The "new" discipline on complementary pensions, introduced by D. lgs. December 5, 2005, No 252, "Regulation of supplementary pensions, pursuant to authority granted by Law August 23, 2004, No 243 "rules on pensions and the government delegation in the field of public security, to support additional security and stable employment and the reorganization of security agencies and assistance required", is characterized by some typical elements of the original model of derivation (and, namely, to the D. Lgs. April 21, 1993, No 124 and above by subsequent modifications and integrations), but also by significant innovations in the past. The theme will be limited to the investigation of the role played by individual autonomy and collective autonomy in the system of complementary pension reform. Indeed, the new regulations has changed some aspects of absolute importance, the previously established balance between the role played by the individual (as a member) and the unions. Complementary pensions that with the aforementioned rules from the original D. lgs. No 124, 1993, appeared to be a phenomenon purely trade union, has gradually (and also through legislation "intermediate") went to "individualize" and, say, the Legislator has sought ever more manifest, to make "participant" the member (or potential member, since - despite the original principles expressed in the first version of the Law of delegates - even with the 243, L. 2004 and with the Legislative Decree no. No. 252 of 2005, there was "opted" for a "mandatory" additional security). The (undeniable) basic choice was made by the Legislature in 2005 with choices often little net (or at least so certainly less consistent than that established by the same 243, L. 2004) and, on numerous occasions, marked by hesitation , thoughts and contradictions. It is therefore appropriate to analyze the "current" balance the roles of collective autonomy and collective autonomy in some areas "crucial" and reform, namely, those relating to "time" establishing funds, the monitoring tasks , supervision, information and standardization of COVIP (if only because the individual can "effectively participate" only if the system is transparent) mode of financing, the "portability" of the individual position as well as in terms of performance, purchase and advances. If indeed the intention of the legislature of 2005 was to be finally "take off" (or rather groped to take off) the second pillar pension, it would seem possible at first (and perhaps approximate) reading D. lgs. No 252 of 2005, believing that "the" solution would be to invest the individual of the title role of "market". The legislator has thus given the task of individual autonomy stimulate competition and bring about an improvement of the 'offer "to" market ", operated no more (or at least not in a hierarchically higher-level) collective autonomy, but a series (rather diverse) of subjects. Besides the need to provide a "tool" more attractive to the individual (which, as mentioned, will have to decide "whether" to enter the second pillar pensions) is due to the now all too familiar crisis of basic security, since the nineties, led (according to some legal "course", according to another "necessity") to design a security system in place additional support from the public. It is perhaps this link with the public welfare (or, if you prefer, the functionalization of the supplementary pension to the basic one) not to be allowed and not even make appropriate (as, however, felt the same legislator of the reform) a mortification of the role of collective autonomy, however, should continue to act as "guarantor" of mutual purpose and solidarity which must continue to characterize the complementary pensions. If this is true, it is equally true that real risk of having "created" a discipline with strong moments of tension and contradiction between the "two" different "souls" of the supplementary pension is divided between a "spirit of solidarity and mutual (including support for public welfare) and a "calling" the most selfish and mercantile (close to an investment on an individual basis). D. lgs. 252 of 2005 acting on the balance between individual autonomy and collective autonomy has been an influence, even more sensitive about such critical background, showing even more clearly, the existence of a hybrid system and in many respects inadequate. The pair of driving guidelines relating to 'individual autonomy and collective autonomy has also significant impact on an issue that, despite the doctrine now tends to minimize, continues to be of central importance, that is, the