A comparison between two different computer-based simulation approaches to traffic analysis: static vs. dynamic
1999-01-01 Bifulco, G; Coppola, P
A spatial trip generation model
2016-02-01 Cordera, R; Coppola, P; Sanudo, R; Alonso, B
Accessibility and socioeconomic activities location
2007-10-01 Nuzzolo, A; Coppola, P
Accessibility planning tools for sustainable and integrated land use/transport (LUT) development: an application to Rome
2013-01-01 Coppola, P; Papa, E
Accessibility, activities location and housing price: a simulation model for the metropolitan area of Naples
2010-01-01 Coppola, P; Nuzzolo, A
Accessibilità e localizzazione delle attività nelle aree urbane
2014-01-01 Nuzzolo, A; Coppola, P
Accessibilità extraurbana e localizzazione delle attività socio-economiche
2006-01-01 Nuzzolo, A; Coppola, P
2017-07-01 Coppola, P; Mercurio, R; Rindone, C; Russo, F; Spinedi, M; Vitetta, A
An adaptive freeway traffic state estimator
2009-01-01 Wang, Y; Papageorgiou, M; Messmer, A; Coppola, P; Tzimitsi, A; Nuzzolo, A
An adaptive freeway traffic state estimator
2009-01-01 Wang, Y; Papageorgio, M; Messmer, A; Coppola, P; Tzimitsi, A; Nuzzolo, A
An elastic demand schedule-based multimodal assignment model for the simulation of high speed rail (HSR) systems
2012-01-01 Cascetta, E; Coppola, P
Assessing wider impacts of transportation policies
2018-01-01 Coppola, P
Assessment of schedule-based and frequency-based assignment models for strategic and operational planning of high-speed rail services
2016-01-01 Cascetta, E; Coppola, P
Autonomous Vehicles and Future Mobility
2019-01-01 Coppola, P; Esztergár-Kiss, D
Autonomous vehicles and future mobility solutions
2019-01-01 Coppola, P; Silvestri, F
Book Review - The transportation experience
2014-01-01 Coppola, P
Changing accessibility, dwelling price and the spatial distribution of socio-economic activities
2011-01-01 Coppola, P; Nuzzolo, A
Competition on fast track: an analysis of the first competitive market for HSR services
2014-01-01 Cascetta, E; Coppola, P
Current practices in transport: appraisal methods, policies and models – 42nd European Transport Conference Selected Proceedings
2015-01-01 Coppola, P
Current Practices in Transports: Appraisal Methods, Policies and Models - Editorial
2015-01-01 Coppola, P