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Mostrati risultati da 1.795 a 1.814 di 4.980
Data di pubblicazione Titolo Autore(i) Tipo File
1-gen-2007 La luce di DAMA Bernabei, R Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2016 A lack of classical Cepheids in the inner part of the Galactic disc Matsunaga, N; Feast, Mw; Bono, G; Kobayashi, N Articolo su rivista
1-gen-1985 The Ladon beams: results and prospects Schaerf, C(; de Pascale, Mp; Giordano, G; Matone, G; Babusci, D; Bernabei, R; Casano, L; D'Angelo, S; Mattioli, M; Picozza, P; Prosperi, D; Frullani, S; Girolami, B Contributo in libro
1-gen-1984 The Ladon facility at Frascati de Pascale, Mp; Giordano, G; Matone, G; Picozza, P; Babusci, D; Bernabei, R; Casano, L; D'Angelo, S; Mattioli, M; Prosperi, D; Schaerf, C; Frullani, S; Girolami, B Contributo in libro
1-gen-2016 Lagrangian statistics for Navier-Stokes turbulence under Fourier-mode reduction: Fractal and homogeneous decimations Buzzicotti, M; Bhatnagar, A; Biferale, L; Lanotte, A; Ray, S Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2019 Lanthanum (oxy)boride thin films for thermionic emission applications Bellucci, A; Mastellone, M; Orlando, S; Girolami, M; Generosi, A; Paci, B; Soltani, P; Mezzi, A; Kaciulis, S; Polini, R; Trucchi, Dm Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2017 The LARASE research program. State of the art on modelling and measurements of general relativity effects in the field of the Earth: A preliminary measurement of the Lense-Thirring effect Lucchesi, Dm; Magnafico, C; Peron, R; Visco, M; Anselmo, L; Pardini, C; Bassan, M; Pucacco, G; Stanga, R Intervento a convegno
1-gen-2005 Large amplitude velocity fluctuations as precursor of flares in solar coronal loops Nigro, G; Malara, F; Veltri, P Intervento a convegno
1-gen-2021 Large area, high responsivity, fast and broadband graphene/n-Si photodetector Scagliotti, M; Salvato, M; De Crescenzi, M; Mishra, N; Fabbri, F; Mišeikis, V; Coletti, C; Catone, D; Di Mario, L; Boscardin, M; Castrucci, P Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2009 Large Magellanic Cloud self-lensing for OGLE-II microlensing observations Calchi Novati, S; Mancini, L; Scarpetta, G; Wyrzykowski, L Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2014 The large observatory for x-ray timing Feroci, M; Den Herder, Jw; Bozzo, E; Barret, D; Brandt, S; Hernanz, M; Van Der Klis, M; Pohl, M; Santangelo, A; Stella, L; Watts, A; Wilms, J; Zane, S; Ahangarianabhari, M; Albertus, C; Alford, M; Alpar, A; Altamirano, D; Alvarez, L; Amati, L; Amoros, C; Andersson, N; Antonelli, A; Argan, A; Artigue, R; Artigues, B; Atteia, J-; Azzarello, P; Bakala, P; Baldazzi, G; Balman, S; Barbera, M; Van Baren, C; Bhattacharyya, S; Baykal, A; Belloni, T; Bernardini, F; Bertuccio, G; Bianchi, S; Bianchini, A; Binko, P; Blay, P; Bocchino, F; Bodin, P; Bombaci, I; Bonnet Bidaud, J-; Boutloukos, S; Bradley, L; Braga, J; Brown, E; Bucciantini, N; Burderi, L; Burgay, M; Bursa, M; Budtz-Jorgensen, C; Cackett, E; Cadoux, Fr; Cais, P; Caliandro, Ga; Campana, R; Campana, S; Capitanio, F; Casares, J; Casella, P; Castro-Tirado, Aj; Cavazzuti, E; Cerda-Duran, P; Chakrabarty, D; Chateau, F; Chenevez, J; Coker, J; Cole, R; Collura, A; Cornelisse, R; Courvoisier, T; Cros, A; Cumming, A; Cusumano, G; D'Ai, A; D'Elia, V; Del Monte, E; De Luca, A; De Martino, D; Dercksen, Jpc; De Pasquale, M; De Rosa, A; Del Santo, M; Di Cosimo, S; Diebold, S; Di Salvo, T; Donnarumma, I; Drago, A; Durant, M; Emmanoulopoulos, D; Erkut, Mh; Esposito, P; Evangelista, Y; Fabian, A; Falanga, M; Favre, Y; Feldman, C; Ferrari, V; Ferrigno, C; Finger, M; Finger, Mh; Fraser, Gw; Frericks, M; Fuschino, F; Gabler, M; Galloway, Dk; Galvez