This paper defines the main logical functionalities and the software architecture of a framework that overcomes the limits of UDDI in fully exploiting the advantages offered by dynamic binding. The framework, relying on the ser vices offered by remote monitoring agents, makes it pos sible for UDDI Registries to associate a value of conve nience to different implementations of the same tModel. This value will lead Service Requestors in the choice of implementations to be contacted and invoked. UDDI Reg istries with this enhanced behavior still expose an interface compliant to the standard UDDI specification, thus being fully and transparently integrable in the UDDI infrastruc ture. The framework fills the gap existing between ap proaches to the discovery of Web Services that do not deal with any aspect of their performance and more complex so lutions that guarantee a certain level of quality in providing services. This paper also describes the main design and implementation issues concerning a first open source Java prototype of the framework.
Bianchi, M., Gaibisso, C., Gambosi, G. (2004). Enhancing dynamic selection of Web service access points. ??????? it.cilea.surplus.oa.citation.tipologie.CitationProceedings.prensentedAt ??????? International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS’04), Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.
Enhancing dynamic selection of Web service access points
This paper defines the main logical functionalities and the software architecture of a framework that overcomes the limits of UDDI in fully exploiting the advantages offered by dynamic binding. The framework, relying on the ser vices offered by remote monitoring agents, makes it pos sible for UDDI Registries to associate a value of conve nience to different implementations of the same tModel. This value will lead Service Requestors in the choice of implementations to be contacted and invoked. UDDI Reg istries with this enhanced behavior still expose an interface compliant to the standard UDDI specification, thus being fully and transparently integrable in the UDDI infrastruc ture. The framework fills the gap existing between ap proaches to the discovery of Web Services that do not deal with any aspect of their performance and more complex so lutions that guarantee a certain level of quality in providing services. This paper also describes the main design and implementation issues concerning a first open source Java prototype of the framework.Questo articolo è pubblicato sotto una Licenza Licenza Creative Commons