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Inconel-600 blocks and stainless steel covers for quartz microbalance crystals from remote corners in the JET-ILW divertor were studied with time-of-flight elastic recoil detection analysis and nuclear reaction analysis to obtain information about the areal densities and depth profiles of elements present in deposited material layers. Surface morphology and the composition of dust particles were examined with scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The analysed components were present in JET during three ITER-like wall campaigns between 2010 and 2017. Deposited layers had a stratified structure, primarily made up of beryllium, carbon and oxygen with varying atomic fractions of deuterium, up to more than 20%. The range of carbon transport from the ribs of the divertor carrier was limited to a few centimeters, and carbon/deuterium co-deposition was indicated on the Inconel blocks. High atomic fractions of deuterium were also found in almost carbon-free layers on the quartz microbalance covers. Layer thicknesses up to more than 1 μm were indicated, but typical values were on the order of a few hundred nm. Chromium, iron and nickel fractions were less than or around 1% at layer surfaces while increasing close to the layer-substrate interface. The tungsten fraction depended on the proximity of the plasma strike point to the divertor corners. Particles of tungsten, molybdenum and copper with sizes less than or around 1 μm were found. Nitrogen, argon and neon were present after plasma edge cooling and disruption mitigation. Oxygen-18 was found on component surfaces after injection, indicating in-vessel oxidation. Compensation of elastic recoil detection data for detection efficiency and ion-induced release of deuterium during the measurement gave quantitative agreement with nuclear reaction analysis, which strengthens the validity of the results.
Strom, P., Petersson, P., Rubel, M., Fortuna-Zalesna, E., Widdowson, A., Sergienko, G., et al. (2019). Analysis of deposited layers with deuterium and impurity elements on samples from the divertor of JET with ITER-like wall. JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS, 516, 202-213 [10.1016/j.jnucmat.2018.11.027].
Analysis of deposited layers with deuterium and impurity elements on samples from the divertor of JET with ITER-like wall
