Dipartimento di Medicina dei sistemi  

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1-gen-2009 "The Linosa Study": Epidemiological and heritability data of the metabolic syndrome in a Caucasian genetic isolate Bellia, A; Giardina, E; Lauro, D; Tesauro, M; Di Fede, G; Cusumano, G; Federici, M; Rini, G; Novelli, G; Lauro, R; Sbraccia, P Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2003 A common polymorphism in the promoter of UCP2 contributes to the variation in insulin secretion in glucose-tolerant subjects Sesti, G; Cardellini, M; Marini, Ma; Frontoni, S; D'Adamo, M; Del Guerra, S; Lauro, D; De Nicolais, P; Sbraccia, P; Del Prato, S; Gambardella, S; Federici, M; Marchetti, P; Lauro, R Articolo su rivista
1-mag-2003 A common polymorphism in the promoter of UCP2 contributes to the variation in insulin secretion in glucose-tolerant subjects Sesti, G; Cardellini, M; Marini, Ma; Frontoni, S; D'Adamo, M; Del Guerra, S; Lauro, D; De Nicolais, P; Sbraccia, P; Del Prato, S; Gambardella, S; Federici, M; Marchetti, P; Lauro, R Articolo su rivista
1-mag-2003 A common polymorphism in the promoter of UCP2 contributes to the variation in insulin secretion in glucose-tolerant subjects Sesti, G; Cardellini, M; Marini, Ma; Frontoni, S; D'Adamo, M; Del Guerra, S; Lauro, D; De Nicolais, P; Sbraccia, P; Del Prato, S; Gambardella, S; Federici, M; Marchetti, P; Lauro, R Articolo su rivista
1-mag-2003 A common polymorphism in the promoter of UCP2 contributes to the variation in insulin secretion in glucose-tolerant subjects Sesti, G; Cardellini, M; Marini, Ma; Frontoni, S; D'Adamo, M; Del Guerra, S; Lauro, D; De Nicolais, P; Sbraccia, P; Del Prato, S; Gambardella, S; Federici, M; Marchetti, P; Lauro, R Articolo su rivista
9-lug-2023 A multidisciplinary team reduces in-hospital clinical complications and mortality in patients with diabetic foot ulcers Meloni, M; Andreadi, A; Bellizzi, E; Giurato, L; Ruotolo, V; Romano, M; Bellia, A; Uccioli, L; Lauro, D Articolo su rivista
24-feb-2023 A Novel Mix of Polyphenols and Micronutrients Reduces Adipogenesis and Promotes White Adipose Tissue Browning via UCP1 Expression and AMPK Activation Pacifici, F; Malatesta, G; Mammi, C; Pastore, D; Marzolla, V; Ricordi, C; Chiereghin, F; Infante, M; Donadel, G; Curcio, F; Noce, A; Rovella, V; Lauro, D; Tesauro, M; Di Daniele, N; Garaci, E; Caprio, M; Della Morte, D Articolo su rivista
1-mar-2023 A sub-analysis of the SAGE study in Italy indicates good glycemic control in type 1 diabetes Bruttomesso, D; Irace, C; Pozzilli, P; Lauro, D Articolo su rivista
