This paper studies the confusion surrounding GMOs among representative samples of consumers in the area of Rome, analyses the degree of confusion of consumers, their characteristics, gender differences and willingness to accept (WTA) GMOs despite confusion, using a semi-doublebounded logistic regression model, and highlights possible sources of confusion for consumers. By analyzing outcomes of a stratified two-stage survey designed to interview consumers in the Area of Rome, conducted between April and May 2010 in local markets and big supermarket chains we are able to undercover what most influences a consumer when he chooses between GM and non GM Food products. In testing consumers' knowledge we discovered that they tend to confound GM products with non GM products, treated with pesticides and chemicals, and can't actually say which GM products are currently on sale on the market.
Savastano, S., Zilberman, D., Morini, P. (2010). The Roman perspective on GMO. ??????? it.cilea.surplus.oa.citation.tipologie.CitationProceedings.prensentedAt ??????? Bioeconomy governance: policy, environmental and health regulation, and public investments in research: ICABR Conference, Ravello (Italy).
The Roman perspective on GMO
This paper studies the confusion surrounding GMOs among representative samples of consumers in the area of Rome, analyses the degree of confusion of consumers, their characteristics, gender differences and willingness to accept (WTA) GMOs despite confusion, using a semi-doublebounded logistic regression model, and highlights possible sources of confusion for consumers. By analyzing outcomes of a stratified two-stage survey designed to interview consumers in the Area of Rome, conducted between April and May 2010 in local markets and big supermarket chains we are able to undercover what most influences a consumer when he chooses between GM and non GM Food products. In testing consumers' knowledge we discovered that they tend to confound GM products with non GM products, treated with pesticides and chemicals, and can't actually say which GM products are currently on sale on the market.Questo articolo è pubblicato sotto una Licenza Licenza Creative Commons