This paper presents short report on the activities of TC204 Working Group on "Guidelines to compare field or physical model observations with numerical simulations". The main objective of the WG is that of proposing recommendations concerning the comparison between calculated and observed behaviour, specifically adapted for the type of works covered by TC204, i.e. tunnels and open excavations in soft ground
Viggiani, G. (2012). Guidelines for comparing field or physical model observations with numerical simulations. In Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground (pp.1065-1069). Taylor & Francis.
Guidelines for comparing field or physical model observations with numerical simulations
This paper presents short report on the activities of TC204 Working Group on "Guidelines to compare field or physical model observations with numerical simulations". The main objective of the WG is that of proposing recommendations concerning the comparison between calculated and observed behaviour, specifically adapted for the type of works covered by TC204, i.e. tunnels and open excavations in soft groundQuesto articolo è pubblicato sotto una Licenza Licenza Creative Commons