1-mag-2013 A survey of autoantibodies to self antigens in graves' disease patients with thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy Bei, R; Romano, ; M, C; Sconocchia, G; Capuani, B; Coppola, A; Nucci, C; Pastore, D; Bellia, A; Mancino, R; Andreadi, K; Cerilli, M; Bertoli, A; Modesti, A; Lauro, D Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2014 A systems medicine clinical platform for understanding and managing non- communicable diseases Cesario, A; Auffray, C; Agusti, A; Apolone, G; Balling, R; Barbanti, P; Bellia, A; Boccia, S; Bousquet, J; Cardaci, V; Cazzola, M; Dall'Armi, V; Daraselia, N; Ros, L; Bufalo, A; Ducci, G; Ferri, L; Fini, M; Fossati, C; Gensini, G; Granone, P; Kinross, J; Lauro, D; Cascio, G; LO COCO, F; Lococo, A; Maier, D; Marcus, F; Margaritora, S; Marra, C; Minati, G; Neri, M; Pasqua, F; Pison, C; Pristipino, C; Roca, J; Rosano, G; Rossini, P; Russo, P; Salinaro, G; Shenhar, S; Soreq, H; Sterk, P; Stocchi, F; Torti, M; Volterrani, M; Wouters, E; Frustaci, A; Bonassi, S Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2014 A systems medicine clinical platform for understanding and managing non- communicable diseases Cesario, A; Auffray, C; Agusti, A; Apolone, G; Balling, R; Barbanti, P; Bellia, A; Boccia, S; Bousquet, J; Cardaci, V; Cazzola, M; Dall'Armi, V; Daraselia, N; Ros, L; Bufalo, A; Ducci, G; Ferri, L; Fini, M; Fossati, C; Gensini, G; Granone, P; Kinross, J; Lauro, D; Cascio, G; LO COCO, F; Lococo, A; Maier, D; Marcus, F; Margaritora, S; Marra, C; Minati, G; Neri, M; Pasqua, F; Pison, C; Pristipino, C; Roca, J; Rosano, G; Rossini, P; Russo, P; Salinaro, G; Shenhar, S; Soreq, H; Sterk, P; Stocchi, F; Torti, M; Volterrani, M; Wouters, E; Frustaci, A; Bonassi, S Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2013 Abitudini alimentari dei pazienti con diabete di tipo 2: Impatto delle tradizioni gastronomiche regionali. Uno studio di popolazione Vitale, M; Masulli, M; Turco, A; Ciano, O; Riccardi, G; Rivellese, A; Auletta, P; Babini, A; Boemi, M; Bonora, E; Burlina, S; Buzzetti, R; Calatola, P; Capuano, G; Cignarelli, M; Cigolini, M; Citro, G; Clemente, G; Corsi, L; Cutolo, M; Dall'Aglio, E; Del Prato, S; De Simone, G; Di Cianni, G; Dolci, M; D'Ugo, E; Giordano, C; Iannarelli, R; Iovine, C; Lauro, D; Leotta, S; Mazzucchelli, C; Montani, V; Perriello, G; Romano, G; Romeo, F; Squatrito, S; Tizio, B; Tomasi, F; Tonutti, L; Trevisan, R; Vaccaro, O Articolo su rivista
26-lug-2021 Activation of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells and Leptin Secretion: New Potential Role of Interleukin-2 and High Mobility Group Box (HMGB)1 Coppola, A; Capuani, B; Pacifici, F; Pastore, D; Arriga, R; Bellia, A; Andreadi, A; Di Daniele, N; Lauro, R; Della-Morte, D; Sconocchia, G; Lauro, D Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2014 Acute hyperglycemia reduces cerebrovascular reactivity: The role of glycemic variability Giordani, I; Di Flaviani, A; Picconi, F; Malandrucco, I; Ylli, D; Palazzo, P; Altavilla, R; Vernieri, F; Passarelli, F; Donno, S; Lauro, D; Pasqualetti, P; Frontoni, S Articolo su rivista
