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Mostrati risultati da 1.753 a 1.772 di 6.724
Data di pubblicazione Titolo Autore(i) Tipo File
1-gen-2020 E-Sexual Health: A Position Statement of the European Society for Sexual Medicine Kirana, P-; Gudeloglu, A; Sansone, A; Fode, M; Reisman, Y; Corona, G; Burri, A Articolo su rivista
21-feb-2017 E3 Ligase RNF126 Directly Ubiquitinates Frataxin, Promoting Its Degradation: Identification of a Potential Therapeutic Target for Friedreich Ataxia Benini, M; Fortuni, S; Condo', I; Alfedi, G; Malisan, F; Toschi, N; Serio, D; Massaro, D; Arcuri, G; Testi, R; Rufini, A Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2022 EAES rapid guideline: systematic review, meta-analysis, GRADE assessment, and evidence-informed European recommendations on appendicitis in pregnancy Adamina, M; Andreou, A; Arezzo, A; Christogiannis, C; Di Lorenzo, N; Gioumidou, M; Glavind, J; Iavazzo, C; Mavridis, D; Muysoms, Fe; Preda, D; Smart, Nj; Syropoulou, A; Tzanis, Aa; Van de Velde, M; Vermeulen, J; Antoniou, Sa Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2022 EAES rapid guideline: systematic review, network meta-analysis, CINeMA and GRADE assessment, and European consensus on bariatric surgery–extension 2022 Carrano, Fm; Iossa, A; Di Lorenzo, N; Silecchia, G; Kontouli, K-; Mavridis, D; Alarcon, I; Felsenreich, Dm; Sanchez-Cordero, S; Di Vincenzo, A; Balague-Ponz, Mc; Batterham, Rl; Bouvy, N; Copaescu, C; Dicker, D; Fried, M; Godoroja, D; Goitein, D; Halford, Jcg; Kalogridaki, M; De Luca, M; Morales-Conde, S; Prager, G; Pucci, A; Vilallonga, R; Zani, I; Vandvik, Po; Antoniou, Sa; Agresta, F; Azran, C; Busetto, L; Buza, M; Prats, Bg; Herlesova, J; Piatto, G; Pruijssers, S; Rayman, S; Romano, E Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2021 EAES Recommendations for Recovery Plan in Minimally Invasive Surgery Amid COVID-19 Pandemic Arezzo, A; Francis, N; Mintz, Y; Adamina, M; Antoniou, Sa; Bouvy, N; Copaescu, C; de Manzini, N; Di Lorenzo, N; Morales-Conde, S; Muller-Stich, Bp; Nickel, F; Popa, D; Tait, D; Thomas, C; Nimmo, S; Paraskevis, D; Pietrabissa, A; Eck, M; Letic, E; Preda, Sd; Tsai, A; Malanowska, E; Lesko, D; Majewski, W; Baldari, L; Morelli, L; Shamiyeh, A; Faria, G; Carrano, Fm; Mysliwiec, P; Ahlberg, G; Cassinotti, E; Delibegovic, S; Martinek, L; Yiannakopoulou, E; Gorter-Stam, M; Gorter-Stam, M; Hanna, G; Fuchs, H; Bjelovic, M; Markar, S; Yan, Pw; Chiu, ; Ecom, Bw; Kim, Y-; Ponz, Cb; Schijven, M; Boni, L; Carus, T; Theodoropoulos, G; Forgione, A; Milone, M; Petz, Wlr; Andrejevic, P; Ignjatovic, D; Arulampalam, T; Campbell, K; Chand, M; Coleman, M; Kontovounisios, C; Sagiv, C; Ficuciello, F; Marconi, S; Mascagni, P; Nakajima, K; Margallo, Fms; Horeman, T; Mylonas, G; Valdastri, P Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2017 Ear nose and throat (ENT) aspects of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS) diagnosis and therapy|Sindrome delle Apnee Ostruttive nel Sonno (OSAS): Aspetti diagnostici e terapeutici otorinolaringoiatrici Passali, D; Spinosi, Mc; Passali, Fm Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2019 