New York 103
Seattle 97
Medford 96
Cambridge 81
Beijing 60
Buffalo 57
Rome 56
Santa Clara 52
Lawrence 48
Mülheim 35
Milan 21
Jakarta 20
Moscow 20
Dong Ket 19
Menlo Park 17
Redwood City 17
Kraków 16
Mahé 16
Dongdaemun-gu 15
Los Angeles 15
Muizenberg 15
Phoenix 15
Henderson 14
Brussels 13
Norwalk 13
Helsinki 12
University Park 11
London 10
San Diego 10
Boardman 9
Carol Stream 9
Verona 9
Auburn Hills 8
Nanjing 8
Palo Alto 8
Liverpool 7
Pescara 7
San Mateo 7
Torino 7
Falls Church 6
Toronto 6
Biberach an der Riss 5
Frankfurt Am Main 5
Mountain View 5
Perth 5
Remanzacco 5
Saint Petersburg 5
Shirwal 5
Dallas 4
Delhi 4
Duncan 4
Durham 4
East Haven 4
Hangzhou 4
Hebei 4
Meppel 4
Munich 4
Shanghai 4
Ancona 3
Bologna 3
Chula Vista 3
Ciudad Obregón 3
Columbia 3
Dundee 3
Frattamaggiore 3
Hefei 3
Highlands Ranch 3
Istanbul 3
Manila 3
Melbourne 3
Monza 3
Napoli 3
Nürnberg 3
Reston 3
San Francisco 3
Seoul 3
Stockholm 3
Tappahannock 3
The Dalles 3
Trieste 3
Varese 3
Wanchai 3
Zhengzhou 3
Abuja 2
Agropoli 2
Amherst 2
Aosta 2
Arezzo 2
Augusta 2
Totale 15.091
Nome #
The use of the single-pulse RARE sequence in the study of the cerebrospinal axis [Uso della sequenza "RARE" a singola eccitazione nello studio dell'asse cerebrospinale.] 863
Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) incidence and prevalence in Italy 634
La Tomografia Computerizzata ad alta risoluzione (HRCT) nella patologia polmonare diffusa. 428
Morphologic grading of emphysema is useful in the selection of candidates for unilateral or bilateral reduction pneumoplasty 422
Ground-glass opacity: high-resolution computed tomography and 64-multi-slice computed tomography findings comparison. 421
Integrated multislice CT and Tc-99m Sestamibi SPECT-CT evaluation of solitary pulmonary nodules 419
Diagnostic imaging of pulmonary complications of burns [Il ruolo della diagnostica per immagini nella valutazione delle complicanze polmonari nella malattia da ustioni] 415
Axial loading MRI of the lumbar spine 412
Description and initial clinical study of a digital chest X-ray selenium detector based system (Thoravision) [Descrizione e valutazione clinica preliminare di un sistema radiografico digitale del torace con rivelatore al selenio (Thoravision)] 410
[Magnetic resonance angiography with three-dimensional dynamic technique after contrast media administration for the study of the portal system ] 405
null 405
Solitary pulmonary nodules: Morphological and metabolic characterisation by FDG-PET-MDCT [Nodulo polmonare solitario: Caratterizzazione morfologico-metabolica mediante imaging integrato TCms/FDG-PET] 401
Combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema: 3D time-resolved MR angiographic evaluation of pulmonary arterial mean transit time and time to peak enhancement 399
Early and long-term results of pectoralis muscle flap reconstruction vs sternal rewiring following failed sternal closure. 393
Thorax: new millennium vascular imaging 384
3-Tesla MR spectroscopy in patients subjected to bone marrow transplantation: clinical correlations. 382
Iron laden macrophages in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: The telltale of occult alveolar hemorrhage? 381
Case 10304 Role of computed tomography and virtual tracheo-bronchoscopy in endobronchial tuberculosis. 380
Acute COPD exacerbation: 3 T MRI evaluation of pulmonary regional perfusion--preliminary experience. 373
Morphologic grading of emphysema is useful in the selection of candidates for unilateral or bilateral reduction pneumoplasty 370
Perfusion MRI of the lung: preliminary results in twenty healthy volunteers 369
Endoscopic LaserSurgery in flogistic diseases and inoperable Cancer of the Esophagus 365
