This work analyzes the leadership model of the Italian firms through an approach that combines the upper echelons theory and the resource dependence theory. The integration of these theories favours the acknowledgement of the role played by the executive leadership in managing the resources of the firm’s internal and external environment, and, consequently, her contribution to the develop-ment of the firm’s competitive advantage. The executive leadership is developed through the firm’s government organs, and specifically through the Board of Directors (BoD), whose central role is due to the fact that it participates to the definition of firm’s strategies, acts a continuous monitoring of the firm’s management and represents an essential instrument for the access to the environmental resources. BoD can deal with these functions accordingly with the characteristics of its cognitive and relational capital, that are the whole of knowledge, values and relationships developed, singu-larly and collectively, by its members. Nevertheless, the BoD effectiveness, and so its impact on the firm’s strategies and performance, depends also on other factors, that concern with the firm’s inter-nal and external environment. In particular, it’s necessary to understand the corporate governance model adopted by the firm, which determines the relationship among stakeholders and the power equilibrium inside the organization. For this reason, I have given a wide description of the corporate governance models adopted by the Italian firms, before and after the legislative reforms passed since 1998, highlighting their characteristics in terms of ownership structure, of the role played by the different typologies of shareholders, and of the effects on the firm’s government organs. Inside the corporate governance models of the Italian firms, the BoD role is focussed above all on the functions of firm’s strategies development and of the access to the environmental resources, but the effectiveness in dealing with these functions strongly depends on the characteristics of BoD cogni-tive and relational capital. In order to evaluate BoD cognitive and relational capital, it has been car-ried out an empirical analysis using a demographic approach, which is based on the study of such strictly demographic variables, inherent to the singular director and to the whole BoD. Each of these variables can have a different impact on the strategies and the performance of the firm, as indicated by the wide literature linked to the upper echelons theory and to the resource dependence theory. In this work, coherently with some previous studies, I have focussed my attention on the impact that these variables can have on two populations of firms, belonging to a stable and to a turbulent sector, respectively the food and the IT sector; so, it’s possible to point in evidence the strict relationship between BoD cognitive and relational capital and the environment where the firm operates. So, I have carried out an accurate structural analysis of BoD composition, which has favoured the map-ping of such demographic variables that determine the degree of homogeneity/heterogeneity of the cognitive capital, while the measurement of the variables linked to the relational capital has been carried out through the use of Social Network Analysis techniques. Then, I have carried out a com-parison between the firms belonging to the two sectors, through the use of non parametric statistical techniques, which highlighted the existence of significative differences between the two populations of firms; in fact, the IT firms show a more heterogeneous cognitive capital and a relational capital more developed than the food ones. Finally, through the use of a cluster analysis, I have classified the firms of each sector accordingly to their degree of homogeneity/heterogeneity of BoD cognitive capital and I have pointed in evidence some positive relationships with the innovation strategies car-ried out by the firms and with their performance, measured in terms of ROE and ROI. Through this work, I have identified if a specific BoD composition con have a positive or negative effect on such firm’s strategies and results, but this does not imply that the cognitive and relational capital is the principal cause of the firm’s behaviour, which is determined by several factors, inherent to the ex-ternal and the internal firm’s environment.
