Dipartimento di Economia e Finanza
[Recensione di] Bateman B.- Hirai T.- Marcuzzo M.C. (eds.), The Return to Keynes
2012-01-01 Rosselli, A
An enduring partnership: the correspondence between Kahn and J.Robinson
2005-01-01 Rosselli, A
Cambridge as a place in economics
2008-01-01 Marcuzzo, M; Naldi, N; Rosselli, A; Sanfilippo, E
Cambridge School of Economics
2015-01-01 Marcuzzo, M; Rosselli, A
Cambridge School of economics
2016-01-01 Marcuzzo, M; Rosselli, A
Commento al dibattito Blanchard Brancaccio
2019-01-01 Rosselli, A
Destabilising speculation on organised markets: early perspectives in the spirit of Marshall
2020-01-01 Paesani, P; Rosselli, A
Early reflections on the democratization of organised markets and their regulations
2022-01-01 Paesani, P; Rosselli, A
Early views on monetary policy: The Neapolitan debate on the theory of exchange
2000-01-01 Rosselli, A
Economic history and history of economics: in praise of an old relationship
2013-01-01 Rosselli, A
Economics as history of economics: the Italian case in retrospect
2002-01-01 Rosselli, A; Marcuzzo, M
Economists in Cambridge. A study through their correspondence, 1907-1946,
2005-01-01 Marcuzzo, Mc; Rosselli, A
Gender Budgeting in Italy. A laboratory for alternative methodologies?
2018-01-01 Bettio, F; Rosselli, A
How speculation became respectable: early theories on financial and commodity markets
2021-01-01 Paesani, P; Rosselli, A
2005-01-01 Marcuzzo, Mc; Rosselli, A
Libertà dal lavoro o nel lavoro? Due utopie
2021-01-01 Pelloni, A; Rosselli, A
Metallism and Cartalism in the 18th Century: Galiani and the shortcomings of a classification
2012-01-01 Rosselli, A
Money, Finance and crises in the history of economic thought
2019-01-01 Rosselli, A; Naldi, N; Sanfilippo, E
Money, trade and commerce
2006-01-01 Rosselli, A
Natural Quantity of Money.
2015-01-01 Marcuzzo, M; Rosselli, A