Sanchez, Jl; Garcia-Berro, E; Gendre, B; Gezari, S; Giles, Ab; Gilfanov, M; Giommi, P; Giovannini, G; Giroletti, M; Gogus, E; Goldwurm, A; Goluchova, K; Gotz, D; Gouiffes, C; Grassi, M; Groot, P; Gschwender, M; Gualtieri, L; Guidorzi, C; Guy, L; Haas, D; Haensel, P; Hailey, M; Hansen, F; Hartmann, Dh; Haswell, Ca; Hebeler, K; Heger, A; Hermsen, W; Homan, J; Hornstrup, A; Hudec, R; Huovelin, J; Ingram, A; In't Zand, Jjm; Israel, G; Iwasawa, K; Izzo, L; Jacobs, Hm; Jetter, F; Johannsen, T; Jonker, P; Jose, J; Kaaret, P; Kanbach, G; Karas, V; Karelin, D; Kataria, D; Keek, L; Kennedy, T; Klochkov, D; Kluzniak, W; Kokkotas, K; Korpela, S; Kouveliotou, C; Kreykenbohm, I; Kuiper, Lm; Kuvvetli, I; Labanti, C; Lai, D; Lamb, Fk; Laubert, Pp; Lebrun, F; Lin, D; Linder, D; Lodato, G; Longo, F; Lund, N; Maccarone, Tj; Macera, D; Maestre, S; Mahmoodifar, S; Maier, D; Malcovati, P; Mandel, I; Mangano, V; Manousakis, A; Marisaldi, M; Markowitz, A; Martindale, A; Matt, G; Mchardy, Im; Melatos, A; Mendez, M; Mereghetti, S; Michalska, M; Migliari, S; Mignani, R; Miller, Mc; Miller, Jm; Mineo, T; Miniutti, G; Morsink, S; Motch, C; Motta, S; Mouchet, M; Mouret, G; Mulaova, J; Muleri, F; Munoz-Darias, T; Negueruela, I; Neilsen, J; Norton, Aj; Nowak, M; O'Brien, P; Olsen, Peh; Orienti, M; Orio, M; Orlandini, M; Orleaaski, P; Osborne, Jp; Osten, R; Ozel, F; Pacciani, L; Paolillo, M; Papitto, A; Paredes, Jm; Patruno, A; Paul, B; Perinati, E; Pellizzoni, A; Penacchioni, Av; Perez, Ma; Petracek, V; Pittori, C; Pons, J; Portell, J; Possenti, A; Poutanen, J; Prakash, M; Le Provost, P; Psaltis, D; Rambaud, D; Ramon, P; Ramsay, G; Rapisarda, M; Rachevski, A; Rashevskaya, I; Ray, Ps; Rea, N; Reddy, S; Reig, P; Reina Aranda, M; Remillard, R; Reynolds, C; Rezzolla, L; Ribo, M; De La Rie, R; Riggio, A; Rios, A; Rodriguez-Gil, P; Rodriguez, J; Rohlfs, R; Romano, P; Rossi, Emr; Rozanska, A; Rousseau, A; Ryde, F; Sabau-Graziati, L; Sala, G; Salvaterra, R; Sanna, A; Sandberg, J; Scaringi, S; Schanne, S; Schee, J; Schmid, C; Shore, S; Schneider, R; Schwenk, A; Schwope, Ad; Seyler, J-; Shearer, A; Smith, A; Smith, Dm; Smith, Pj; Sochora, V; Soffitta, P; Soleri, P; Spencer, A; Stappers, B; Steiner, Aw; Stergioulas, N; Stratta, G; Strohmayer, Te; Stuchlik, Z; Suchy, S; Sulemainov, V; Takahashi, T; Tamburini, F; Tauris, T; Tenzer, C; Tolos, L; Tombesi, F; Tomsick, J; Torok, G; Torrejon, Jm; Torres, Df; Tramacere, A; Trois, A; Turolla, R; Turriziani, S; Uter, P; Uttley, P; Vacchi, A; Varniere, P; Vaughan, S; Vercellone, S; Vrba, V; Walton, D; Watanabe, S; Wawrzaszek, R; Webb, N; Weinberg, N; Wende, H; Wheatley, P; Wijers, R; Wijnands, R; Wille, M; Wilson-Hodge, Ca; Winter, B; Wood, K; Zampa, G; Zampa, N; Zampieri, L; Zdunik, L; Zdziarski, A; Zhang, B; Zwart, F; Ayre, M; Boenke, T; Corral Van Damme, C; Kuulkers, E; Lumb, D Contributo in libro
1-gen-2021 The large scale polarization explorer (LSPE) for CMB measurements: performance forecast Addamo, G; Ade, Par; Baccigalupi, C; Baldini, Am; Battaglia, Pm; Battistelli, Es; Bau, A; De Bernardis, P; Bersanelli, M; Biasotti, M; Boscaleri, A; Caccianiga, B; Caprioli, S; Cavaliere, F; Cei, F; Cleary, Ka; Columbro, F; Coppi, G; Coppolecchia, A; Cuttaia, F; D'Alessandro, G; De Gasperis, G; De Petris, M; Fafone, V; Farsian, F; Ferrari