1-apr-2010 Adiponectin isoforms in elderly patients with or without coronary artery disease Rizza, S; Gigli, F; Galli, A; Micchelini, B; Lauro, D; Lauro, R; Federici, M Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2019 Age-Dependent Levels of Protein Kinase Cs in Brain: Reduction of Endogenous Mechanisms of Neuroprotection Pastore, D; Pacifici, F; Dave, Kr; Palmirotta, R; Bellia, A; Pasquantonio, G; Guadagni, F; Donadel, G; Di Daniele, N; Abete, P; Lauro, D; Rundek, T; Perez-Pinzon, Ma; Della-Morte, D Articolo su rivista
22-lug-2014 Age-Related Different Relationships between Ectopic Adipose Tissues and Measures of Central Obesity in Sedentary Subjects Guglielmi, V; Maresca, L; D'Adamo, M; Di Roma, M; Lanzillo, C; Federici, M; Lauro, D; Preziosi, P; Bellia, A; Sbraccia, P Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2018 Albiglutide and cardiovascular outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease (Harmony Outcomes): a double-blind, randomised placebo-controlled trial Hernandez, Af; Green, Jb; Janmohamed, S; D'Agostino, Rb; Granger, Cb; Jones, Np; Leiter, La; Rosenberg, Ae; Sigmon, Kn; Somerville, Mc; Thorpe, Km; Mcmurray, Jjv; Del Prato, S; Del Prato, S; Mcmurray, Jjv; D'Agostino, Rb; Granger, Cb; Hernandez, Af; Janmohamed, S; Leiter, La; Califf, Rm; Holman, R; Demets, D; Riddle, M; Goodman, S; Mcguire, D; Alexander, K; Devore, A; Melloni, C; Patel, C; Kong, D; Bloomfield, G; Roe, M; Tricoci, P; Harrison, R; Lopes, R; Mathews, R; Mehta, R; Schuyler Jones, W; Vemulapalli, S; Povsic, T; Eapen, Z; Dombrowski, K; Kolls, B; Jordan, D; Ambrosy, A; Greene, S; Mandawat, A; Shavadia, J; Cooper, L; Sharma, A; Guimaraes, P; Friedman, D; Wilson, M; Endsley, P; Gentry, T; Collier, J; Perez, K; James, K; Roush, J; Pope, C; Howell, C; Johnson, M; Bailey, M; Cole, J; Akers, T; Vandyne, B; Thomas, B; Rich, J; Bartone, S; Beaulieu, G; Brown, K; Chau, T; Christian, T; Coker, R; Greene, D; Haddock, T; Jenkins, W; Haque, G; Marquess, M; Pesarchick, J; Rethaford, R; Stone, A; Al Kawas, F; Anderson, M; Enns, R; Sinay, I; Mathieu, C; Yordanov, V; Hramiak, I; Haluzik, M; Galatius, S; Guerci, B; Nauck, M; Migdalis, I; Tan, Cbk; Kocsis, G; Giaccari, A; Lee, Mk; Munoz, Egc; Cornel, J; Birkeland, K; Pinto, M; Tirador, L; Olesinska-Mader, M; Shestakova, M; Distiller, L; Lopez-Sendon, J; Eliasson, B; Chiang, C-; Srimahachota, S; Mankovsky, B; Bethel, Ma; Dungan, K; Kosiborod, M; Alvarisqueta, A; Baldovino, J; Besada, D; Calella, P; Cantero, Mc; Castano, P; Chertkoff, A; Cuadrado, J; De Loredo, L; Dominguez, A; Espanol, Mv; Finkelstein, H; Frechtel, G; Fretes, J; Garrido Santos, N; Gonzalez, J; Litvak, M; Loureyro, J; Maffei, L; Maldonado, N; Mohr Gasparini, D; Orio, S; Perez Manghi, F; Rodriguez Papini, N; Sala, J; Schygiel, P; Sposetti, G; Ulla, M; Verra, F; Zabalua, S; Zaidman, C; Crenier, L; Debroye, C; Duyck, F; Scheen, A; Van