As it is well known, chemistry is dominated by the study of species in solution. In principle, any liquid may be used as a solvent, but relatively few are of general use. Moreover, as concern for environment protection increased and legislation became more strict, the introduction of cleaner technologies has become a major goal, both for industry and academia. Thus, the quest for alternatives to the most damaging solvents has become a high priority task. Volatile organic solvents (VOCs) are among the most damaging chemicals for two main reasons: they are used in large amounts and they are usually volatile liquids that are difficult to contain. A sustainable solvent should be a non toxic, non volatile, biodegradable liquid. ILs meet the fundamental criteria for a sustainable solvent because they exhibit essentially no vapour, they generally have reasonable thermal stability, are immiscible with some organic solvents and, hence, can be used in two-phase systems, can be tailored according to needs (“designer solvents”). The work of this thesis was aimed to utilize ILs as solvents for both in organic reactivity and in practical application, such as for the first time, in paper restoration field. The first step of this work was aimed at find an accurate synthetic protocol in order to obtain highly pure ionic liquids. Synthesis consisted in two steps, namely quaternization and anion metathesis. A satisfactory number of “canonical” ILs of different nature, hydrophilic and hydrophobic, was obtained in good yields and, in the search of ionic liquids with different properties, the work has been addressed to the fluorinated ionic liquids synthesis. In this contest, 1-methyl-3-(3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,8)tridecafluorohexyl imidazolium bis-trifluoromethansulfonyl amide was synthesized. It was obtained with the same protocol of canonical ionic liquids, namely by quaternization between methylimidazole and iodoperfluoroalkane, followed by anion metathesis. Syntheses of totally fluorinated ILs were unsuccessful. Probably because the presence of a spacer is indispensable, since steric hindrance in perfluorinated haloalkanes and electronic effects together play a decisive role in nucleophilic substitution. Baeyer-Villiger oxidation was the first reaction studied in ionic liquids as solvents, because it allows to transform ketones into esters simply by introduction of an oxygen atom near the carbonyl group. Standard protocol employs organic peracids as primary oxidants, but they have a number of drawbacks thus stimulating the research of alternative oxidant systems, such as hydrogen peroxide as primary oxidant: this molecule simplifies greatly the workup, thus allowing the use of simpler reaction conditions and avoiding the separation of the carboxylic acid. Furthermore it owns a higher active oxygen content, and water is the byproduct. On the other hand, hydrogen peroxide is kinetically more inert and requires the use of a suitable catalyst. Many new heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysts, have been already found able to activate H2O2 and promote the reaction and, among these, a class of cationic Pt(II) complex was particularly used in the Baeyer-Villiger reaction, above all for capability of the Pt(II)-catalyst to oxidize also acyclic ketones (and it represents a great innovation with respect to the major part of other metal catalysts). These complexes work at the boundary of a double phase: the aqueous solution of H2O2 and a halogenated solvent, in which the catalyst is soluble. In order to substitute the organic layer with a more sustainable solvent, it was carried out the BV reaction in ILs. Hydrophobic ones, in particular bmimNTf2 (1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide), resulted to be a superior reaction medium than hydrophilic ILs and organic solvents. Best reaction conditions were found to be a ketone/H2O2/catalyst ratio equal to 2:1:0.01 at 30 °C. Differences in Pt(II) ligands did not affect the final outcome significantly. Better yields were obtained with cyclic ketones at 60 °C, where oxidation was fast enough to proceed before deactivation of the catalyst. It was demonstrated that it is possible to grant the catalyst recover, which it is one of main goals in metal catalyzed reactions. Reaction variables (solvent, substrate, catalyst, and temperatures) were tested and their influence on the final result assessed. A preliminary study of ferrocene acylation was performed using poly-oxo-metalates (POMs) as Lewis acids instead of AlCl3, normally implied in this kind of reaction, but used in more than stoichiometric amount. In this experimental work very simple reaction conditions were set up and the simplest Keggin POM was chosen. Reaction gave 20% of product if carried out in organic solvent, 50% in IL; increasing the temperature it was possible to obtain yields of 80% without any formation of polysubstitution byproducts. Finally it was demonstrated that ILs help in solving the ink corrosion due to iron gall inks. Objects treated with iron gall ink suffer from two concomitant processes of deterioration: acid hydrolysis of cellulose and oxidative degradation promoted by metal ion excess. While the acid degradation can be easily eliminated with deacidification, today many attempts are done aimed at finding conservation procedures appropriate to stop the oxidative degradation. In this work the use of imidazolium bromide salts to prevent the ink corrosion due to oxidative degradation was investigated for the first time. The use of ILs as antioxidants, as well as ammonium salts, allowed the development of a non-aqueous method, which is one of the most important goals in the conservation field. pH, viscosimetry and colourimetric measurements showed the effectiveness of the treatment with ILs, in particular, among all the imidazolium salts tested (six in total), 1-butyl-2,3-dimethylimidazole bromide (bdmimBr) was the one that on the whole showed the best anti-oxidant action: in fact, this salt gave results comparable with ones of tetrabutyl ammonium bromide and dodecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide, considered until now the most effective anti-oxidants for the ink corrosion, but in addition it did not perturb appreciably the original ink colour. So inked paper samples, treated with bdmimBr, will be preserved from the oxidative degradation and, at the same time, will maintain information for longer time, retaining the ink colour powerfully. To conclude, in all of their applications, the use of ILs seems to bring benefits not only improving yields, but also opening the possibility of recycle procedure. Also in the conservation field ILs behave as antioxidant against oxidative degradation due to ink corrosion. Surely, once again, it was demonstrated that ILs are very attractive and promising compounds, that can find application in several fields.
