Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Ingegneria informatica
(Cyclo-Passive) Port-Controlled Hamiltonian dynamics in LQ differential games
2021-01-01 Sassano, M; Mylvaganam, T; Astolfi, A
A condition for certainty equivalence output feedback stabilization of nonlinear systems
2010-01-01 Carnevale, D; Karagiannis, D; Astolfi, A
A constructive differential game approach to collision avoidance in multi-agent systems
2014-01-01 Mylvaganam, T; Sassano, M; Astolfi, A
A control systems analysis of HIV prevention model using impulsive input
2014-01-01 Chang, H; Moog, C; Astolfi, A; Rivadeneira, P
A control theoretic approach to malaria immunotherapy with state jumps
2011-06-01 Chang, H; Astolfi, A; Shim, H
A Differential Game Approach to Multi-agent Collision Avoidance
2017-01-01 Mylvaganam, T; Sassano, M; Astolfi, A
A discrete-time observer design for spacecraft attitude determination using an orthogonality-preserving algorithm
2011-05-01 Laila, D; Lovera, M; Astolfi, A
A Fixed-Point Characterization of the Optimal Costate in Finite-Horizon Optimal Control Problems
2021-01-01 Sassano, M; Astolfi, A
A Geometric Characterization of the Persistence of Excitation Condition for the Solutions of Autonomous Systems
2017-01-01 Padoan, A; Scarciotti, G; Astolfi, A
A geometric moment-based observer for global range and local orientation identification
2010-06-30 Sassano, M; Carnevale, D; Astolfi, A
A Hamiltonian approach to moments-based font recognition
2009-01-01 Casagrande, D; Sassano, M; Astolfi, A
A hybrid observer for multi-frequency signal
2010-08-01 Carnevale, D; Galeani, S; Astolfi, A
A local separation principle via dynamic approximate feedback and observer linearization for a class of nonlinear systems
2019-01-01 Sassano, M; Astolfi, A
A minimal dimension observer for global frequency estimation
2008-01-01 Carnevale, D; Astolfi, A
A new extremum seeking technique and its application to maximize RF heating on FTU
2009-01-01 Carnevale, D; Astolfi, A; Centioli, C; Vitale, Sv; Zaccarian, L
A Note on Delay Coordinates for Locally Observable Analytic Systems
2016-01-01 Padoan, A; Astolfi, A
Adaptive control for systems with time-varying parameters
2021-05-01 Chen, K; Astolfi, A
Adaptive Control for Systems with Time-Varying Parameters—A Survey
2021-09-01 Chen, K; Astolfi, A
Adaptive Energy Shaping Control of a Class of Nonlinear Soft Continuum Manipulators
2022-02-01 Franco, E; Garriga-Casanovas, A; Tang, J; Rodriguez Y Baena, F; Astolfi, A
Adaptive energy shaping control of robotic needle insertion
2021-01-01 Franco, E; Brown, T; Astolfi, A; Rodriguez y Baena, F