Dipartimento di Matematica
A note on Boolean stochastic processes
2015-01-01 Fidaleo, F
A proposal for the thermodynamics of certain open systems
2017-01-01 Fidaleo, F; Viaggiu, S
An ergodic theorem for quantum diagonal measures
2009-01-01 Fidaleo, F
Bose Einstein condensation on inhomogeneous amenable graphs
2011-06-01 Fidaleo, F; Guido, D; Isola, T
Bose-Einstein Condensation and Condensation of q-Particles in Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics
2016-01-01 Accardi, L; Fidaleo, F
Braided endomorphisms of Cuntz algebras
2000-01-01 Conti, R; Fidaleo, F
Canonical operator space structures in non-commutative L^p spaces
1999-01-01 Fidaleo, F
Continuity of Borel actions of Polish groups on standard measure algebras
2000-01-01 Fidaleo, F
Corrigendum to "Harmonic analysis on perturbed Cayley Trees" [J.funct.anal. 261 (3), (2011) 604-634]
2012-01-01 Fidaleo, F
C∗-fermi systems and detailed balance
2021-01-01 Crismale, V; Duvenhage, R; Fidaleo, F
De Finetti Theorem on the CAR Algebra
2012-10-01 Crismale, V; Fidaleo, F
Decoherence for Markov chains
2022-01-01 Fidaleo, F; Vincenzi, E
Diagonalizability of non homogeneous quantum Markov states and associated von Neumann algebras
2004-01-01 Fidaleo, F; Mukhamedov, F
Disordered fermions on lattices and their spectral properties
2011-01-01 Barreto, S; Fidaleo, F
Entangled Markov chains
2005-01-01 Accardi, L; Fidaleo, F
Ergodic properties for a quantum nonlinear dynamics
1999-01-01 Fidaleo, F; Liverani, C
Ergodic properties of a model related to disordered quantum anharmonic crystals
2003-01-01 Fidaleo, F; Liverani, C
2010-01-01 Fidaleo, F; Mukhamedov, F
Ergodic properties of the Anzai skew-product for the noncommutative torus
2020-11-01 DEL VECCHIO, S; Fidaleo, F; Giorgetti, L; Rossi, S
Ergodic theorems in quantum probability: an application to the monotone stochastic processes
2017-01-01 Crismale, V; Fidaleo, F; Lu Yun, G