Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Impresa "Mario Lucertini"  

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Data di pubblicazione Titolo Autore(i) Tipo File
1-gen-2021 A data-mining approach for wind turbine fault detection based on scada data analysis using artificial neural networks Santolamazza, A; Dadi, D; Introna, V Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2019 A day ahead energy load forecasting: Machine learning based model application on an Italian large enterprise Salvatori, S; Introna, V; Cesarotti, V; Baffo, I Intervento a convegno
1-gen-2020 A digital shadow cloud-based application to enhance quality control in manufacturing Santolamazza, A; Groth, C; Introna, V; Porziani, S; Scarpitta, F; Urso, G; Valentini, Pp; Costa, E; Ferrante, E; Sorrentino, S; Capacchione, B; Rochette, M; Bergweiler, S; Poser, V; Biancolini, Me Intervento a convegno
1-set-2014 A framework for energy services within Product Service Systems classification Benedetti, M; Cesarotti, V; Holgado, M; Introna, V; Macchi, M Intervento a convegno
1-gen-2020 A Framework for implementing lean through continuous improvement and Hoshin Kanri: a case study in Guanxi culture Gubinelli, S; Cesarotti, V; Introna, V Intervento a convegno
1-gen-2018 A joint application of design for six sigma and taguchi-response surface method in supply chain process design Cesarotti, V; Gubinelli, S; Introna, V Intervento a convegno
1-gen-2003 A multiagent model for coordinated distribution chain planning Cavalieri, S; Cesarotti, V; Introna, V Intervento a convegno
1-gen-2015 A proposal for energy services' classification including a product service systems perspective Benedetti, M; Cesarotti, V; Holgado, M; Introna, V; Macchi, M Intervento a convegno
1-gen-2010 A Service Operations Model for Public-Utilities to increase Corporate Social Responsibility Cesarotti, V; Introna, V; Giuiusa, A; Spada, C Intervento a convegno
1-gen-2019 A simulation approach for evaluating the impact of human behaviour on project scheduling Santolamazza, A; Introna, V; Cesarotti, V; Benedetti, M Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2021 Address risk and opportunities in energy management systems according to ISO 50001: methodology and application for a production plant Dadi, D; Introna, V; Santolamazza, A Intervento a convegno
1-mag-2004 After-sales service and network configuration strategies: a preliminary profiling and assessment of determinants Brun, A; Introna, V; Pinto, R; Rapaccini, M; Saccani Nicola, Sl Intervento a convegno
1-gen-2018 An application of Project Management techniques for the estimation of processing times in industrial projects with a high degree of innovation Baffo, I; Salvatori, S; Introna, V; Esdra, A; Cesarotti, V Intervento a convegno
1-set-2013 An empirical approach to investigate the relationship between Overall Equipment Effectiveness and Energy consumptions: an application in the manufacturing field Rotunno, R; Scerrato, G; Introna, V; Cesarotti, V Intervento a convegno
1-gen-2022 An Industry 4.0 approach toward overall equipment effectiveness management and control Minardi, L; Santolamazza, A; Introna, V Intervento a convegno
1-gen-2009 Analisi comparativa di modelli di maturità Introna, V Contributo in libro
1-gen-2018 Anomaly detection in energy consumption for Condition-Based maintenance of Compressed Air Generation systems: an approach based on artificial neural networks Santolamazza, A; Cesarotti, V; Introna, V Intervento a convegno
1-gen-2017 Assessing and Improving Compressed Air Systems' Energy Efficiency in Production and use: Findings from an Explorative Study in Large and Energy-intensive Industrial Firms Benedetti, M; Bertini, I; Bonfa, F; Ferrari, S; Introna, V; Santino, D; Ubertini, S Intervento a convegno
1-set-2012 Benchmarking Manufacturing plant performances: Development of a customized model for the Italian Industrial Laundry Sector Cesarotti, V; Introna, V; Giuiusa, A Intervento a convegno
1-apr-2014 BIM – based approach to Building Operating Management: a Strategic Lever to achieve Efficiency, Risk-shifting, Innovation and Sustainability. Cesarotti, V; Benedetti, M; Dibisceglia, F; Di Fausto, D; Introna, V; La Bella, G; Martinelli, N; Ricci, M; Spada, C; Varani, M Intervento a convegno