La maggior parte delle reazioni chimiche avviene in soluzione, per cui la scelta del solvente adatto è di fondamentale importanza. Tuttavia, leggi sempre più ferree regolano lo smaltimento dei rifiuti chimici, quindi la ricerca di mezzi di reazione a minore impatto ambientale è di sicuro interesse, sia in ambito accademico che industriale. Infatti, i solventi volatili organici (VOCs) sono prodotti chimici tra i più dannosi sia perché vengono usati in quantità massicce, sia perché si disperdono nell’atmosfera, per via della loro volatilità. Tra le alternative maggiormente studiate ci sono i liquidi ionici (ILs) caratterizzati da pressione di vapore non misurabile, elevata stabilità termica, flessibilità sintetica che permette di modulare diverse proprietà chimico-fisiche, caratteristica che è valso loro l’appellativo di “designer solvents”. Nell’ambito di questo studio di tesi i ILs sono stati utilizzati sia come solventi in classiche reazioni organiche sia, per la prima volta, come agenti antiossidanti nel trattamento dei beni librari. Il primo passo di questo studio è consistito, quindi, nella ricerca di un’adeguata strategia sintetica che permettesse di ottenere liquidi ionici di elevata purezza. La sintesi consiste in due passaggi (quaternizzazione e metatesi anionica) con la quale è stato ottenuto un discreto numero di liquidi ionici di comune utilizzo (idrofobi e idrofili) con buone rese. Con il protocollo sintetico messo a punto, è stata esplorata anche la sintesi di ILs caratterizzati da proprietà particolari come la bis-trifluorometansolfonil immide di 1-metil-3-(3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,8)tridecafluoroesil imidazolio. È stata tentata anche la sintesi di liquidi ionici totalmente fluorurati, tuttavia la presenza di uno spaziatore sembra indispensabile per la riuscita della reazione, quanto meno nelle blande condizioni di reazione sperimentate. Per quel che riguarda l’utilizzo dei liquidi ionici come solventi per le reazioni organiche, è stata studiata l’ossidazione di Baeyer-Villiger, considerata un’interessante reazione organica poiché consente la sintesi diretta di esteri a partire dai chetone, tramite l’introduzione di un ossigeno accanto al carbonile. La reazione classica prevede l’uso di peracidi come ossidanti, i quali, però, presentano molti svantaggi, tra i quali la bassa reattività e la scarsa sostenibilità; per cui, da diversi anni, la ricerca in quest’ambito è stata rivolta allo sviluppo di ossidanti più ecocompatibili, come l’acqua ossigenata. Questa però, essendo cineticamente inerte, deve essere attivata mediante l’uso di un appropriato catalizzatore. Tra tutti quelli sviluppati, una classe di complessi cationici di Pt(II) si sono riveranti essere molto efficaci, soprattutto perché sono in grado di ossidare anche chetoni lineari, cosa raramente riscontrata con altri sistemi catalitici. L’ossidazione di Baeyer-Villiger impiegando tali complessi, avviene in doppia fase: quella organica (tipicamente costituita da un solvente clorurato), in cui il catalizzatore è solubile, e quella acquosa con H2O2. In questo lavoro sperimentale, la fase organica è stata quindi sostituita con i liquidi ionici. È stato osservato che quelli