Strom P.;Petersson P.;Rubel M.;Fortuna-Zalesna E.;Widdowson A.;Sergienko G.;Litaudon X.;Abduallev S.;Abhangi M.;Abreu P.;Afzal M.;Aggarwal K. M.;Ahlgren T.;Ahn J. H.;Aho-Mantila L.;Aiba N.;Airila M.;Albanese R.;Aldred V.;Alegre D.;Alessi E.;Aleynikov P.;Alfier A.;Alkseev A.;Allinson M.;Alper B.;Alves E.;Ambrosino G.;Ambrosino R.;Amicucci L.;Amosov V.;Andersson Sunden E.;Angelone M.;Anghel M.;Angioni C.;Appel L.;Appelbee C.;Arena P.;Ariola M.;Arnichand H.;Arshad S.;Ash A.;Ashikawa N.;Aslanyan V.;Asunta O.;Auriemma F.;Austin Y.;Avotina L.;Axton M. D.;Ayres C.;Bacharis M.;Baciero A.;Baiao D.;Bailey S.;Baker A.;Balboa I.;Balden M.;Balshaw N.;Bament R.;Banks J. W.;Baranov Y. F.;Barnard M. A.;Barnes D.;Barnes M.;Barnsley R.;Baron Wiechec A.;Barrera Orte L.;Baruzzo M.;Basiuk V.;Bassan M.;Bastow R.;Batista A.;Batistoni P.;Baughan R.;Bauvir B.;Baylor L.;Bazylev B.;Beal J.;Beaumont P. S.;Beckers M.;Beckett B.;Becoulet A.;Bekris N.;Beldishevski M.;Bell K.;Belli F.;Bellinger M.;Belonohy E.;Ben Ayed N.;Benterman N. A.;Bergsaker H.;Bernardo J.;Bernert M.;Berry M.;Bertalot L.;Besliu C.;Beurskens M.;Bieg B.;Bielecki J.;Biewer T.;Bigi M.;Bilkova P.;Binda F.;Bisoffi A.;Bizarro J. P. S.;Bjorkas C.;Blackburn J.;Blackman K.;Blackman T. R.;Blanchard P.;Blatchford P.;Bobkov V.;Boboc A.;Bodnar G.;Bogar O.;Bolshakova I.;Bolzonella T.;Bonanomi N.;Bonelli F.;Boom J.;Booth J.;Borba D.;Borodin D.;Borodkina I.;Botrugno A.;Bottereau C.;Boulting P.;Bourdelle C.;Bowden M.;Bower C.;Bowman C.;Boyce T.;Boyd C.;Boyer H. J.;Bradshaw J. M. A.;Braic V.;Bravanec R.;Breizman B.;Bremond S.;Brennan P. D.;Breton S.;Brett A.;Bright M. D. J.;Brix M.;Broeckx W.;Brombin M.;Broslawski A.;Brown D. P. D.;Brown M.;Bruno E.;Bucalossi J.;Buch J.;Buchanan J.;Buckley A.;Budny R.;Bufferand H.;Bulman M.;Bulmer N.;Bunting P.;Buratti P.;Burckhart A.;Buscarino A.;Busse A.;Butler N. K.;Bykov I.;Byrne J.;Cahyna P.;Calabro G.;Calvo I.;Camenen Y.;Camp P.;Campling D. C.;Cane J.;Cannas B.;Capel A. J.;Card P. J.;Cardinali A.;Carman P.;Carr M.;Carralero D.;Carraro L.;Carvalho B. B.;Carvalho I.;Casson F. J.;Castaldo C.;Catarino N.;Caumont J.;Causa F.;Cavazzana R.;Cave-Ayland K.;Cavinato M.;Cecconello M.;Ceccuzzi S.;Cecil E.;Cenedese A.;Cesario R.;Challis C. D.;Chandler M.;Chandra D.;Chang C. S.;Chankin A.;Chapman I. T.;Chapman S. C.;Chernyshova M.;Chitarin G.;Ciraolo G.;Ciric D.;Citrin J.;Clairet F.;Clark E.;Clark M.;Clarkson R.;Clatworthy D.;Clements C.;Cleverly M.;Coad J. P.;Coates P. A.;Cobalt A.;Coccorese V.;Cocilovo V.;Coda S.;Coelho R.;Coenen J. W.;Coffey I.;Colas L.;Collins S.;Conka D.;Conroy S.;Conway N.;Coombs D.;Cooper D.;Cooper S. R.;Corradino C.;Corre Y.;Corrigan G.;Cortes S.;Coster D.;Couchman A. S.;Cox M. P.;Craciunescu T.;Cramp S.;Craven R.;Crisanti F.;Croci G.;Croft D.;Crombe K.;Crowe R.;Cruz N.;Cseh G.;Cufar A.;Cullen A.;Curuia M.;Czarnecka A.;Dabirikhah H.;Dalgliesh P.;Dalley S.;Dankowski J.;Darrow D.;Davies O.;Davis W.;Day C.;Day I. E.;De Bock M.;de Castro A.;de la Cal E.;de la Luna E.;De Masi G.;de Pablos J. L.;De Temmerman G.;De Tommasi G.;de Vries