Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Impresa "Mario Lucertini"  

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Data di pubblicazione Titolo Autore(i) Tipo File
17-gen-2025 Digital Twins: Strategic Guide to Utilize Digital Twins to Improve Operational Efficiency in Industry 4.0 Fantozzi, Ic; Santolamazza, A; Loy, G; Schiraldi, Mm Articolo su rivista
1-mar-2019 Influence of physical activity and lifestyle on nutritional status and cardiovascular prevention of countryside school adolescents in Italy Perrone, Ma; Capria, G; Belfiore, C; Salimei, C; Parrettini, S; Fantozzi, I; Nicoletti, F; Donatucci, B; Salvati, A; Romeo, F; Bernardini, S; De Lorenzo, A Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2024 Knowledge, attitudes and practices of using Indocyanine Green (ICG) fluorescence in emergency surgery: an international web-based survey in the ARtificial Intelligence in Emergency and trauma Surgery (ARIES)-WSES project De Simone, B; Abu-Zidan, Fm; Saeidi, S; Deeken, G; Biffl, Wl; Moore, Ee; Sartelli, M; Coccolini, F; Ansaloni, L; Di Saverio, S; Demetrashvili, Z; Shelat, V; Trapani, V; Dinuzzi, Vp; Lopez-Lopez, V; Mihai, Va; Calu, V; Hardcastle, Tc; Sidiropoulos, T; Rossi, S; Olmi, S; Xenaki, S; Gargarella, S; Chowdhury, S; Meric, S; Chooklin, S; Subramaniam, S; Atici, Sd; Awad, Ss; Ingallinella, S; Sydorchuk, R; Major, P; Fransvea, P; Sileri, P; Cianci, P; Ioannidis, O; Enciu, O; Pararas, N; Michalopoulos, N; Cillara, N; Gureh, M; Ortenzi, M; Sulta, H; Arif, M; Barone, M; Ukkonen, M; Slavchev, M; Ammendola, M; Piccoli, M; Estaire-G('o)mez, M; Scheiterle, M; Podda, M; Santoliquido, M; Chiarugi, M; Veroux, M; Serradilla-Mart('i)n, M; Giuffrida, M; Capuano, M; Papadoliopoulou, M; Pellicciaro, M; Materazzo, M; Clementi, M; Gachabayov, M; Maciej, ; Widmer, Lw; Tallon-Aguilar, L; Conte, Le; Ferrario, L; Bains, L; Petagna, L; Siragusa, L; Sydorchuk, L; Patsia, L; Perivoliotis, K; Kok, Kyy; Davies, J; Salamea, Jc; Mah, Jj; Andreuccetti, J; Di Carlo, I; Wani, I; Kryvoruchko, Ia; Garzali, Iu; Rasa, Hk; Taher, H; Eltyeb, H; Machain, Gm; Piozzi, Gn; Augustin, G; Palomba, G; Evola, G; Curro, G; Brisinda, G; Giraudo, G; Pattacini, Gc; Vanni, G; Pellino, G; Baiocchi, Gl; Zacharis, G; Verras, Gi; Perrone, G; Martines, G; Murillo, Ga; Mulita, F; Pata, F; Pecchini, F; Milana, F; Hayati, F; de Almeida, Fr; Pareja-Ciuro, F; Rosa, F; D?acapito, F; Marino, F; Dimitrov, E; Moore, E; Pinotti, E; Reitano, E; Toma, E-; Lostoridis, E; Baldini, E; Adamovich, D; Prevezanos, D; Schizas, D; Oikonomou, D; Corallino, D; Visconti, D; Coletta, D; Pantalone, D; D('e)Angelis, N; Papis, D; Luppi, D; Verdi, D; Vinci, D; Morezzi, D; Delogu, D; Massalou, D; Zaghi, C; Doudakmanis, C; Chouliaras, C; Fantozzi, C; Seretis, C; Atanasov, B; Picardi, B; Torre, B; Petronio, B; Zuki, Abm; Papadopoulos, A; Isik, A; Pesce, A; Litvin, A; Gumbs, A; Cavallaro, A; Barberis, A; Balla, A; Zakaria, Ad; Musina, A-; Gupta, A; Antonelli, A; Kavalakat, Aj; Theodorou, A; Chamzin, A; Julianov, A; Giordano, A; Bergna, A; Marano, A; Karamarkovic, A; Mart('i)nez-P('e)rez, A; Sartori, A; Biloslavo, A; Landaluce-Olavarria, A; Ali, Aa; Peckham-Cooper, A; Truong, H; Tarasconi, A; Di Maggio, F; Gonzalez-Castillo, Am; Diana, M; Cassinotti, E; Boni, L; Catena, F Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2024 Objective key results and their role in modern performance management: a critical analysis of benefits, challenges, and integration with traditional tools Fantozzi, Ic; DI LUOZZO, S; Schiraldi, Mm Contributo in libro
1-gen-2024 On tasks and soft skills in operations and supply chain management: analysis and evidence from the O*NET database Fantozzi, Ic; Di Luozzo, S; Schiraldi, Mm Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2023 On the effectiveness of experiential teaching methods: the impact of University Challenges on students' attitudinal development Di Luozzo, S; Fantozzi, Ic; Schiraldi, Mm Intervento a convegno
1-gen-2024 Soft skills, attitudes, and personality traits: how does the human factor matter? A systematic review and taxonomy proposal through ProKnow-C methodology Fantozzi, Ic; Martuscelli, L; DI LUOZZO, S; Schiraldi, Mm Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2023 The impact of university challenges on academic value added perception and job opportunities Fantozzi, Ic; Di Luozzo, S; Melloni, S; Schiraldi, Mm Intervento a convegno
1-feb-2024 The Impact of University Challenges on Students' Attitudes and Career Paths in Industrial Engineering: A Comparative Study Fantozzi, Ic; DI LUOZZO, S; Schiraldi, Mm Articolo su rivista