Early alterations of corneal subbasal plexus in uncomplicated type 1 diabetes patients Schiano Lomoriello, D; Abicca, I; Parravano, M; Giannini, D; Russo, B; Frontoni, S; Picconi, F Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2021 Early alterations of cortical thickness and gyrification in migraine without aura: a retrospective MRI study in pediatric patients Guarnera, A; Bottino, F; Napolitano, A; Sforza, G; Cappa, M; Chioma, L; Pasquini, L; Rossi-Espagnet, Mc; Lucignani, G; Figà-Talamanca, L; Carducci, C; Ruscitto, C; Valeriani, M; Longo, D; Papetti, L Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2017 Early and Late Factors Impacting Patient and Graft Outcome in Pediatric Liver Transplantation: Summary of an ESPGHAN Monothematic Conference Mclin, Va; Allen, U; Boyer, O; Bucuvalas, J; Colledan, M; Cuturi, M-C; D'Antiga, L; Debray, D; Dezsofi, A; de Ville de Goyet, J; Dhawan, A; Durmaz, O; Falk, C; Feng, S; Fischler, B; Franchi-Abella, S; Frauca, E; Ganschow, R; Gottschalk, S; Hadzic, N; Hierro, L; Horslen, S; Hubscher, S; Karam, V; Kelly, D; Maecker-Kolhoff, B; Mazariegos, G; Mckiernan, P; Melk, A; Nobili, V; Ozgenc, F; Reding, R; Sciveres, M; Sharif, K; Socha, P; Toso, C; Vajro, P; Verma, A; Wildhaber, Be; Baumann, U Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2020 Early and late outcomes after transcatheter versus surgical aortic valve replacement in obese patients Mariscalco, G; D’Errigo, P; Biancari, F; Rosato, S; Musumeci, F; Barbanti, M; Ranucci, M; Santoro, G; Badoni, G; Fusco, D; Ventura, M; Tamburino, C; Seccareccia, F; In, A; Ruvolo, G; Pisano, C; Nardi, P Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2022 Early and mid-term outcome of patients with low-flow-low-gradient aortic stenosis treated with newer-generation transcatheter aortic valves Fraccaro, C; Tarantini, G; Rosato, S; Baglio, G; Biancari, F; Barbanti, M; Tamburino, C; Bedogni, F; Ranucci, M; Ussia, Gp; Seccareccia, F; D'Errigo, P; In, A; Ruvolo, G; Nardi, P; Pisano, C Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2022 Early and mid-term results in patients undergoing primary CABG in comparison with patients with PCI prior to CABG Nardi, P; Asta, L; Trombetti, D; Bassano, C; Bertoldo, F; Pisano, C; Buioni, D; Ferrante, Ms; Salvati, Ac; Scognamiglio, M; Altieri, C; Ruvolo, G Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2016 Early and Midterm Outcome of Propensity-Matched Intermediate-Risk Patients Aged ≥80 Years with Aortic Stenosis Undergoing Surgical or Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (from the Italian Multicenter OBSERVANT Study) Fraccaro, C; Tarantini, G; Rosato, S; Tellaroli, P; D'Errigo, P; Tamburino, C; Onorati, F; Ranucci, M; Barbanti, M; Grossi, C; Santoro, G; Santini, F; Covello, Rd; Fusco, D; Seccareccia, F; Member of the Observant research, G; Pisano, C Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2022 Early and Polyantigenic CD4 T Cell Responses Correlate with Mild Disease in Acute COVID-19 Donors Tarke, A; Potesta', M; Varchetta, S; Fenoglio, D; Iannetta, M; Sarmati, L; Mele, D; Dentone, C; Bassetti, M; Montesano, C; Mondelli, Mu; Filaci, G; Grifoni, A; Sette, A Articolo su rivista