constitutional position of the uncertain complementary pension schemes, even to define what are the tools needed to ensure means "adequate" to the needs of life. If, indeed, after the notes of the Constitutional Court decisions, the issue of constitutional position of the supplementary pension seemed (at least partially) resolved, the discipline of D. lgs. No 252 of 2005 requires further consideration, since an 'exaltation of individual autonomy (especially with reference to the possibility of "leakage" from the system through individual choices devolved autonomy) puts a strain on a structure that was inspired by a model face protection also (and especially) the collective and general. The subject of analysis on the role played collective autonomy and individual autonomy is intertwined, therefore, necessarily with that on the "nature" and "function" of the same supplementary pension. Moreover, only by accepting a complementary pension "free" will reduce "the minimum" legal constraints placed both individual autonomy and collective autonomy, and a supplementary pension "functionalized" also allows the general and collective interests (or rather : Force) regulatory intervention of the legislator certainly more invasive and to limit the spaces left to the individual (whose interest is opposed, often, the collective and general) and to invest the autonomy of the role of guarantor of the collective end mutual and solidarity within the regulatory framework. However, D. lgs. No 252 of 2005 is a discipline that undoubtedly affected all exposed weaknesses and contradictions and seeks - through a redefinition of roles of individual and collective autonomy - a significant development of the second pillar pension, without, however, succeed (but perhaps without even the ambition) to solve some problematic background of the system, a number of respects, appear to have widened even compared to previous arrangements.
La “nuova” disciplina in materia di previdenza complementare, introdotta dal D. lgs. 5 dicembre 2005, n. 252, “Disciplina delle forme pensionistiche complementari”, in attuazione della delega conferita dalla L. 23 agosto 2004, n. 243 “Norme in materia pensionistica e deleghe al Governo nel settore della previdenza pubblica, per il sostegno alla previdenza complementare e all'occupazione stabile e per il riordino degli enti di previdenza ed assistenza obbligatoria”, è caratterizzata da alcuni elementi tipici del modello originario di derivazione (e, cioè, da quanto previsto dal D. lgs. 21 aprile 1993, n. 124 e, soprattutto, dalle successive modifiche ed integrazioni), ma anche da significative innovazioni rispetto al passato. Il tema d’indagine sarà limitato all’analisi del ruolo rivestito dalla autonomia individuale ed dalla autonomia collettiva nel sistema della previdenza complementare riformata. Invero, la nuova disciplina ha modificato, su alcuni aspetti di assoluta rilevanza, l’equilibrio precedentemente fissato tra il ruolo rivestito dall’individuo (inteso come aderente) e dai sindacati. La previdenza complementare che, con la disciplina dettata dall’originario D. lgs. n. 124 del 1993, sembrava essere un fenomeno prettamente sindacale, si è via via (ed anche con interventi legislativi “intermedi”) andata ad “individualizzare” e, cioè, il Legislatore ha cercato, in modo sempre più manifesto, di rendere “partecipe” l’aderente (o meglio il potenziale aderente, atteso che - nonostante gli originari principi espressi nella prima versione della legge di delega - anche con la L. 243 del 2004 e con il D. lgs. n. 252 del 2005, non si è “optato” per un sistema “obbligatorio” di previdenza complementare). Tale (innegabile) scelta di fondo è stata compiuta dal Legislatore del 2005 con scelte spesse poco nette (o, perlomeno, in modo certamente meno coerente rispetto a quanto stabilito dalla stessa L. 243 del 2004) e, in numerose occasioni, contraddistinte da tentennamenti, ripensamenti e contraddizioni. È quindi opportuno procedere ad un’analisi degli “attuali” equilibri sui ruoli dell’autonomia collettiva e dell’autonomia collettiva in alcuni punti “cruciali” della riforma e, cioè, quello relativo al “momento” istitutivo dei Fondi, ai compiti di controllo, vigilanza, informazione e normazione della COVIP (se non altro perché l’individuo potrà “effettivamente partecipare” solo se il sistema è trasparente), alle modalità di finanziamento, alla “portabilità” della posizione individuale, oltre che in tema di prestazioni, di riscatti e di anticipazioni. Se, invero, l’intenzione del Legislatore del 2005 è stata quella di far finalmente “decollare” (o meglio di tentare