Gaal, L; Vercammen, C; Damyanova, V; Dimitrov, S; Kovacheva, S; Lozanov, L; Margaritov, V; Mihaylova-Shumkova, R; Nikolaeva, A; Stoyanova, Z; Akhras, R; Beaudry, Y; Bedard, J; Berlingieri, J; Chehayeb, R; Cheung, S; Conway, J; Cusson, J; Della Siega, A; Dumas, R; Dzongowski, P; Ferguson, M; Gaudet, D; Grondin, F; Gupta, A; Gupta, M; Halperin, F; Houle, P-; Jones, M; Kouz, S; Kovacs, C; Landry, D; Lonn, E; O'Mahony, W; Peterson, S; Reich, D; Rosenbloom, A; St-Maurice, F; Tugwell, B; Vizel, S; Woo, V; Brychta, T; Cech, V; Dvorakova, E; Edelsberger, T; Halciakova, K; Krizova, J; Lastuvka, J; Piperek, M; Prymkova, V; Raclavska, L; Silhova, E; Urbanek, R; Vrkoc, J; Andersen, U; Bronnum-Schou, J; Hove, J; Jensen, Js; Kober, L; Kristiansen, Op; Lund, P; Melchior, T; Nyvad, O; Schou, M; Boye, A; Cadinot, D; Gouet, D; Henry, P; Kessler, L; Lalau, J-; Petit, C; Thuan, J-; Voinot, C; Vouillarmet, J; Axthelm, C; Berger, D; Bieler, T; Birkenfeld, A; Bott, J; Busch, K; Caca, K; Chevts, J; Donaubauer, T; Erlinger, R; Funke, K; Grosskopf, J; Hagenow, A; Hamann, M; Hartard, M; Heymer, P; Huppertz, W; Illies, G; Jacob, S; Jung, T; Kahrmann, G; Kast, P; Kellerer, M; Kempe, H-; Khariouzov, A; Klausmann, G; Klein, C; Kleinecke-Pohl, U; Kleinertz, K; Koch, T; Kosch, C; Lorra, B; Luedemann, J; Luttermann, M; Maxeiner, S; Milek, K; Moelle, A; Neumann, G; Nischik, R; Oehrig-Pohl, E; Plassmann, G; Pohlmeier, L; Proepper, F; Regner, S; Rieker, W; Rose, L; Samer, H; Sauter, J; Schaper, F; Schiffer, C; Schmidt, J; Scholz, B-; Schulze, J; Segner, A; Seufert, J; Sigal, H; Steindorf, J; Stockhausen, J; Stuebler, P; Taeschner, H; Tews, D; Tschoepe, D; Wilhelm, K; Zeller-Stefan, H; Avramidis, I; Bousboulas, S; Bristianou, M; Dimitriadis, G; Elisaf, M; Kotsa, K; Melidonis, A; Mitrakou, A; Pagkalos, E; Papanas, N; Pappas, A; Sampanis, C; Tentolouris, N; Tsapas, A; Tzatzagou, G; Ozaki, R; Hajdu, C; Harcsa, E; Konyves, L; Mucsi, J; Pauker, Z; Petro, G; Ples, Z; Revesz, K; Sandor, V; Vass, V; Avogaro, A; Boemi, M; Bonadonna, R; Consoli, A; De Cosmo, S; Di Bartolo, P; Dotta, F; Frontoni, S; Galetta, M; Gambineri, A; Gazzaruso, C; Giorgino, F; Lauro, D; Orsi, E; Paolisso, G; Perriello, G; Piatti, P; Pontiroli, A; Ponzani, P; Rivellese, Aa; Sesti, G; Tonolo, G; Trevisan, R; Ahn, Cw; Baik, S-; Cha, B-; Chung, C-; Jang, Hc; Kim, C-; Kim, Hs; Kim, Ij; Lee, Ey; Lee, Hw; Lee, K-; Moon, K-; Namgung, J; Park, Ks; Yoo, Sj; Yu, J; Llamas, E-B; Cervantes-Escarcega, J-; Flota-Cervera, Lf; Gonzalez-Gonzalez, Jg; Pascoe-Gonzalez, S; Pelayo-Orozco, Es; Ramirez-Diaz, S-; Saldana-Mendoza, A; Jerjes-Diaz, Cs; Torres-Colores, Jj; Vidrio-Velazquez, M; Villagordoa-Mesa, J; Beijerbacht, Hp; Groutars, Rgej; Hoek, Ba; Hoogslag, Pam; Kooy, A; Kragten, Ja; Lieverse, Ag; Swart, Hp; Viergever, Ep; Ahlqvist, J; Cooper, J; Gulseth, H; Guttormsen, G; Wium, C; Arbanil, H; Calderon, J; Camacho, L; Espinoza, Ad; Garrido, E; Luna, A; Manrique, H; Revoredo, Fm; Gonzales, Rv; Rincon, Lz; Zubiate, C; Ebo, G; Morales-Palomares, E; Arciszewska, M; Banach, M; Bijata-Bronisz, R; Derezinski, T; Gadzinski, W; Gajek, J; Klodawska, K; Krzyzagorska, E; Madej, A; Miekus, P; Opiela, J; Romanczuk, P; Siegel, A; Skokowska, E; Stankiewicz, A; Stasinska, T; Trznadel-Morawska, I; Witek, R; Aksentyev, S; Bondar, I; Demidova, I; Dreval, A; Ershova, O; Galstyan, G; Garganeeva, A; Izmozherova, N; Karetnikova, V; Kharakhulakh, M; Khokhlov, A; Kobalava, Z; Koshelskaya, O; Kosmacheva, E; Kostin, V; Koziolova, N; Kuzin, A; Lesnov, V; Lysenko, T; Markov, V; Mayorov, A; Moiseev, S; Myasoedova, S; Petunina, N; Rebrov, A; Ruyatkina, L; Samoylova, J; Sazonova, O; Shilkina, N; Sokolova, N; Vasilevskaya, O; Verbovaya, N; Vishneva, E; Vorobyev, S; Vorokhobina, N; Zanozina, O; Zhdanova, E; Zykova, T; Burgess, L; Coetzee, K; Dawood, S; Lombard, L; Makotoko, E; Moodley, R; Oosthuysen, W; Sarvan, M; Calvo Gomez, C; Cano Rodriguez, I; Castro Conde, A; Cequier Fillat, A; Cuatrecasas Cambra, G; de Alvaro Moreno, F; De Teresa Parreno, L; Delgado Lista, J; Dominguez Escribano, Jr; Duran Garcia, S; Elvira Gonzalez, J; Fernandez Rodriguez, Jm; Goday Arno, A; Gomez Huelgas, R; Gonzalez Juanatey, Jr; Hernandez Mijares, A; Jimenez Diaz, Va; Jodar Gimeno, E; Lucas Morante, T; Marazuela, M; Martell Claros, N; Mauricio Puente, D; Mena Ribas, E; Merino Torres, Jf; Mezquita Raya, P; Nubiola Calonge, A; Ordonez Sanchez, X; Pascual Izuel, Jm; Perea Castilla, V; Perez Perez, A; Perez Soto, I; Quesada Charneco, M; Quesada Simon, A; Redon Mas, J; Rego Iraeta, A; Rodriguez Alvarez, M; Rodriguez Rodriguez, I; Saban Ruiz, J; Soto Gonzalez, A; Tinahones Madueno, F; Trescoli Serrano, C; Ulied Arminana, A; Bachus, E; Berndtsson Blom, K; Eliasson, K; Koskinen, P; Larnefeldt, H; Lif-Tiberg, C; Linderfalk, C; Lund, G; Lundman, P; Moris, L; Olsson, A; Salmonsson, S; Sanmartin Berglund, J; Sjoberg, F; Soderberg, S; Torstensson, I; Chen, J-; Tien, Kj; Tseng, S-; Tu, S-; Wang, C-; Wang, J-; Phrommintikul, A; Yamwong, S; Jintapakorn, W; Hutayanon, P; Sansanayudh, N; Bazhan, L; Fushtey, I; Grachova, M; Katerenchuk, V; Korpachev, V; Kravchun, N; Larin, O; Mykhalchyshyn, G; Myshanych, H; Oleksyk, O; Orlenko, V; Pashkovska, N; Pertseva, N; Petrosyan, O; Smirnov, I; Vlasenko, M; Zlova, T; Aye, M; Baksi, A; Balasubramani, M; Beboso, R; Blagden, M; Bundy, C; Cookson, T; Copland, A; Emslie-Smith, A; Green, F; Gunstone, A; Issa, B; Jackson-Voyzey, E; Johnson, A; Maclean, M; Mcknight, J; Muzulu, S; O'Connell, I; Oyesile, B; Patterson, C; Pearson, E; Philip, S; Smith, P; Sukumaran, U; Abbas, J; Aggarwala, G; Akhter, F; Andersen, J; Anglade, M; Argoud, G; Ariani, M; Ashdji, R; Bakhtari, L; Banerjee, S; Bartlett, A; Baum, H; Bays, H; Beasley, R; Belfort de Aguiar, R; Benjamin, S; Bhagwat, R; Bhargava, A; Bode, B; Bratcher, C; Briskin, T; Brockmyre, A; Broughton, R; Brown, J; Budhraja, M; Cannon, K; Carr, J; Cathcart, H; Cavale, A; Chaykin, L; Cheung, D; Childress, R; Cohen, A; Condit, J; Cooksey, E; Cornett, Gm; Dauber, I; Davila, W; De