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Mostrati risultati da 275 a 294 di 487
Data di pubblicazione Titolo Autore(i) Tipo File
31-gen-2020 Lack of PKCθ Promotes Regenerative Ability of Muscle Stem Cells in Chronic Muscle Injury Fiore, Pf; Benedetti, A; Sandonà, M; Madaro, L; De Bardi, M; Saccone, V; Puri, Pl; Gargioli, C; Lozanoska-Ochser, B; Bouché, M Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2014 Learning and behavioral deficits associated with the absence of the fragile X mental retardation protein: What a fly and mouse model can teach us Santos, A; Kanellopoulos, A; Bagni, C Articolo su rivista
1-set-2014 The life and times of Ferruccio Ritossa Capocci, M; Santoro, Mg; Hightower, L Articolo su rivista
1-nov-2020 LifeTime and improving European healthcare through cell-based interceptive medicine Rajewsky, N; Almouzni, G; Gorski, Sa; Aerts, S; Amit, I; Bertero, Mg; Bock, C; Bredenoord, Al; Cavalli, G; Chiocca, S; Clevers, H; De Strooper, B; Eggert, A; Ellenberg, J; Fernández, Xm; Figlerowicz, M; Gasser, Sm; Hubner, N; Kjems, J; Knoblich, Ja; Krabbe, G; Lichter, P; Linnarsson, S; Marine, J; Marioni, Jc; Marti-Renom, Ma; Netea, Mg; Nickel, D; Nollmann, M; Novak, Hr; Parkinson, H; Piccolo, S; Pinheiro, I; Pombo, A; Popp, C; Reik, W; Roman-Roman, S; Rosenstiel, P; Schultze, Jl; Stegle, O; Tanay, A; Testa, G; Thanos, D; Theis, Fj; Torres-Padilla, M; Valencia, A; Vallot, C; van Oudenaarden, A; Vidal, M; Voet, T; LifeTime Community Working, G; Bagni, C Articolo su rivista
8-ago-2019 A Light Touch on Sociability Domínguez-Iturza, N; Bagni, C Articolo su rivista
15-lug-2009 Lipoxygenase-mediated pro-radical effect of melatonin via stimulation of arachidonic acid metabolism Radogna, F; Sestili, P; Martinelli, C; Paolillo, M; Paternoster, L; Albertini, M; Accorsi, A; Gualandi, G; Ghibelli, L Articolo su rivista
20-mar-2018 The lncRNA H19 positively affects the tumorigenic properties of glioblastoma cells and contributes to NKD1 repression through the recruitment of EZH2 on its promoter. Fazi, B; Garbo, S; Toschi, N; Mangiola, A; Lombari, M; Sicari, D; Battistelli, C; Galardi, S; Michienzi, A; Trevisi, G; Harari-Steinfeld, R; Cicchini, C; Ciafrè, S Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2023 Long Noncoding RNAs and Cancer Stem Cells: Dangerous Liaisons Managing Cancer Ciafrè, Sa; Russo, M; Michienzi, A; Galardi, S Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2013 Low hippocampal PI(4,5)P 2 contributes to reduced cognition in old mice as a result of loss of MARCKS Trovo, L; Ahmed, T; Callaerts Vegh, Z; Buzzi, A; Bagni, C; Chuah, M; Vandendriessche, T; D'Hooge, R; Balschun, D; Dotti, C Articolo su rivista
1-nov-2018 Lowering etoposide doses shifts cell demise from caspase-dependent to differentiation and caspase-3-independent apoptosis via DNA damage response, inducing AML culture extinction Bruni, E; Reichle, A; Scimeca, M; Bonanno, E; Ghibelli, L Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2004 Lsm proteins promote regeneration of pre-mRNA splicing activity. Verdone, L; Galardi, S; Page, D; Beggs, J Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2016 Macroautophagy inhibition maintains fragmented mitochondria to foster T cell receptor-dependent apoptosis Corrado, M; Mariotti, Fr; Trapani, L; Taraborrelli, L; Nazio, F; Cianfanelli, V; Soriano, Me; Schrepfer, E; Cecconi, F; Scorrano, L; Campello, S Articolo su rivista