Barusso, L; Fontanelli, F; Franceschet, C; Gaier, Tc; Galli, L; Gatti, F; Genova-Santos, R; Gerbino, M; Gervasi, M; Ghigna, T; Grosso, D; Gruppuso, A; Gualtieri, R; Incardona, F; Jones, Me; Kangaslahti, P; Krachmalnicoff, N; Lamagna, L; Lattanzi, M; Lopez-Caraballo, Ch; Lumia, M; Mainini, R; Maino, D; Mandelli, S; Maris, M; Masi, S; Matarrese, S; May, A; Mele, L; Mena, P; Mennella, A; Molina, R; Molinari, D; Morgante, G; Natale, U; Nati, F; Natoli, P; Pagano, L; Paiella, A; Panico, F; Paonessa, F; Paradiso, S; Passerini, A; Perez-De-Taoro, M; Peverini, Oa; Pezzotta, F; Piacentini, F; Piccirillo, L; Pisano, G; Polenta, G; Poletti, D; Presta, G; Realini, S; Reyes, N; Rocchi, A; Rubino-Martin, Ja; Sandri, M; Sartor, S; Schillaci, A; Signorelli, G; Siri, B; Soria, M; Spinella, F; Tapia, V; Tartari, A; Taylor, Ac; Terenzi, L; Tomasi, M; Tommasi, E; Tucker, C; Vaccaro, D; Vigano, Dm; Villa, F; Virone, G; Vittorio, N; Volpe, A; Watkins, Rej; Zacchei, A; Zannoni, M Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2004 Large scale test and performances of the RPC trigger Chambers for the ATLAS experiment at LHC Aielli, G; Alviggi, M; Ammosov, V; Bianco, M; Camarri, P; Canale, V; Caprio, M; Cardarelli, R; Carlino, G; Cataldi, G; Chiodini, G; de Asmundis, R; Della Pietra, M; della Volpe, D; DI CIACCIO, A; Di Simone, A; Gorini, E; Grancagnolo, F; Iengo, P; Liberti, B; Patricelli, S; Perrino, R; Primavera, M; Santonico, R; Sekhniaidze, G; Spagnolo, S; Tassielli, G; Svidorov, Y; Zaets, V Intervento a convegno
1-gen-2021 Large Spin-to-Charge Conversion at Room Temperature in Extended Epitaxial Sb2Te3 Topological Insulator Chemically Grown on Silicon Longo, E; Belli, M; Alia, M; Rimoldi, M; Cecchini, R; Longo, M; Wiemer, C; Locatelli, L; Tsipas, P; Dimoulas, A; Gubbiotti, G; Fanciulli, M; Mantovan, R Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2005 Large-amplitude velocity fluctuations in coronal loops: Flare drivers? Nigro, G; Malara, F; Veltri, P Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2021 Large-Area {MOVPE} Growth of Topological Insulator Bi2Te3 Epitaxial Layers on i-Si(111) Kumar, A; Cecchini, R; Locatelli, L; Wiemer, C; Martella, C; Nasi, L; Lazzarini, L; Mantovan, R; Longo, M Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2020 Large-scale changes of the cloud coverage in the epsilon Indi Ba and Bb system Hitchcock, J; Helling, C; Scholz, A; Hodosan, G; Dominik, M; Hundertmark, M; Jorgensen, U; Longa-Pena, P; Sajadian, S; Skottfelt, J; Snodgrass, C; Bozza, V; Burgdorf, M; Campbell-White, J; Jaimes, R; Fujii, Y; Haikala, L; Henning, T; Hinse, T; Lowry, S; Mancini, L; Rahvar, S; Rabus, M; Southworth, J; von Essen, C Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2010 Large-scale energy balance and MHD turbulence in solar coronal structures Malara, F; Nigro, G; Onofri, M; Veltri, P Intervento a convegno
1-gen-2015 Larger and faster: Revised properties and a shorter orbital period for the WASP-57 planetary system from a pro-am collaboration Southworth, J; Mancini, L; Tregloan-Reed, J; Calchi Novati, S; Ciceri, S; D'Ago, G; Delrez, L; Dominik, M; Evans, Df; Gillon, M; Jehin, E; Jorgensen, Ug; Haugbolle, T; Lendl, M; Arena, C; Barbieri, L; Barbieri, M; Corfini, G; Lopresti, C; Marchini, A; Marino, G; Alsubai, Ka; Bozza, V; Bramich, Dm; Figuera Jaimes, R; Hinse, Tc; Henning, T; Hundertmark, M; Juncher, D; Korhonen, H; Popovas, A; Rabus, M; Rahvar, S; Schmidt, Rw; Skottfelt, J; Snodgrass, C; Starkey, D; Surdej, J; Wertz, O Articolo su rivista
1-gen-1984 Laser excitation and spin coherence of phosphorescent F2+2 centers in CaO Glasbeek, M; Casalboni, M; Vreeker, R Articolo su rivista
Mostrati risultati da 1.795 a 1.814 di 4.980
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