Armas, L; Dean, J; Detweiler, R; Diaz, E; Di Giovanna, M; Dor, I; Drummond, W; Eagerton, D; Earl, J; Eaton, C; Ellison, H; Farris, N; Fiel, T; Firek, A; First, B; Forgosh, L; French, W; Gandy, W; Garcia, R; Gill, S; Gordon, M; Guice, M; Gummadi, S; Hackenyos, J; Hairston, K; Hanson, L; Harrison, L; Hartman, I; Heitner, J; Hejeebu, S; Hermany, P; Hernandez-Cassis, C; Hidalgo, H; Higgins, A; Ibrahim, H; Jacobs, S; Johnson, D; Joshi, P; Kaster, S; Kellum, D; Kim, C; Kim, E; Kirby, W; Knouse, A; Kulback, S; Kumar, M; Kuruvanka, T; Labroo, A; Lasswell, W; Lentz, J; Lenzmeier, T; Lewis, D; Li, Z; Lillestol, M; Little, R; Lorraine, R; McKeown-Biagas, C; Mcneill, R; Mehta, A; Miller, A; Moran, J; Morawski, E; Nadar, V; O'Connor, T; Odio, A; Parker, R; Patel, R; Phillips, L; Raad, G; Rahman, A; Raikhel, M; Raisinghani, A; Rajan, R; Rasouli, N; Rauzi, F; Rohr, K; Roseman, H; Rovner, S; Saba, F; Sachson, R; Schabauer, A; Schneider, R; Schuchard, T; Sensenbrenner, J; Shlesinger, Y; Singh, N; Sivalingam, K; Stonesifer, L; Storey, D; Suh, D; Tahir, M; Tan, A; Tan, M; Taylon, A; Thakkar, M; Tripathy, D; Uwaifo, G; Vedere, A; Venugopal, C; Vo, A; Welch, M; Welker, J; White, A; Willis, J; Wynne, A; Yazdani, S; Green, Jb; Rosenberg, A; Price, L; Sigmon, K; Lokhngina, Y; Xing, W; Overton, R; Stewart, M; Stead, J; Lindsay, A; Patel, V; Ross, J; Soffer, J; Daga, S; Sowell, M; Patel, P; Garvey, L; Ackert, J; Abraham, S; Sabol, Mb; Altobelli, D; Ha, J; Kulkarni, M; Somerville, M; Noronha, D; Casson, E; Zang, E; Sandhu, C; Kumar, R; Chen, D; Taft, L; Patel, R; Ye, J; Shannon, J; Wilson, T; Babi, C; Miller, D; Jones, Np; Thorpe, K; Russell, R; Bull, G; Hereghty, B; Fernandez-Salazar, E; Longley, T; Donaldson, J; Jarosz, M; Murphy, K; Adams, P; Smith, P; James, R; Richards, J; Sedani, S; Althouse, D; Watson, D; Lorimer, J; Lauder, S; Schultheis, R; Womer, T; Wraight, E; Li, W; Price-Olsen, E; Watson, A; Kelly, A; Mclaughlin, P; Fleming, J; Schubert, J; Schleiden, D; Harris, T; Prakash, R; Breneman, J; Deshpande, S; Saswadkar, A; Kumari, A; Shitut, A; Raorane, A; Karmalkar, A; Mhambrey, A; Bhosale, A; Vaphare, A; Patil, Ap; Khandelwal, C; Shaik, F; Nadar, M; Karka, M; Kadgaonkar, N; Gupta, N; Aher, N; Potnis, O; Naicker, P; Shinde, R; Sharma, R; Godse, R; Solanki, S; Sahu, S; Dumbre, S; Kumar, S; Patil, S; Mandal, T Articolo su rivista
7-feb-2008 An overview of pancreatic beta-cell defects in human type 2 diabetes: implications for treatment Marchetti, P; Dotta, F; Lauro, D; Purrello, F Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2013 Aortic stiffness and hypotension episodes are associated with impaired cognitive function in older subjects with subjective complaints of memory loss Scuteri, A; Tesauro, M; Guglini, L; Lauro, D; Fini, M; DI DANIELE, N Articolo su rivista