16-gen-2019 Early and sensitive detection of PML-A216V mutation by droplet digital PCR in ATO-resistant acute promyelocytic leukemia Alfonso, V; Iaccarino, L; Ottone, T; Cicconi, L; Lavorgna, S; Divona, M; Cairoli, R; Cristiano, A; Ciardi, C; Travaglini, S; Falconi, G; Hasan, Sk; Venditti, A; Arcese, W; Voso, Mt; Lo-Coco, F Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2003 Early atherosclerosis and fibromuscular dysplasia: role of immune and athero-thrombotic factors Ferri, G; Cianci, R; Gandolfo, G; Clemenzia, G; Vadacca, M; Galluzzo, S; Amoroso, D; Mitterhofer, Ap; DEL PORTO, F Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2013 Early Atherosclerosis in HIV Infected Subjects on Suppressive Antiretroviral Treatment: Role of Osteoprotegerin D’Abramo, A; D’Agostino, C; Oliva, A; Iannetta, M; D’Ettorre, G; Vullo, F; Mancone, M; Ciardi, Mr; Mastroianni, Cm; Vullo, V Articolo su rivista
1-set-2019 Early Behavioral Alterations and Increased Expression of Endogenous Retroviruses Are Inherited Across Generations in Mice Prenatally Exposed to Valproic Acid Tartaglione, Am; Cipriani, C; Chiarotti, F; Perrone, B; Balestrieri, E; Matteucci, C; Sinibaldi-Vallebona, P; Calamandrei, G; Ricceri, L Articolo su rivista
3-giu-2019 Early Clinical Predictors of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Infants with Tuberous Sclerosis Complex: Results from the EPISTOP Study Moavero, R; Benvenuto, A; Emberti Gialloreti, L; Siracusano, M; Kotulska, K; Weschke, B; Riney, K; Jansen, Fe; Feucht, M; Krsek, P; Nabbout, R; Jansen, Ac; Wojdan, K; Borkowska, J; Sadowski, K; Hertzberg, C; Hulshof, H; Samueli, S; Benova, B; Aronica, E; Kwiatkowski, Dj; Lagae, L; Jozwiak, S; Curatolo, P Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2017 Early Conversion From Calcineurin Inhibitor- to Everolimus-Based Therapy Following Kidney Transplantation: Results of the Randomized ELEVATE Trial de Fijter, Jw; Holdaas, H; Oyen, O; Sanders, J-; Sundar, S; Bemelman, Fj; Sommerer, C; Pascual, J; Avihingsanon, Y; Pongskul, C; Oppenheimer, F; Toselli, L; Russ, G; Wang, Z; Lopez, P; Kochuparampil, J; Cruzado, Jm; van der Giet, M; Gaite, Le; Lopez, Vf; Maldonado, R; Massari, P; Novoa, P; Palti, G; Chadban, S; Kanellis, J; Masterson, R; Oberbauer, R; Saemann, M; Kuypers, D; Lohmus, A; Cassuto, E; Frimat, L; Lebranchu, Y; Le Meur, Y; Rostaing, L; Hauser, A; Muehlfeld, A; Nashan, B; Suwelack, B; Weithofer, P; Witzke, O; Zeier, M; Apostolou, T; Boletis, I; Gourmenos, D; Jasuja, S; Khullar, D; Ravishankar, Ms; Sharma, Rk; Garosi, G; Rigotti, P; Tisone, G; Todeschini, P; Acevedo, R; Rozentais, R; Juarez, Fj; Mier, Gm; Urrea, M; Machado, D; Nolasco, F; Sampaio, S; Dubanova, A; Lucan, M; Kolsanov, Av; Medvedev, Vl; Moysyuk, Yg; Nesterenko, V; Perlin, Dv; Ulyankina, Iv; Zagainov, E; Dalmau, A; Hernandez, D; Millan, S; Avhingsanon, Y; Turkmen, A; Tuncer, M; Yildiz, A Articolo su rivista
Mostrati risultati da 1.753 a 1.772 di 6.724
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