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Mostrati risultati da 127 a 146 di 592
Data di pubblicazione Titolo Autore(i) Tipo File
1-gen-2007 Comparative interactomics: comparing apples and pears? Kiemer, L; Cesareni, G Articolo su rivista
1-mar-2001 Complete loss of P/Q calcium channel activity caused by a CACNA1A missense mutation carried by patients with episodic ataxia type 2 Guida, S; Trettel, F; Pagnutti, S; Mantuano, E; Tottene, A; Veneziano, L; Fellin, T; Spadaro, M; Stauderman, K; Williams, M; Volsen, S; Ophoff, R; Frants, R; Iodice, C; Frontali, M; Pietrobon, D Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2016 The complete mitochondrial DNA sequence of the Montecristo goat Doro, Mg; Casu, G; Leoni, Gg; Naitana, S; Pirastu, M; Novelletto, A; Fraticelli, F Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2015 The complex portal - An encyclopaedia of macromolecular complexes Meldal, Bhm; Forner-Martinez, O; Costanzo, Mc; Dana, J; Demeter, J; Dumousseau, M; Dwight, Ss; Gaulton, A; Licata, L; Melidoni, An; Ricard-Blum, S; Roechert, B; Skyzypek, Ms; Tiwari, M; Velankar, S; Wong, Ed; Hermjakob, H; Orchard, S Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2018 A comprehensive mitochondrial DNA mixed-stock analysis clarifies the composition of loggerhead turtle aggregates in the Adriatic Sea Tolve, L; Casale, P; Formia, A; Garofalo, L; Lazar, B; Natali, C; Novelletto, A; Vallini, C; Buzan, E; Chelazzi, G; Gaspari, S; Fortuna, C; Kocijan, I; Marchiori, E; Novarini, N; Poppi, L; Salvemini, P; Ciofi, C Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2020 Concerted variation of the 3′ regulatory region of Ig heavy chain and Gm haplotypes across human continental populations Frezza, D; Martinez-Labarga, C; Giambra, V; Serone, E; Scano, G; Rickards, O; D'Addabbo, P; Novelletto, A Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2002 Confirmation of the potential usefulness of two human beta globin pseudogene markers to estimate gene flows to and from sub-Saharan Africans Ciminelli, Bm; Pompei, F; Relucenti, M; Lum, J; Simpore, J; Spedini, G; MARTINEZ-LABARGA, Mc; Pardo, M Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2006 Conjugation to Nedd8 instigates ubiquitylation and down-regulation of activated receptor tyrosine kinases Oved, S; Mosesson, Y; Zwang, Y; Santonico, E; Shtiegman, K; Marmor, M; Kochupurakkal, B; Katz, M; Lavi, S; Cesareni, G; Yarden, Y Articolo su rivista
1-mar-2024 Consensus guidelines for the diagnosis and management of succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase deficiency Latzer, I; Bertoldi, M; Blau, N; Di Bacco, M; Elsea, S; García-Cazorla, A; Gibson, K; Gropman, A; Hanson, E; Hoffman, C; Jeltsch, K; Juliá-Palacios, N; Knerr, I; Lee, H; Lee, H; Malaspina, P; Mcconnell, A; Opladen, T; Oppebøen, M; Rotenberg, A; Walterfang, M; Wang-Tso, L; Wevers, R; Roullet, J; Pearl, P Articolo su rivista
1-gen-1996 Construction of a YAC contig covering human chromosome 6p22 Malaspina, P; Roetto, A; Trettel, F; Iodice, C; Blasi, P; Frontali, M; Carella, M; Franco, B; Camaschella, C; Novelletto, A Articolo su rivista