P.;Deakin K.;Deane J.;Degli Agostini F.;Dejarnac R.;Delabie E.;den Harder N.;Dendy R. O.;Denis J.;Denner P.;Devaux S.;Devynck P.;Di Maio F.;Di Siena A.;Di Troia C.;Dinca P.;D'Inca R.;Ding B.;Dittmar T.;Doerk H.;Doerner R. P.;Donne T.;Dorling S. E.;Dormido-Canto S.;Doswon S.;Douai D.;Doyle P. T.;Drewelow P.;Drews P.;Duckworth P.;Dumont R.;Dumortier P.;Dunai D.;Dunne M.;Duran I.;Durodie F.;Dutta P.;Duval B. P.;Dux R.;Dylst K.;Dzysiuk N.;Edappala P. V.;Edmond J.;Edwards A. M.;Edwards J.;Eich T.;Ekedahl A.;El-Jorf R.;Elsmore C. G.;Enachescu M.;Ericsson G.;Eriksson F.;Eriksson J.;Eriksson L. G.;Esposito B.;Esquembri S.;Esser H. G.;Esteve D.;Evans B.;Evans G. E.;Evison G.;Ewart G. D.;Fagan D.;Faitsch M.;Falie D.;Fanni A.;Fasoli A.;Faustin J. M.;Fawlk N.;Fazendeiro L.;Fedorczak N.;Felton R. C.;Fenton K.;Fernades A.;Fernandes H.;Ferreira J.;Fessey J. A.;Fevrier O.;Ficker O.;Field A.;Fietz S.;Figueiredo A.;Figueiredo J.;Fil A.;Finburg P.;Firdaouss M.;Fischer U.;Fittill L.;Fitzgerald M.;Flammini D.;Flanagan J.;Fleming C.;Flinders K.;Fonnesu N.;Fontdecaba J. M.;Formisano A.;Forsythe L.;Fortuna L.;Fortune M.;Foster S.;Franke T.;Franklin T.;Frasca M.;Frassinetti L.;Freisinger M.;Fresa R.;Frigione D.;Fuchs V.;Fuller D.;Futatani S.;Fyvie J.;Gal K.;Galassi D.;Galazka K.;Galdon-Quiroga J.;Gallagher J.;Gallart D.;Galvao R.;Gao X.;Gao Y.;Garcia J.;Garcia-Carrasco A.;Garcia-Munoz M.;Gardarein J. -L.;Garzotti L.;Gaudio P.;Gauthier E.;Gear D. F.;Gee S. J.;Geiger B.;Gelfusa M.;Gerasimov S.;Gervasini G.;Gethins M.;Ghani Z.;Ghate M.;Gherendi M.;Giacalone J. C.;Giacomelli L.;Gibson C. S.;Giegerich T.;Gil C.;Gil L.;Gilligan S.;Gin D.;Giovannozzi E.;Girardo J. B.;Giroud C.;Giruzzi G.;Gloeggler S.;Godwin J.;Goff J.;Gohil P.;Goloborod'ko V.;Gomes R.;Goncalves B.;Goniche M.;Goodliffe M.;Goodyear A.;Gorini G.;Gosk M.;Goulding R.;Goussarov A.;Gowland R.;Graham B.;Graham M. E.;Graves J. P.;Grazier N.;Grazier P.;Green N. R.;Greuner H.;Grierson B.;Griph F. S.;Grisolia C.;Grist D.;Groth M.;Grove R.;Grundy C. N.;Grzonka J.;Guard D.;Guerard C.;Guillemaut C.;Guirlet R.;Gurl C.;Utoh H. H.;Hackett L. J.;Hacquin S.;Hagar A.;Hager R.;Hakola A.;Halitovs M.;Hall S. J.;Hallworth Cook S. P.;Hamlyn-Harris C.;Hammond K.;Harrington C.;Harrison J.;Harting D.;Hasenbeck F.;Hatano Y.;Hatch D. R.;Haupt T. D. V.;Hawes J.;Hawkes N. C.;Hawkins J.;Hawkins P.;Haydon P. W.;Hayter N.;Hazel S.;Heesterman P. J. L.;Heinola K.;Hellesen C.;Hellsten T.;Helou W.;Hemming O. N.;Hender T. C.;Henderson M.;Henderson S. S.;Henriques R.;Hepple D.;Hermon G.;Hertout P.;Hidalgo C.;Highcock E. G.;Hill M.;Hillairet J.;Hillesheim J.;Hillis D.;Hizanidis K.;Hjalmarsson A.;Hobirk J.;Hodille E.;Hogben C. H. A.;Hogeweij G. M. D.;Hollingsworth A.;Hollis S.;Homfray