idrofobi, e in particolare con la bis-trifluorometansolfonil immide di 1-butil-3-metil imidazolio, bmimTf2N, forniscono migliori risultati rispetto al solvente organico sia a temperatura ambiente (30 °C) sia a temperature superiori. Invece non sono state osservate grosse differenze di reattività variando i ligandi sul catalizzatore. Sono stati anche condotti esperimenti di riciclo del catalizzatore, nell’ottica di rendere la reazione ancora più sostenibile. Inoltre è stato studiato come varia l’efficienza del sistema al variare di solvente, substrati e temperatura. È stato poi eseguito uno studio preliminare sull’acilazione del ferrocene, promossa da poliossometallati (POMs), in luogo del cloruro d’alluminio. In questo lavoro sperimentale sono state adottate condizione di reazione molto blande, diversamente da quanto accade nelle classiche acilazioni di Friedel-Crafts, utilizzando un POM di semplice sintesi: ancora una volta, la reazione condotta in ILs garantisce rese superiori a quelle in solvente organico (50% vs 20%) senza prodotti di polisostituzione. La resa può essere addirittura portata all’80% aumentando la temperatura. Infine è stato dimostrato che i liquidi ionici ostacolano la corrosione della carta ad opera degli inchiostro metallo-gallici, dato che carte inchiostrate con questo tipo di inchiostro sono soggette a due processi di deterioramento concomitanti: l’idrolisi acida della cellulosa e la degradazione ossidativa promossa da ioni metallici. Mentre la degradazione acida può essere semplicemente soppressa con trattamenti deacidificanti, è molto più difficile arrestare la degradazione ossidativa. In questo lavoro sono stati esaminati per la prima volta i bromuri di imidazolio per prevenire la corrosione dovuta proprio alla degradazione ossidativa. L’impiego dei ILs, così come per i sali d’ammonio, ha permesso lo sviluppo di un trattamento non acquoso, che è uno degli obbiettivi più importanti nell’ambito del restauro. Misure di pH, viscosimetria e colorimetria hanno dimostrato l’efficienza del trattamento con ILs, in particolare, il bromuro di 1-butil-2,3-dimetilimidazolio, che nel complesso ha mostrato la miglior azione antiossidante. Difatti questo sale ha prodotto risultati confrontabili con quelli del bromuro di tetrabutilammonio e di dodeciltrimetilammonio, considerati fino ad ora gli antiossidanti più efficienti, ma a differenza di questi ultimi, il bdmimBr non ha apportato variazioni significative del colore originario dell’inchiostro. In questa maniera campioni di carte inchiostrate, trattate con bdmimBr, non solo sono più resistenti nei confronti della degradazione ossidativi, ma manterranno anche il colore più a lungo. Concludendo, in ogni loro utilizzo i ILs sembrano apportare vantaggi non solo per quel che riguarda l’aumento delle rese, ma anche la possibilità di riutilizzo del catalizzatore. Anche nel campo del restauro i liquidi ionici si comportano come antiossidanti nei confronti della degradazione ossidativa. Certamente questo studio ha contribuito a dimostrare che i liquidi ionici sono una classe di composti versatile e interessante.
Mirruzzo, V. (2009). Synthesis and utilization of ionic liquids [10.58015/mirruzzo-valentina_phd2009-01-15].