1-gen-1999 Magnetic fields increase cell survival by inhibiting apoptosis via modulation of Ca2+ influx Fanelli, C; Coppola, S; Barone, R; Colussi, C; Gualandi, G; Volpe, P; Ghibelli, L Articolo su rivista
1-mar-2011 Magnetic fields promote a pro-survival non-capacitative Ca2+ entry via phospholipase C signaling Cerella, C; Cordisco, S; Albertini, M; Accorsi, A; Diederich, M; Ghibelli, L Articolo su rivista
1-dic-2006 Magnetic fields protect from apoptosis via redox alteration De Nicola, M; Cordisco, S; Cerella, C; Albertini, M; D'Alessio, M; Accorsi, A; Bergamaschi, A; Magrini, A; Ghibelli, L Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2018 Maintenance mechanisms of circuit-integrated axons Mariano, V; Domínguez-Iturza, N; Neukomm, Lj; Bagni, C Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2018 Maintenance mechanisms of circuit-integrated axons Mariano, V; Dominguez-Iturza, N; Neukomm, Lj; Bagni, C Articolo su rivista
1-gen-2012 Makorin ring zinc finger protein 1 (MKRN1), a novel poly(A)-binding protein-interacting protein, stimulates translation in nerve cells Miroci, H; Schob, C; Kindler, S; Olschlager Schutt, J; Fehr, S; Jungenitz, T; Schwarzacher, S; Bagni, C; Mohr, E Articolo su rivista
1-apr-2022 Mapping genomic loci implicates genes and synaptic biology in schizophrenia Trubetskoy, V; Pardiñas, Af; Qi, T; Panagiotaropoulou, G; Awasthi, S; Bigdeli, Tb; Bryois, J; Chen, C; Dennison, Ca; Hall, Ls; Lam, M; Watanabe, K; Frei, O; Ge, T; Harwood, Jc; Koopmans, F; Magnusson, S; Richards, Al; Sidorenko, J; Wu, Y; Zeng, J; Grove, J; Kim, M; Li, Z; Voloudakis, G; Zhang, W; Adams, M; Agartz, I; Atkinson, Eg; Agerbo, E; Al Eissa, M; Albus, M; Alexander, M; Alizadeh, Bz; Alptekin, K; Als, Td; Amin, F; Arolt, V; Arrojo, M; Athanasiu, L; Azevedo, Mh; Bacanu, Sa; Bass, Nj; Begemann, M; Belliveau, Ra; Bene, J; Benyamin, B; Bergen, Se; Blasi, G; Bobes, J; Bonassi, S; Braun, A; Bressan, Ra; Bromet, Ej; Bruggeman, R; Buckley, Pf; Buckner, Rl; Bybjerg-Grauholm, J; Cahn, W; Cairns, Mj; Calkins, Me; Carr, Vj; Castle, D; Catts, Sv; Chambert, Kd; Chan, Rck; Chaumette, B; Cheng, W; Cheung, Efc; Chong, Sa; Cohen, D; Consoli, A; Cordeiro, Q; Costas, J; Curtis, C; Davidson, M; Davis, Kl; de Haan, L; Degenhardt, F; Delisi, Le; Demontis, D; Dickerson, F; Dikeos, D; Dinan, T; Djurovic, S; Duan, J; Ducci, G; Dudbridge, F; Eriksson, Jg; Fañanás, L; Faraone, Sv; Fiorentino, A; Forstner, A; Frank, J; Freimer, Nb; Fromer, M; Frustaci, A; Gadelha, A; Genovese, G; Gershon, Es; Giannitelli, M; Giegling, I; Giusti-Rodríguez, P; Godard, S; Goldstein, Ji; González Peñas, J; González-Pinto, A; Gopal, S; Gratten, J; Green, Mf; Greenwood, Ta; Guillin, O; Gülöksüz, S; Gur, Re; Gur, Rc; Gutiérrez, B; Hahn, E; Hakonarson, H; Haroutunian, V; Hartmann, Am; Harvey, C; Hayward, C; Henskens, Fa; Herms, S; Hoffmann, P; Howrigan, Dp; Ikeda, M; Iyegbe, C; Joa, I; Julià, A; Kähler, Ak; Kam-Thong, T; Kamatani, Y; Karachanak-Yankova, S; Kebir, O; Keller, Mc; Kelly, Bj; Khrunin, A; Kim, S; Klovins, J; Kondratiev, N; Konte, B; Kraft, J; Kubo, M; Kučinskas, V; Kučinskiene, Za; Kusumawardhani, A; Kuzelova-Ptackova, H; Landi, S; Lazzeroni, Lc; Lee, Ph; Legge, Se; Lehrer, Ds; Lencer, R; Lerer, B; Li, M; Lieberman, J; Light, Ga; Limborska, S; Liu, C; Lönnqvist, J; Loughland, Cm; Lubinski, J; Luykx, Jj; Lynham, A; Macek, M; Mackinnon, A; Magnusson, Pke; Maher, Bs; Maier, W; Malaspina, D; Mallet, J; Marder, Sr; Marsal, S; Martin, Ar; Martorell, L; Mattheisen, M; Mccarley, Rw; Mcdonald, C; Mcgrath, Jj; Medeiros, H; Meier, S; Melegh, B; Melle, I; Mesholam-Gately, Ri; Metspalu, A; Michie, Pt; Milani, L; Milanova, V; Mitjans, M; Molden, E; Molina, E; Molto, Md; Mondelli, V; Moreno, C; Morley, Cp; Muntané, G; Murphy, Kc; Myin-Germeys, I; Nenadić, I; Nestadt, G; Nikitina-Zake, L; Noto, C; Nuechterlein, Kh; O'Brien, Nl; O'Neill, Fa; Oh, S; Olincy, A; Ota, Vk; Pantelis, C; Papadimitriou, Gn; Parellada, M; Paunio, T; Pellegrino, R; Periyasamy, S; Perkins, Do; Pfuhlmann, B; Pietiläinen, O; Pimm, J; Porteous, D; Powell, J; Quattrone, D; Quested, D; Radant, Ad; Rampino, A; Rapaport, Mh; Rautanen, A; Reichenberg, A; Roe, C; Roffman, Jl; Roth, J; Rothermundt, M; Rutten, Bpf; Saker-Delye, S; Salomaa, V; Sanjuan, J; Santoro, Ml; Savitz, A; Schall, U; Scott, Rj; Seidman, Lj; Sharp, Si; Shi, J; Siever, Lj; Sigurdsson, E; Sim, K; Skarabis, N; Slominsky, P; So, H; Sobell, Jl; Söderman, E; Stain, Hj; Steen, Ne; Steixner-Kumar, Aa; Stögmann, E; Stone, Ws; Straub, Re; Streit, F; Strengman, E; Stroup, Ts; Subramaniam, M; Sugar, Ca; Suvisaari, J; Svrakic, Dm; Swerdlow, Nr; Szatkiewicz, Jp; Ta, Tmt; Takahashi, A; Terao, C; Thibaut, F; Toncheva, D; Tooney, Pa; Torretta, S; Tosato, S; Tura, Gb; Turetsky, Bi; Üçok, A; Vaaler, A; van Amelsvoort, T; van Winkel, R; Veijola, J; Waddington, J; Walter, H; Waterreus, A; Webb, Bt; Weiser, M; Williams, Nm; Witt, Sh; Wormley, Bk; Wu, Jq; Xu, Z; Yolken, R; Zai, Cc; Zhou, W; Zhu, F; Zimprich, F; Atbaşoğlu, Ec; Ayub, M; Benner, C; Bertolino, A; Black, Dw; Bray, Nj; Breen, G; Buccola, Ng; Byerley, Wf; Chen, Wj; Cloninger, Cr; Crespo-Facorro, B; Donohoe, G; Freedman, R; Galletly, C; Gandal, Mj; Gennarelli, M; Hougaard, Dm; Hwu, H; Jablensky, Av; Mccarroll, Sa; Moran, Jl; Mors, O; Mortensen, Pb; Müller-Myhsok, B; Neil, Al; Nordentoft, M; Pato, Mt; Petryshen, Tl; Pirinen, M; Pulver, Ae; Schulze, Tg; Silverman, Jm; Smoller, Jw; Stahl, Ea; Tsuang, Dw; Vilella, E; Wang, S; Xu, S; Adolfsson, R; Arango, C; Baune, Bt; Belangero, Si; Børglum, Ad; Braff, D; Bramon, E; Buxbaum, Jd; Campion, D; Cervilla, Ja; Cichon, S; Collier, Da; Corvin, A; Curtis, D; Forti, Md; Domenici, E; Ehrenreich, H; Escott-Price, V; Esko, T; Fanous, Ah; Gareeva, A; Gawlik, M; Gejman, Pv; Gill, M; Glatt, Sj; Golimbet, V; Hong, Ks; Hultman, Cm; Hyman, Se; Iwata, N; Jönsson, Eg; Kahn, Rs; Kennedy, Jl; Khusnutdinova, E; Kirov, G; Knowles, Ja; Krebs, M; Laurent-Levinson, C; Lee, J; Lencz, T; Levinson, Df; Li, Qs; Liu, J; Malhotra, Ak; Malhotra, D; Mcintosh, A; Mcquillin, A; Menezes, Pr; Morgan, Va; Morris, Dw; Mowry, Bj; Murray, Rm; Nimgaonkar, V; Nöthen, Mm; Ophoff, Ra; Paciga, Sa; Palotie, A; Pato, Cn; Qin, S; Rietschel, M; Riley, Bp; Rivera, M; Rujescu, D; Saka, Mc; Sanders, Ar; Schwab, Sg; Serretti, A; Sham, Pc; Shi, Y; St Clair, D; Stefánsson, H; Stefansson, K; Tsuang, Mt; van Os, J; Vawter, Mp; Weinberger, Dr; Werge, T; Wildenauer, Db; Yu, X; Yue, W; Holmans, Pa; Pocklington, Aj; Roussos, P; Vassos, E; Verhage, M; Visscher, Pm; Yang, J; Posthuma, D; Andreassen, Oa; Kendler, Ks; Owen, Mj; Wray, Nr; Daly, Mj; Huang, H; Neale, Bm; Sullivan, Pf; Ripke, S; Walters, Jtr; O'Donovan, Mc; Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics, C; Bagni, C Articolo su rivista
27-lug-2016 Matrix scaffolding for stem cell guidance toward skeletal muscle tissue engineering Fuoco, C; Petrilli, Ll; Cannata, S; Gargioli, C Articolo su rivista
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