D. A.;Horacek J.;Hornung G.;Horton A. R.;Horton L. D.;Horvath L.;Hotchin S. P.;Hough M. R.;Howarth P. J.;Hubbard A.;Huber A.;Huddleston T. M.;Hughes M.;Huijsmans G. T. A.;Hunter C. L.;Huynh P.;Hynes A. M.;Iglesias D.;Imazawa N.;Imbeaux F.;Imrisek M.;Incelli M.;Innocente P.;Irishkin M.;Ivanova-Stanik I.;Jachmich S.;Jacobsen A. S.;Jacquet P.;Jansons J.;Jardin A.;Jarvinen A.;Jaulmes F.;Jednorog S.;Jenkins I.;Jeong C.;Jepu I.;Joffrin E.;Johnson R.;Johnson T.;Johnston J.;Joita L.;Jones G.;Jones T. T. C.;Hoshino K. K.;Kallenbach A.;Kamiya K.;Kaniewski J.;Kantor A.;Kappatou A.;Karhunen J.;Karkinsky D.;Karnowska I.;Kaufman M.;Kaveney G.;Kazakov Y.;Kazantzidis V.;Keeling D. L.;Keenan T.;Keep J.;Kempenaars M.;Kennedy C.;Kenny D.;Kent J.;Kent O. N.;Khilkevich E.;Kim H. T.;Kim H. S.;Kinch A.;King C.;King D.;King R. F.;Kinna D. J.;Kiptily V.;Kirk A.;Kirov K.;Kirschner A.;Kizane G.;Klepper C.;Klix A.;Knight P.;Knipe S. J.;Knott S.;Kobuchi T.;Koechl F.;Kocsis G.;Kodeli I.;Kogan L.;Kogut D.;Koivuranta S.;Kominis Y.;Koepen M.;Kos B.;Koskela T.;Koslowski H. R.;Koubiti M.;Kovari M.;Kowalska-Strzeciwilk E.;Krasilnikov A.;Krasilnikov V.;Krawczyk N.;Kresina M.;Krieger K.;Krivska A.;Kruezi U.;Ksiazek I.;Kukushkin A.;Kundu A.;Kurki-Suonio T.;Kwak S.;Kwiatkowski R.;Kwon O. J.;Laguardia L.;Lahtinen A.;Laing A.;Lam N.;Lambertz H. T.;Lane C.;Lang P. T.;Lanthaler S.;Lapins J.;Lasa A.;Last J. R.;Laszynska E.;Lawless R.;Lawson A.;Lawson K. D.;Lazaros A.;Lazzaro E.;Leddy J.;Lee S.;Lefebvre X.;Leggate H. J.;Lehmann J.;Lehnen M.;Leichtle D.;Leichuer P.;Leipold F.;Lengar I.;Lennholm M.;Lerche E.;Lescinskis A.;Lesnoj S.;Letellier E.;Leyland M.;Leysen W.;Li L.;Liang Y.;Likonen J.;Linke J.;Linsmeier C.;Lipschultz B.;Liu G.;Liu Y.;Lo Schiavo V. P.;Loarer T.;Loarte A.;Lobel R. C.;Lomanowski B.;Lomas P. J.;Lonnroth J.;Lopez J. M.;Lopez-Razola J.;Lorenzini R.;Losada U.;Lovell J. J.;Loving A. B.;Lowry C.;Luce T.;Lucock R. M. A.;Lukin A.;Luna C.;Lungaroni M.;Lungu C. P.;Lungu M.;Lunniss A.;Lupelli I.;Lyssoivan A.;Macdonald N.;Macheta P.;Maczewa K.;Magesh B.;Maget P.;Maggi C.;Maier H.;Mailloux J.;Makkonen T.;Makwana R.;Malaquias A.;Malizia A.;Manas P.;Manning A.;Manso M. E.;Mantica P.;Mantsinen M.;Manzanares A.;Maquet P.;Marandet Y.;Marcenko N.;Marchetto C.;Marchuk O.;Marinelli M.;Marinucci M.;Markovic T.;Marocco D.;Marot L.;Marren C. A.;Marshal R.;Martin A.;Martin Y.;Martin de Aguilera A.;Martinez F. J.;Martin-Solis J. R.;Martynova Y.;Maruyama S.;Masiello A.;Maslov M.;Matejcik S.;Mattei M.;Maviglia F.;Mayer M.;Mayoral M. L.;May-Smith T.;Mazon D.;Mazzotta C.;McAdams R.;McCarthy P. J.;McClements K. G.;McCormack O.;McCullen P. A.;McDonald D.;McIntosh S.;McKean R.;McKehon J.;Meadows R. C.;Meakins A.;Medina F.;Medland M.;Medley