Il presente lavoro analizza il modello di leadership delle aziende italiane attraverso un approccio che integra la upper echelons theory e la resource dependence theory. L’integrazione di queste due teorie permette di comprendere il ruolo giocato dalla leadership aziendale nella gestione delle risor-se che fanno parte dell’ambiente interno ed esterno all’impresa, e quindi il contributo che essa può dare alla definizione del vantaggio competitivo aziendale. La leadership aziendale si estrinseca at-traverso gli organi di governo dell’impresa e in particolare attraverso il Consiglio di Amministra-zione (CdA), il cui ruolo centrale è dovuto dal fatto che esso partecipa alla formulazione delle stra-tegie aziendali, opera un monitoraggio continuo della gestione dell’impresa e rappresenta uno stru-mento essenziale per l’accesso alle risorse presenti nell’ambiente. La modalità con cui il CdA riesce ad espletare tali funzioni dipende dalle caratteristiche del suo patrimonio cognitivo e relazionale, ossia dall’insieme di conoscenze, valori e relazioni di cui i suoi membri, singolarmente e colletti-vamente, si fanno portatori. Tuttavia, l’efficacia del CdA, e quindi l’impatto che tale organo può avere sulle strategie e la performance aziendale, dipende anche da altri fattori che sono riconducibili all’ambiente interno ed esterno all’impresa. In particolare, occorre tenere conto del modello di cor-porate governance adottato dall’azienda che determina le relazioni tra gli stakeholder e gli equilibri di potere all’interno dell’organizzazione. Per questo motivo, si è data un’ampia descrizione dei mo-delli di corporate governance adottati dalle aziende italiane, precedentemente e successivamente al-le riforme legislative approvate a partire dal 1998, evidenziandone le caratteristiche dal punto di vi-sta della struttura proprietaria, del ruolo delle diverse tipologie di azionisti e degli effetti che questi fattori hanno sugli organi di governo aziendale. All’interno dei modelli di corporate governance del-le aziende italiane, il ruolo del CdA è focalizzato soprattutto sulle funzioni di formulazione della strategia aziendale e di accesso alle risorse esterne, ma l’efficacia con cui esse vengono svolte di-pende fortemente dalle caratteristiche del patrimonio cognitivo e relazionale del CdA. Per valutare il patrimonio cognitivo e relazionale del CdA è stata effettuata un’analisi empirica utilizzando un approccio demografico, che si basa sullo studio di alcune variabili strettamente demografiche, che riguardano i singoli amministratori e il Consiglio nel suo insieme. Ciascuna di queste variabili può avere un impatto diverso sulle strategie messe in atto dall’azienda e sulla performance ottenuta dalla stessa, come testimoniato dalla vasta letteratura in merito, legata soprattutto alla upper echelons theory e alla resource dependence theory. Nel presente lavoro, in linea con alcuni studi precedenti, si è focalizzata l’attenzione sull’impatto che tali variabili possono avere in due popolazioni di a-ziende, appartenenti ad un settore stabile e turbolento, rispettivamente quello alimentare e quello in-formatico; in questo modo è stato possibile evidenziare lo stretto legame esistente tra patrimonio cognitivo e relazionale del CdA e ambiente di business in cui opera l’impresa. Conseguentemente, si è proceduto ad un’accurata analisi strutturale della composizione di tale organo, che ha permesso di mappare alcune variabili demografiche che ne definiscono il grado di omogeneità/eterogeneità del patrimonio cognitivo, mentre la misurazione delle variabili legate al patrimonio relazionale è stata condotta attraverso l’uso di tecniche legate alla Social Network Analysis. Si è proceduto ad un confronto tra le aziende appartenenti ai due settori, attraverso l’uso di tecniche statistiche non para-metriche, che hanno evidenziato l’esistenza di differenze significative tra le due popolazioni di a-ziende; infatti, le aziende del settore informatico mostrano un patrimonio cognitivo molto più etero-geneo e un patrimonio relazionale più sviluppato rispetto a quelle alimentari. Infine, attraverso l’uso della cluster analysis, si è proceduto ad una classificazione delle aziende sulla base del grado di omogeneità/eterogeneità del patrimonio cognitivo del loro CdA e sono state evidenziate delle rela-zioni positive con le strategie di innovazione messe in atto dalle aziende e con le performance, mi-surate in termini di ROE e ROI. Attraverso questo studio, è stato possibile identificare se una de-terminata configurazione del CdA può avere effetti positivi o negativi su determinate scelte e risul-tati aziendali, anche se ciò non implica che il patrimonio cognitivo e relazionale del CdA sia la cau-sa principale del comportamento delle imprese, dal momento che quest’ultimo dipende da una mol-teplicità di fattori, interni ed esterni all’impresa.
