Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Ingegneria informatica
A review of water-energy-food-ecosystems Nexus research in the Mediterranean: evolution, gaps and applications
2023-01-01 Lucca, E; El Jeitany, J; Castelli, G; Pacetti, T; Bresci, E; Nardi, F; Caporali, E
Can we use indicator-based farm sustainability assessment tools for the WEFE Nexus?
2024-04-18 Merheb, M; Cudennec, C; Nardi, F
Continuous hydrologic modelling for design simulation in small and ungauged basins: a step forward and some tests for its practical use
2021-01-01 Grimaldi, S; Nardi, F; Piscopia, R; Petroselli, A; Apollonio, C
Optimizing sensor location for the parsimonious design of flood early warning systems
2024-08-01 Grimaldi, S; Cappelli, F; Papalexiou, Sm; Petroselli, A; Nardi, F; Annis, A; Piscopia, R; Tauro, F; Apollonio, C
Quantifying the relative impact of hydrological and hydraulic modelling parameterizations on uncertainty of inundation maps
2020-01-01 Annis, A; Nardi, F; Volpi, E; Fiori, A
Testing the theoretical principles of citizen science in monitoring stream water levels through photo-trap frames
2023-01-01 Spasiano, A; Grimaldi, S; Nardi, F; Noto, S; Braccini, Am
The role of residual risk on flood damage assessment: A continuous hydrologic-hydraulic modelling approach for the historical city of Rome, Italy
2023-01-01 Fiori, A; Mancini, Cp; Annis, A; Lollai, S; Volpi, E; Nardi, F; Grimaldi, S
WEF Nexus Policy Review of Four Mediterranean Countries
2023-01-01 Bazzana, D; Comincioli, N; El Khoury, C; Nardi, F; Vergalli, S