S.;Meigh S.;Meigs A. G.;Meisl G.;Meitner S.;Meneses L.;Menmuir S.;Mergia K.;Merrigan I. R.;Mertens P.;Meshchaninov S.;Messiaen A.;Meyer H.;Mianowski S.;Michling R.;Middleton-Gear D.;Miettunen J.;Militello F.;Militello-Asp E.;Miloshevsky G.;Mink F.;Minucci S.;Miyoshi Y.;Mlynar J.;Molina D.;Monakhov I.;Moneti M.;Mooney R.;Moradi S.;Mordijck S.;Moreira L.;Moreno R.;Moro F.;Morris A. W.;Morris J.;Moser L.;Mosher S.;Moulton D.;Murari A.;Muraro A.;Murphy S.;Asakura N. N.;Na Y. S.;Nabais F.;Naish R.;Nakano T.;Nardon E.;Naulin V.;Nave M. F. F.;Nedzelski I.;Nemtsev G.;Nespoli F.;Neto A.;Neu R.;Neverov V. S.;Newman M.;Nicholls K. J.;Nicolas T.;Nielsen A. H.;Nielsen P.;Nilsson E.;Nishijima D.;Noble C.;Nocente M.;Nodwell D.;Nordlund K.;Nordman H.;Nouailletas R.;Nunes I.;Oberkofler M.;Odupitan T.;Ogawa M. T.;O'Gorman T.;Okabayashi M.;Olney R.;Omolayo O.;O'Mullane M.;Ongena J.;Orsitto F.;Orszagh J.;Oswuigwe B. I.;Otin R.;Owen A.;Paccagnella R.;Pace N.;Pacella D.;Packer L. W.;Page A.;Pajuste E.;Palazzo S.;Pamela S.;Panja S.;Papp P.;Paprok R.;Parail V.;Park M.;Parra Diaz F.;Parsons M.;Pasqualotto R.;Patel A.;Pathak S.;Paton D.;Patten H.;Pau A.;Pawelec E.;Paz Soldan C.;Peackoc A.;Pearson I. J.;Pehkonen S. -P.;Peluso E.;Penot C.;Pereira A.;Pereira R.;Pereira Puglia P. P.;Perez von Thun C.;Peruzzo S.;Peschanyi S.;Peterka M.;Petravich G.;Petre A.;Petrella N.;Petrzilka V.;Peysson Y.;Pfefferle D.;Philipps V.;Pillon M.;Pintsuk G.;Piovesan P.;Pires dos Reis A.;Piron L.;Pironti A.;Pisano F.;Pitts R.;Pizzo F.;Plyusnin V.;Pomaro N.;Pompilian O. G.;Pool P. J.;Popovichev S.;Porfiri M. T.;Porosnicu C.;Porton M.;Possnert G.;Potzel S.;Powell T.;Pozzi J.;Prajapati V.;Prakash R.;Prestopino G.;Price D.;Price M.;Price R.;Prior P.;Proudfoot R.;Pucella G.;Puglia P.;Puiatti M. E.;Pulley D.;Purahoo K.;Puetterich T.;Rachlew E.;Rack M.;Ragona R.;Rainford M. S. J.;Rakha A.;Ramogida G.;Ranjan S.;Rapson C. J.;Rasmussen J. J.;Rathod K.;Ratta G.;Ratynskaia S.;Ravera G.;Rayner C.;Rebai M.;Reece D.;Reed A.;Refy D.;Regan B.;Regana J.;Reich M.;Reid N.;Reimold F.;Reinhart M.;Reinke M.;Reiser D.;Rendell D.;Reux C.;Reyes Cortes S. D. A.;Reynolds S.;Riccardo V.;Richardson N.;Riddle K.;Rigamonti D.;Rimini F. G.;Risner J.;Riva M.;Roach C.;Robins R. J.;Robinson S. A.;Robinson T.;Robson D. W.;Roccella R.;Rodionov R.;Rodrigues P.;Rodriguez J.;Rohde V.;Romanelli F.;Romanelli M.;Romanelli S.;Romazanov J.;Rowe S.;Rubinacci G.;Rubino G.;Ruchko L.;Ruiz M.;Ruset C.;Rzadkiewicz J.;Saarelma S.;Sabot R.;Safi E.;Sagar P.;Saibene G.;Saint-Laurent F.;Salewski M.;Salmi A.;Salmon R.;Salzedas F.;Samaddar D.;Samm U.;Sandiford D.;Santa P.;Santala M. I. K.;Santos B.;Santucci A.;Sartori F.;Sartori R.;Sauter O.;Scannell R.;Schlummer T.;Schmid K.;Schmidt