Murgia, G. (2009). La definizione di nuovi modelli di leadership per il conseguimento del vantaggio competitivo: un'analisi strutturale degli organi di governo delle imprese italiane basata sull'integrazione della upper echelons theory e della resource dependence theory [10.58015/murgia-gianluca_phd2009-07-29].
La definizione di nuovi modelli di leadership per il conseguimento del vantaggio competitivo: un'analisi strutturale degli organi di governo delle imprese italiane basata sull'integrazione della upper echelons theory e della resource dependence theory
This work analyzes the leadership model of the Italian firms through an approach that combines the upper echelons theory and the resource dependence theory. The integration of these theories favours the acknowledgement of the role played by the executive leadership in managing the resources of the firm’s internal and external environment, and, consequently, her contribution to the develop-ment of the firm’s competitive advantage. The executive leadership is developed through the firm’s government organs, and specifically through the Board of Directors (BoD), whose central role is due to the fact that it participates to the definition of firm’s strategies, acts a continuous monitoring of the firm’s management and represents an essential instrument for the access to the environmental resources. BoD can deal with these functions accordingly with the characteristics of its cognitive and relational capital, that are the whole of knowledge, values and relationships developed, singu-larly and collectively, by its members. Nevertheless, the BoD effectiveness, and so its impact on the firm’s strategies and performance, depends also on other factors, that concern with the firm’s inter-nal and external environment. In particular, it’s necessary to understand the corporate governance model adopted by the firm, which determines the relationship among stakeholders and the power equilibrium inside the organization. For this reason, I have given a wide description of the corporate governance models adopted by the Italian firms, before and after the legislative reforms passed since 1998, highlighting their characteristics in terms of ownership structure, of the role played by the different typologies of shareholders, and of the effects on the firm’s government organs. Inside the corporate governance models of the Italian firms, the BoD role is focussed above all on the functions of firm’s strategies development and of the access to the environmental resources, but the effectiveness in dealing with these functions strongly depends on the characteristics of BoD cogni-tive and relational capital. In order to evaluate BoD cognitive and relational capital, it has been car-ried out an empirical analysis using a demographic approach, which is based on the study of such strictly demographic variables, inherent to the singular director and to the whole BoD. Each of these variables can have a different impact on the strategies and the performance of the firm, as indicated by the wide literature linked to the upper echelons theory and to the resource dependence theory. In this work, coherently with some previous studies, I have focussed my attention on the impact that these variables can have on two populations of firms, belonging to a stable and to a turbulent sector, respectively the food and the IT sector; so, it’s possible to point in evidence the strict relationship between BoD cognitive and relational capital and the environment where the firm operates. So, I have carried out an accurate structural analysis of BoD composition, which has favoured the map-ping of such demographic variables that determine the degree of homogeneity/heterogeneity of the cognitive capital, while the measurement of the variables linked to the relational capital has been carried out through the use of Social Network Analysis techniques. Then, I have carried out a com-parison between the firms belonging to the two sectors, through the use of non parametric statistical techniques, which highlighted the existence of significative differences between the two populations of firms; in fact, the IT firms show a more heterogeneous cognitive capital and a relational capital more developed than the food ones. Finally, through the use of a cluster analysis, I have classified the firms of each sector accordingly to their degree of homogeneity/heterogeneity of BoD cognitive capital and I have pointed in evidence some positive relationships with the innovation strategies car-ried out by the firms and with their performance, measured in terms of ROE and ROI. Through this work, I have identified if a specific BoD composition con have a positive or negative effect on such firm’s strategies and results, but this does not imply that the cognitive and relational capital is the principal cause of the firm’s behaviour, which is determined by several factors, inherent to the ex-ternal and the internal firm’s environment.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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