The paper analyses the main issues that were tackled by the Constituent Assembly while devising article 138 of the Italian Constitution, which regulates the constitutional amendment process. After a brief analysis of the different positions that emerged during the debate, all united by a desire to “reinforce” the Constitution (i.e., to make it rigid), two important issues are examined. The first one regards the search for an amendment procedure that could reconcile the existing need for stability and continuity of the constitutional architecture, on the one hand, and the desire for renewal that could arise, on the other, in order to create a constitutional system that would be capable of matching social change. The various solutions for “reinforcing” constitutional amendment procedures that were considered by the Assembly are examined, along with their sets of problems, specifically in light of the subsequent implementation of article 138. The second one concerns the nature and the distinct meaning of the constitutional referendum as part of the constitutional amendment process, in the context of a broader debate on introducing direct democracy tools within legal systems based on representative democracy. Observations are made on the “flexibility” of the constitutional referendum, especially in view of its implementation (which only started in 2001). Lastly, the paper focuses on the distinction between “laws amending the Constitution” and “other constitutional laws”, which is made in the first paragraph of article 138, investigating the meaning of said distinction in the system of sources and the different views on the topic that have emerged in the doctrinal debate.
Il contributo si sofferma sulle principali questioni affrontate in seno all’Assemblea costituente con riferimento alla rigidità costituzionale ed al procedimento di revisione della Costituzione italiana, al fine di ricostruire il percorso genetico dell’art. 138 Cost. Dopo una sintetica analisi delle principali posizioni emerse nel dibattito e delle relative proposte di formulazione del testo, accomunate dalla volontà di irrigidire la Costituzione repubblicana, l’indagine affronta due profili di particolare rilievo. Il primo concerne la scelta degli aspetti procedimentali in grado di conciliare le esigenze di stabilità e continuità dell’architettura costituzionale, da un lato, e quelle di rinnovamento eventualmente sopravvenute, dall’altro, per consentire all’ordinamento costituzionale di corrispondere ragionevolmente al divenire sociale, evitando una rigidità assoluta e paralizzante. Da questa prospettiva, si analizzano le diverse soluzioni di “aggravio” dell’iter di revisione costituzionale prospettate nei lavori dell’Assemblea costituente, evidenziandone le specifiche criticità anche alla luce della successiva attuazione dell’art. 138 Cost. Il secondo profilo di riflessione riguarda invece la natura del referendum costituzionale nel procedimento di revisione, nell’ambito del più ampio dibattito sull’innesto di strumenti di democrazia diretta all’interno di modelli ordinamentali ispirati alla democrazia rappresentativa. Tale aspetto consente di svolgere alcune considerazioni sulla “duttilità” del referendum costituzionale alla luce della concreta esperienza attuativa (avviata solo nel 2001). Il lavoro dedica infine attenzione alla distinzione tra leggi di revisione e altre leggi costituzionali contenuta nel primo comma dell’art. 138 Cost., interrogandosi sul significato di tale distinzione nel complessivo sistema delle fonti e sulle diverse ricostruzioni emerse a tale riguardo nel dibattito dottrinale.
Morana, D. (2022). Brevi note sulla genesi dell’art. 138 della Costituzione italiana. In R. Tiscini, F.P. Luiso (a cura di), Scritti in onore di Bruno Sassani (pp. 1993-2004). Pacini giuridica.
Brevi note sulla genesi dell’art. 138 della Costituzione italiana
Morana, D
The paper analyses the main issues that were tackled by the Constituent Assembly while devising article 138 of the Italian Constitution, which regulates the constitutional amendment process. After a brief analysis of the different positions that emerged during the debate, all united by a desire to “reinforce” the Constitution (i.e., to make it rigid), two important issues are examined. The first one regards the search for an amendment procedure that could reconcile the existing need for stability and continuity of the constitutional architecture, on the one hand, and the desire for renewal that could arise, on the other, in order to create a constitutional system that would be capable of matching social change. The various solutions for “reinforcing” constitutional amendment procedures that were considered by the Assembly are examined, along with their sets of problems, specifically in light of the subsequent implementation of article 138. The second one concerns the nature and the distinct meaning of the constitutional referendum as part of the constitutional amendment process, in the context of a broader debate on introducing direct democracy tools within legal systems based on representative democracy. Observations are made on the “flexibility” of the constitutional referendum, especially in view of its implementation (which only started in 2001). Lastly, the paper focuses on the distinction between “laws amending the Constitution” and “other constitutional laws”, which is made in the first paragraph of article 138, investigating the meaning of said distinction in the system of sources and the different views on the topic that have emerged in the doctrinal debate.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.