1-gen-1997 Construction, exploitation and evolution of a new peptide library displayed at high density by fusion to the major coat protein of filamentous phage Iannolo, G; Minenkova, O; Gonfloni, S; Castagnoli, L; Cesareni, G Articolo su rivista
1-lug-1991 Control of ColE1 plasmid replication by antisense RNA Cesareni, G; HELMER CITTERICH, M; Castagnoli, L Articolo su rivista
1-gen-1991 Control of ColE1 plasmid replication by antisense RNA Cesareni, G; HELMER CITTERICH, M; Castagnoli, I Articolo su rivista
1-feb-1988 Control of ColE1 replication: low affinity specific binding of Rop (Rom) to RNAI and RNAII HELMER CITTERICH, M; Anceschi, M; Banner, D; Cesareni, G Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2017 Correction: A European spectrum of pharmacogenomic biomarkers: implications for clinical pharmacogenomics Mizzi, C; Dalabira, E; Kumuthini, J; Dzimiri, N; Balogh, I; Başak, N; Böhm, R; Borg, J; Borgiani, P; Bozina, N; Bruckmueller, H; Burzynska, B; Carracedo, A; Cascorbi, I; Deltas, C; Dolzan, V; Fenech, A; Grech, G; Kasiulevicius, V; Kádaši, L; Kučinskas, V; Khusnutdinova, E; Loukas, Y; Macek, M; Makukh, H; Mathijssen, R; Mitropoulos, K; Mitropoulou, C; Novelli, G; Papantoni, I; Pavlovic, S; Saglio, G; Sertić, J; Stojiljkovic, M; Stubbs, A; Squassina, A; Torres, M; Turnovec, M; van Schaik, R; Voskarides, K; Wakil, S; Werk, A; Del Zompo, M; Zukic, B; Katsila, T; Lee, M; Motsinger Rief, A; Mc Leod, H; van der Spek, P; Patrinos, G Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2003 Cosegregation of Robertsonian metacentric chromosomes in the first meiotic division of multiple heterozygous male mice as revealed by FISH analysis of spermatocyte II metaphases Scascitelli, M; Pacchierotti, F; Rizzoni, M; Gustavino, B; Spirito, F Articolo su rivista
3-ago-2012 Counteracting effects operating on Src homology 2 domain-containing protein-tyrosine phosphatase 2 (SHP2) function drive selection of the recurrent Y62D and Y63C substitutions in Noonan syndrome Martinelli, S; Nardozza, A; Delle Vigne, S; Sabetta, G; Torreri, P; Bocchinfuso, G; Flex, E; Venanzi, S; Palleschi, A; Gelb, B; Cesareni, G; Stella, L; Castagnoli, L; Tartaglia, M Articolo su rivista
1-set-2020 COVID-19 and genetic variants of protein involved in the SARS-CoV-2 entry into the host cells Latini, A; Agolini, E; Novelli, A; Borgiani, P; Giannini, R; Gravina, P; Smarrazzo, A; Dauri, M; Andreoni, M; Rogliani, P; Bernardini, S; Helmer-Citterich, M; Biancolella, M; Novelli, G Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2021 COVID-19 Disease Map, a computational knowledge repository of virus-host interaction mechanisms (vol 17, e10387, 2021) Ostaszewski, M; Niarakis, A; Mazein, A; Kuperstein, I; Phair, R; Orta-Resendiz, A; Singh, V; Aghamiri, S; Acencio, M; Glaab, E; Ruepp, A; Fobo, G; Montrone, C; Brauner, B; Frishman, G; Gomez, L; Somers, J; Hoch, M; Gupta, S; Scheel, J; Borlinghaus, H; Czauderna, T; Schreiber, F; Montagud, A; de