Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettronica
ADS-B Anomalies and Intrusions Detection by Sensor Clocks Tracking
2018-01-01 Leonardi, M
ADS-B Crowd-Sensor Network and Two-Step Kalman Filter for GNSS and ADS-B Cyber-Attack Detection
2021-08-01 Leonardi, M; Sirbu, G
ADS-B degarbling and jamming mitigation by the use of blind source separation
2018-09-01 Leonardi, M; Piracci, Eg
ADS-B jamming mitigation: A solution based on a multichannel receiver
2017-11-01 Leonardi, M; Piracci, E; Galati, G
ADS-B signal signature extraction for intrusion detection in the air traffic surveillance system
2018-01-01 Leonardi, M; Fausto, Dd
ADS-B vulnerability to low cost jammers: Risk assessment and possible solutions
2014-09-01 Leonardi, M; Piracci, Eg; Galati, G
ADS-B/MLAT surveillance system from high altitude platform systems
2011-09-12 Leonardi, M; Spinelli, S; Galati, G
Air Traffic Security: Aircraft Classification Using ADS-B Message’s Phase-Pattern
2017-01-01 Leonardi, M; Di Gregorio, L; Di Fausto, D
Aircraft mode S transponder fingerprinting for intrusion detection
2020-01-01 Leonardi, M; Gerardi, F
Airport surveillance processing chain for high resolution radar
2010-07-01 Galati, G; Leonardi, M; Cavallin, A; Pavan, G
All satellites in view: GNSS-based synchronization for wide area multilateration
2010-01-01 Leonardi, M; Bellipanni, L; Galati, G
An effective procedure to design the layout of standard and enhanced mode-S multilateration systems for airport surveillance
2012-04-01 Mantilla Gaviria, I; Leonardi, M; Galati, G; Balbastre Tejedor, J; De Los Reyes Davó, E
Aspetti di sicurezza nell'utilizzo dei sistemi di navigazione
2018-09-01 Leonardi, M
Autonomous Lunar Satellite Navigation System: Preliminary Performance Assessment on South Pole
2021-01-01 Leonardi, M; Sirbu, G; Stallo, C; Eleuteri, M; Di Lauro, C; Iannone, C; Del Zoppo, E
Backward Compatible Physical Layer Protocol Evolution for ADS-B Message Authentication
2020-01-01 Leonardi, M; Maisano, M
Closed form localization algorithms for mode S wide area multilateration
2009-01-01 Leonardi, M; Mathias, A; Galati, G
Comparison of Localization Algorithms for Mode – S Multilateration (MLAT) Systems in Airport Surface Surveillance
2013-01-01 Galati, G; Leonardi, M; Mantilla Gaviria, I; Balbastre Tejedor, J
Degarbling technique for low cost ADS-B receivers
2019-06-01 Leonardi, M; Maisano, M
Design and implementation of a single-frequency L1 multiconstellation GPS/EGNOS/GLONASS SDR receiver with NIORAIM FDE integrity
2012-09-01 Viola, S; Mascolo, M; Madonna, P; Sfarzo, L; Leonardi, M
Drones Classification by the Use of a Multifunctional Radar and Micro-Doppler Analysis
2022-01-01 Leonardi, M; Ligresti, G; Piracci, E