Synthesis and utilization of ionic liquids
As it is well known, chemistry is dominated by the study of species in solution. In principle, any liquid may be used as a solvent, but relatively few are of general use. Moreover, as concern for environment protection increased and legislation became more strict, the introduction of cleaner technologies has become a major goal, both for industry and academia. Thus, the quest for alternatives to the most damaging solvents has become a high priority task. Volatile organic solvents (VOCs) are among the most damaging chemicals for two main reasons: they are used in large amounts and they are usually volatile liquids that are difficult to contain. A sustainable solvent should be a non toxic, non volatile, biodegradable liquid. ILs meet the fundamental criteria for a sustainable solvent because they exhibit essentially no vapour, they generally have reasonable thermal stability, are immiscible with some organic solvents and, hence, can be used in two-phase systems, can be tailored according to needs (“designer solvents”). The work of this thesis was aimed to utilize ILs as solvents for both in organic reactivity and in practical application, such as for the first time, in paper restoration field. The first step of this work was aimed at find an accurate synthetic protocol in order to obtain highly pure ionic liquids. Synthesis consisted in two steps, namely quaternization and anion metathesis. A satisfactory number of “canonical” ILs of different nature, hydrophilic and hydrophobic, was obtained in good yields and, in the search of ionic liquids with different properties, the work has been addressed to the fluorinated ionic liquids synthesis. In this contest, 1-methyl-3-(3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,8)tridecafluorohexyl imidazolium bis-trifluoromethansulfonyl amide was synthesized. It was obtained with the same protocol of canonical ionic liquids, namely by quaternization between methylimidazole and iodoperfluoroalkane, followed by anion metathesis. Syntheses of totally fluorinated ILs were unsuccessful. Probably because the presence of a spacer is indispensable, since steric hindrance in perfluorinated haloalkanes and electronic effects together play a decisive role in nucleophilic substitution. Baeyer-Villiger oxidation was the first reaction studied in ionic liquids as solvents, because it allows to transform ketones into esters simply by introduction of an oxygen atom near the carbonyl group. Standard protocol employs organic peracids as primary oxidants, but they have a number of drawbacks thus stimulating the research of alternative oxidant systems, such as hydrogen peroxide as primary oxidant: this molecule simplifies greatly the workup, thus allowing the use of simpler reaction conditions and avoiding the separation of the carboxylic acid. Furthermore it owns a higher active oxygen content, and water is the byproduct. On the other hand, hydrogen peroxide is kinetically more inert and requires the use of a suitable catalyst. Many new heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysts, have been already found able to activate H2O2 and promote the reaction and, among these, a class of cationic Pt(II) complex was particularly used in the Baeyer-Villiger reaction, above all for capability of the Pt(II)-catalyst to oxidize also acyclic ketones (and it represents a great innovation with respect to the major part of other metal catalysts). These complexes work at the boundary of a double phase: the aqueous solution of H2O2 and a halogenated solvent, in which the catalyst is soluble. In order to substitute the organic layer with a more sustainable solvent, it was carried out the BV reaction in ILs. Hydrophobic ones, in particular bmimNTf2 (1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide), resulted to be a superior reaction medium than hydrophilic ILs and organic solvents. Best reaction conditions were found to be a ketone/H2O2/catalyst ratio equal to 2:1:0.01 at 30 °C. Differences in Pt(II) ligands did not affect the final outcome significantly. Better yields were obtained with cyclic ketones at 60 °C, where oxidation was fast enough to proceed before deactivation of the catalyst. It was demonstrated that it is possible to grant the catalyst recover, which it is one of main goals in metal catalyzed reactions. Reaction variables (solvent, substrate, catalyst, and temperatures) were tested and their influence on the final result assessed. A preliminary study of ferrocene acylation was performed using poly-oxo-metalates (POMs) as Lewis acids instead of AlCl3, normally implied in this kind of reaction, but used in more than stoichiometric amount. In this experimental work very simple reaction conditions were set up and the simplest Keggin POM was chosen. Reaction gave 20% of product if carried out in organic solvent, 50% in IL; increasing the temperature it was possible to obtain yields of 80% without any formation of polysubstitution byproducts. Finally it was demonstrated that ILs help in solving the ink corrosion due to iron gall inks. Objects treated with iron gall ink suffer from two concomitant processes of deterioration: acid hydrolysis of cellulose and oxidative degradation promoted by metal ion excess. While the acid degradation can be easily eliminated with deacidification, today many attempts are done aimed at finding conservation procedures appropriate to stop the oxidative degradation. In this work the use of imidazolium bromide salts to prevent the ink corrosion due to oxidative degradation was investigated for the first time. The use of ILs as antioxidants, as well as ammonium salts, allowed the development of a non-aqueous method, which is one of the most important goals in the conservation field. pH, viscosimetry and colourimetric measurements showed the effectiveness of the treatment with ILs, in particular, among all the imidazolium salts tested (six in total), 1-butyl-2,3-dimethylimidazole bromide (bdmimBr) was the one that on the whole showed the best anti-oxidant action: in fact, this salt gave results comparable with ones of tetrabutyl ammonium bromide and dodecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide, considered until now the most effective anti-oxidants for the ink corrosion, but in addition it did not perturb appreciably the original ink colour. So inked paper samples, treated with bdmimBr, will be preserved from the oxidative degradation and, at the same time, will maintain information for longer time, retaining the ink colour powerfully. To conclude, in all of their applications, the use of ILs seems to bring benefits not only improving yields, but also opening the possibility of recycle procedure. Also in the conservation field ILs behave as antioxidant against oxidative degradation due to ink corrosion. Surely, once again, it was demonstrated that ILs are very attractive and promising compounds, that can find application in several fields.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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