Leon, M; Funahashi, A; Hiki, Y; Hiroi, N; Yamada, T; Drager, A; Renz, A; Naveez, M; Bocskei, Z; Messina, F; Bornigen, D; Fergusson, L; Conti, M; Rameil, M; Nakonecnij, V; Vanhoefer, J; Schmiester, L; Wang, M; Ackerman, E; Shoemaker, J; Zucker, J; Oxford, K; Teuton, J; Kocakaya, E; Summak, G; Hanspers, K; Kutmon, M; Coort, S; Eijssen, L; Ehrhart, F; Rex, D; Slenter, D; Martens, M; Pham, N; Haw, R; Jassal, B; Matthews, L; Orlic-Milacic, M; Senff-Ribeiro, A; Rothfels, K; Shamovsky, V; Stephan, R; Sevilla, C; Varusai, T; Ravel, J; Fraser, R; Ortseifen, V; Marchesi, S; Gawron, P; Smula, E; Heirendt, L; Satagopam, V; Wu, G; Riutta, A; Golebiewski, M; Owen, S; Goble, C; Hu, X; Overall, R; Maier, D; Bauch, A; Gyori, B; Bachman, J; Vega, C; Groues, V; Vazquez, M; Porras, P; Licata, L; Iannuccelli, M; Sacco, F; Nesterova, A; Yuryev, A; de Waard, A; Turei, D; Luna, A; Babur, O; Soliman, S; Valdeolivas, A; Esteban-Medina, M; Pena-Chilet, M; Rian, K; Helikar, T; Puniya, B; Modos, D; Treveil, A; Olbei, M; De Meulder, B; Ballereau, S; Dugourd, A; Naldi, A; Noel, V; Calzone, L; Sander, C; Demir, E; Korcsmaros, T; Freeman, T; Auge, F; Beckmann, J; Hasenauer, J; Wolkenhauer, O; Willighagen, E; Pico, A; Evelo, C; Gillespie, M; Stein, L; Hermjakob, H; D'Eustachio, P; Saez-Rodriguez, J; Dopazo, J; Valencia, A; Kitano, H; Barillot, E; Auffray, C; Balling, R; Schneider, R Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2021 COVID19 Disease Map, a computational knowledge repository of virus–host interaction mechanisms Ostaszewski, M; Niarakis, A; Mazein, A; Kuperstein, I; Phair, R; Orta-Resendiz, A; Singh, V; Aghamiri, Ss; Acencio, Ml; Glaab, E; Ruepp, A; Fobo, G; Montrone, C; Brauner, B; Frishman, G; Monraz Gomez, Lc; Somers, J; Hoch, M; Kumar Gupta, S; Scheel, J; Borlinghaus, H; Czauderna, T; Schreiber, F; Montagud, A; Ponce de Leon, M; Funahashi, A; Hiki, Y; Hiroi, N; Yamada, Tg; Drager, A; Renz, A; Naveez, M; Bocskei, Z; Messina, F; Bornigen, D; Fergusson, L; Conti, M; Rameil, M; Nakonecnij, V; Vanhoefer, J; Schmiester, L; Wang, M; Ackerman, Ee; Shoemaker, Je; Zucker, J; Oxford, K; Teuton, J; Kocakaya, E; Summak, Gy; Hanspers, K; Kutmon, M; Coort, S; Eijssen, L; Ehrhart, F; Rex, Dab; Slenter, D; Martens, M; Pham, N; Haw, R; Jassal, B; Matthews, L; Orlic-Milacic, M; Senff Ribeiro, A; Rothfels, K; Shamovsky, V; Stephan, R; Sevilla, C; Varusai, T; Ravel, J-; Fraser, R; Ortseifen, V; Marchesi, S; Gawron, P; Smula, E; Heirendt, L; Satagopam, V; Wu, G; Riutta, A; Golebiewski, M; Owen, S; Goble, C; Hu, X; Overall, Rw; Maier, D; Bauch, A; Gyori, Bm; Bachman, Ja; Vega, C; Groues, V; Vazquez, M; Porras, P; Licata, L; Iannuccelli, M; Sacco, F; Nesterova, A; Yuryev, A; de Waard, A; Turei, D; Luna, A; Babur, O; Soliman, S; Valdeolivas, A; Esteban-Medina, M; Pena-Chilet, M; Rian, K; Helikar, T; Puniya, Bl; Modos, D; Treveil, A; Olbei, M; De Meulder, B; Ballereau, S; Dugourd, A; Naldi, A; Noel, V; Calzone, L; Sander, C; Demir, E; Korcsmaros, T; Freeman, Tc; Auge, F; Beckmann, Js; Hasenauer, J; Wolkenhauer, O; Wilighagen, El; Pico, Ar; Evelo, Ct; Gillespie, Me; Stein, Ld; Hermjakob, H; D'Eustachio, P; Saez-Rodriguez, J; Dopazo, J; Valencia, A; Kitano, H; Barillot, E; Auffray, C; Balling, R; Schneider, R Articolo su rivista
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