V.;Schmuck S.;Schneider M.;Schoepf K.;Schworer D.;Scott S. D.;Sertoli M.;Shabbir A.;Sharapov S. E.;Shaw A.;Shaw R.;Sheikh H.;Shepherd A.;Shevelev A.;Shumack A.;Sias G.;Sibbald M.;Sieglin B.;Silburn S.;Silva A.;Silva C.;Simmons P. A.;Simpson J.;Simpson-Hutchinson J.;Sinha A.;Sipila S. K.;Sips A. C. C.;Siren P.;Sirinelli A.;Sjostrand H.;Skiba M.;Skilton R.;Slabkowska K.;Slade B.;Smith N.;Smith P. G.;Smith R.;Smith T. J.;Smithies M.;Snoj L.;Soare S.;Solano E. R.;Somers A.;Sommariva C.;Sonato P.;Sopplesa A.;Sousa J.;Sozzi C.;Spagnolo S.;Spelzini T.;Spineanu F.;Stables G.;Stamatelatos I.;Stamp M. F.;Staniec P.;Stankunas G.;Stan-Sion C.;Stead M. J.;Stefanikova E.;Stepanov I.;Stephen A. V.;Stephen M.;Stevens A.;Steven B. D.;Strachan J.;Strand P.;Strauss H. R.;Stubbs G.;Studholme W.;Subba F.;Summers H. P.;Svensson J.;Swiderski L.;Szabolics T.;Szawlowski M.;Szepesi G.;Suzuki T. T.;Tal B.;Tala T.;Talbot A. R.;Talebzadeh S.;Taliercio C.;Tamain P.;Tame C.;Tang W.;Tardocchi M.;Taroni L.;Taylor D.;Taylor K. A.;Tegnered D.;Telesca G.;Teplova N.;Terranova D.;Testa D.;Tholerus E.;Thomas J.;Thomas J. D.;Thomas P.;Thompson A.;-A. Thompson C.;Thompson V. K.;Thorne L.;Thornton A.;Thrysoe A. S.;Tigwell P. A.;Tipton N.;Tiseanu I.;Tojo H.;Tokitani M.;Tolias P.;Tomes M.;Tonner P.;Towndrow M.;Trimble P.;Tripsky M.;Tsalas M.;Tsavalas P.;Tskhakaya Jun D.;Turner I.;Turner M. M.;Turnyanskiy M.;Tvalashvili G.;Tyrrell S. G. J.;Uccello A.;Ul-Abidin Z.;Uljanovs J.;Ulyatt D.;Urano H.;Uytdenhouwen I.;Vadgama A. P.;Valcarcel D.;Valentinuzzi M.;Valisa M.;Vallejos Olivares P.;Valovic M.;Van De Mortel M.;Van Eester D.;Van Renterghem W.;van Rooij G. J.;Varje J.;Varoutis S.;Vartanian S.;Vasava K.;Vasilopoulou T.;Vega J.;Verdoolaege G.;Verhoeven R.;Verona C.;Verona Rinati G.;Veshchev E.;Vianello N.;Vicente J.;Viezzer E.;Villari S.;Villone F.;Vincenzi P.;Vinyar I.;Viola B.;Vitins A.;Vizvary Z.;Vlad M.;Voitsekhovitch I.;Vondracek P.;Vora N.;Vu T.;Pires de Sa W. W.;Wakeling B.;Waldon C. W. F.;Walkden N.;Walker M.;Walker R.;Walsh M.;Wang E.;Wang N.;Warder S.;Warren R. J.;Waterhouse J.;Watkins N. W.;Watts C.;Wauters T.;Weckmann A.;Weiland J.;Weisen H.;Weiszflog M.;Wellstood C.;West A. T.;Wheatley M. R.;Whetham S.;Whitehead A. M.;Whitehead B. D.;Widdowson A. M.;Wiesen S.;Wilkinson J.;Williams J.;Williams M.;Wilson A. R.;Wilson D. J.;Wilson H. R.;Wilson J.;Wischmeier M.;Withenshaw G.;Withycombe A.;Witts D. M.;Wood D.;Wood R.;Woodley C.;Wray S.;Wright J.;Wright J. C.;Wu J.;Wukitch S.;Wynn A.;Xu T.;Yadikin D.;Yanling W.;Yao L.;Yavorskij V.;Yoo M. G.;Young C.;Young D.;Young I. D.;Young R.;Zacks J.;Zagorski R.;Zaitsev F. S.;Zanino R.;Zarins A.;Zastrow K. D.;Zerbini M.;Zhang W.;Zhou Y.;Zilli E.;Zoita V.;Zoletnik S.;Zychor I.