Percutaneous kyphoplasty: New treatment for painful vertebral body fractures 353
Neoplasie Inoperabili del Cardias :Degenerazione e Dislocamento di "Self Expanding Covered Stents" dopo RadioTerapia 347
Oesophagus Cancer : wich treatment ? Personal experience using a Multidisciplinary Therapeutic Approach. 347
Ruolo della Risonanza Magnetica nella diagnosi delle neurofibromatosi. 347
Secondary prevention at 360°: the important role of diagnostic imaging 345
Percutaneous treatment of hepatic cysts by aspiration and sclerotherapy 343
Structured multidisciplinary discussion of HRCT scans for IPF/UIP diagnosis may result in indefinite outcomes 341
null 330
Venous angiomas: plain and contrast-enhanced MRI and MR angiography 323
Solitary pulmonary nodules: morphological and metabolic characterisation by FDG-PET-MDCT 320
Clinical-radiological correlation in immunocompromised host [Correlazione clinico-radiologica nella patologia polmonare da immunosoppressione] 317
Cerebral anomalies in the fetus: the current role of magnetic resonance [Condizioni patologiche dell’encefalo fetale: ruolo attuale della risonanza magnetica]. 315
Predicting survival in newly diagnosed idiopatic pulmonary fibrosis : a 3 years prospective study 315
Structured reporting for fibrosing lung disease: a model shared by radiologist and pulmonologist 315
Vascular radiology and physics of fluids [Radiologia vascolare e fisica dei fluidi.] 311
The use of the single-pulse RARE sequence in the study of the cerebrospinal axis 310
Portal system evaluation with 3D dynamic contrast enhanced Magnetic Resonance angiography: technique and results = Angiografia con Risonanza Magnetica con tecnica tridimensionale dinamica dopo mezzo di contrasto nello studio del sistema portale: tecnica e risultati 309
The use of single-pulse RARE sequence in the study of the cerebrospinal axis. 305
La tomografia a risonanza magnetica a media intensità di campo nella valutazione diagnostica delle placche midollari: confronto sequenze SE-GE. 287
Magnetic resonance angiography in the study of neoplastic cerebral pathology 272
Associated Pulmonary Hypertension Is an Independent Contributor to Exercise Intolerance in Chronic Fibrosing Interstitial Pneumonias 259
Computed tomography detection of gastrointestinal neoplasms 249
Valutazione della patologia encefalo-midollare con una sequenza spin-echo T2 dipendente veloce (sequenza Rare). 236
Staged unilateral lung volume reduction surgery: From mini-invasive to minimalist treatment strategies 211
HFE gene variants and iron-induced oxygen radical generation in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis 46
Non-invasive diagnostic and functional evaluation of cardiac and pulmonary involvement in systemic sclerosis 33
Are there pulmonary sequelae in patients recovering from COVID-19? 32
Anomalous development of the inferior vena cava: Case reports of agenesis and hypoplasia 23
Quasilobar minimalist lung volume reduction surgery 20
Rare Case of Adult Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid Malformation Diagnosed with CT Perfusion Imaging and Hystological Sample 17
Totale 17.370
Categoria #
all - tutte 31.123
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 31.123

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.372 0 0 0 0 0 444 343 379 343 326 223 314
2020/20212.235 270 303 233 292 193 227 251 219 56 46 103 42
2021/2022511 9 74 45 55 18 33 22 30 22 36 28 139
2022/2023731 58 59 16 120 56 151 57 54 77 9 54 20
2023/2024391 43 22 40 7 36 114 24 19 11 12 11 52
2024/2025650 52 276 142 80 51 49 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 17.370