Inconel-600 blocks and stainless steel covers for quartz microbalance crystals from remote corners in the JET-ILW divertor were studied with time-of-flight elastic recoil detection analysis and nuclear reaction analysis to obtain information about the areal densities and depth profiles of elements present in deposited material layers. Surface morphology and the composition of dust particles were examined with scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The analysed components were present in JET during three ITER-like wall campaigns between 2010 and 2017. Deposited layers had a stratified structure, primarily made up of beryllium, carbon and oxygen with varying atomic fractions of deuterium, up to more than 20%. The range of carbon transport from the ribs of the divertor carrier was limited to a few centimeters, and carbon/deuterium co-deposition was indicated on the Inconel blocks. High atomic fractions of deuterium were also found in almost carbon-free layers on the quartz microbalance covers. Layer thicknesses up to more than 1 μm were indicated, but typical values were on the order of a few hundred nm. Chromium, iron and nickel fractions were less than or around 1% at layer surfaces while increasing close to the layer-substrate interface. The tungsten fraction depended on the proximity of the plasma strike point to the divertor corners. Particles of tungsten, molybdenum and copper with sizes less than or around 1 μm were found. Nitrogen, argon and neon were present after plasma edge cooling and disruption mitigation. Oxygen-18 was found on component surfaces after injection, indicating in-vessel oxidation. Compensation of elastic recoil detection data for detection efficiency and ion-induced release of deuterium during the measurement gave quantitative agreement with nuclear reaction analysis, which strengthens the validity of the results.
Strom, P., Petersson, P., Rubel, M., Fortuna-Zalesna, E., Widdowson, A., Sergienko, G., et al. (2019). Analysis of deposited layers with deuterium and impurity elements on samples from the divertor of JET with ITER-like wall. JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS, 516, 202-213 [10.1016/j.jnucmat.2018.11.027].
Strom, P; Petersson, P; Rubel, M; Fortuna-Zalesna, E; Widdowson, A; Sergienko, G; Litaudon, X; Abduallev, S; Abhangi, M; Abreu, P; Afzal, M; Aggarwal,...espandi
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Il report seguente simula gli indicatori relativi alla propria produzione scientifica in relazione alle soglie ASN 2023-2025 del proprio SC/SSD. Si ricorda che il superamento dei valori soglia (almeno 2 su 3) è requisito necessario ma non sufficiente al conseguimento dell'abilitazione. La simulazione si basa sui dati IRIS e sugli indicatori bibliometrici alla data indicata e non tiene conto di eventuali periodi di congedo obbligatorio, che in sede di domanda ASN danno diritto a incrementi percentuali dei valori. La simulazione può differire dall'esito di un’eventuale domanda ASN sia per errori di catalogazione e/o dati mancanti in IRIS, sia per la variabilità dei dati bibliometrici nel tempo. Si consideri che Anvur calcola i valori degli indicatori all'ultima data utile per la presentazione delle domande.
La presente simulazione è stata realizzata sulla base delle specifiche raccolte sul tavolo ER del Focus Group IRIS coordinato dall’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia e delle regole riportate nel DM 589/2018 e allegata Tabella A. Cineca, l’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia e il Focus Group IRIS non si assumono alcuna responsabilità in merito all’uso che il diretto interessato o terzi faranno della simulazione. Si specifica inoltre che la simulazione contiene calcoli effettuati con dati e algoritmi di pubblico dominio e deve quindi essere considerata come un mero ausilio al calcolo svolgibile manualmente o con strumenti equivalenti.