di fare decollare) il secondo pilastro previdenziale, sembrerebbe possibile, ad una prima (e forse approssimativa) lettura del D. lgs. n. 252 del 2005, ritenere che “la” soluzione sarebbe stata quella di investire l’individuo del ruolo di protagonista del “mercato”. Il Legislatore avrebbe così affidato all’autonomia individuale il compito di stimolare la concorrenza e di determinare un miglioramento dell’ “offerta” di “mercato”, gestita non più (o, perlomeno, non in modo gerarchicamente sovraordinato) dall’autonomia collettiva, ma da una serie (piuttosto variegata) di soggetti. D’altronde la necessità di offrire una “strumento” più appetibile per l’individuo (che, come detto, dovrà decidere “se” fare ingresso nel secondo pilastro previdenziale) è dovuta all’ormai fin troppo nota crisi della previdenza di base che, già dagli anni novanta, ha determinato (secondo una parte della dottrina “naturalmente”, secondo un’altra “per necessità”) l’ideazione di un sistema di previdenza complementare posto a sostegno di quello pubblico. Ed è forse questo legame con la previdenza pubblica (o, a dir si voglia, la funzionalizzazione della previdenza complementare a quella di base) a non avere permesso ed a non rendere neanche opportuna (come, peraltro, ritenuto dallo stesso Legislatore della riforma), una mortificazione del ruolo della autonomia collettiva che, comunque, dovrebbe continuare a fare da “garante” del fine mutualistico e solidaristico che deve continuare a caratterizzare la previdenza complementare. Se questo è vero, è altrettanto vera la sussistenza del rischio di avere “creato” una disciplina caratterizzata da forti momenti di tensione e di contraddizione tra le “due” differenti “anime” della previdenza complementare, divisa tra uno “spirito” mutualistico e solidaristico (anche di sostegno alla previdenza pubblica) ed una “vocazione” maggiormente egoistica e mercantilistica (vicina ad uno strumento di investimento a carattere individuale). Il D. lgs. 252 del 2005 intervenendo sugli equilibri tra autonomia individuale ed autonomia collettiva è andato ad incidere, in modo ancor più sensibile, su tali criticità di fondo, mostrando, ancor più palesemente, la sussistenza di un sistema “ibrido” e per molti aspetti insufficiente. La coppia di direttrici guida relative all’ autonomia individuale e all’autonomia collettiva ha poi rilevanti conseguenze su un tema che, nonostante una parte della dottrina tenda ora a minimizzare, continua ad essere di centrale importanza e, cioè, quello dell’incerta collocazione costituzionale della previdenza complementare, anche al fine di definire quali siano gli strumenti necessari per assicurare mezzi “adeguati” alle esigenze di vita. Se, invero, dopo le note decisioni della Corte Costituzionale, il tema della collocazione costituzionale della previdenza complementare sembrava essersi (almeno parzialmente) risolto, la disciplina del D. lgs. n. 252 del 2005 impone ulteriori riflessioni, atteso che un’ “esaltazione” dell’autonomia individuale (soprattutto con riferimento alla possibilità di “fuoriuscita” dal sistema attraverso scelte devolute all’autonomia individuale) mette in crisi un assetto che si ispirava ad un modello volto alla tutela anche (e soprattutto) dell’interesse collettivo e generale. Il tema di analisi relativo al ruolo rivestito dall’autonomia collettiva e dall’autonomia individuale si intreccia, quindi, necessariamente anche con quello relativo alla “natura” ed alla “funzione” delle medesima previdenza complementare. D’altronde, solo accettando una previdenza complementare “libera” sarà possibile ridurre “al minimo” i vincoli legislativi posti sia all’autonomia individuale sia all’autonomia collettiva, mentre una previdenza complementare “funzionalizzata” anche ad interessi collettivi e generali permette (rectius: impone) un intervento normativo del Legislatore certamente più invasivo e volto a limitare gli spazi lasciati all’individuo (il cui interesse si contrappone, spesso, a quello collettivo e generale) e ad investire l’autonomia collettiva del ruolo di garante del fine mutualistico e solidaristico nell’ambito del quadro normativo di riferimento. Orbene, il D. lgs. n. 252 del 2005 è una disciplina che risente innegabilmente di tutte le esposte criticità e contraddizioni e cerca - attraverso una ridefinizione dei ruoli dell’autonomia individuale e dell’autonomia collettiva - un significativo sviluppo del secondo pilastro previdenziale, senza, però, riuscire (ma, forse senza avere neanche l’ambizione) di risolvere alcune problematicità di fondo del sistema che, sotto numerosi profili, risultano essersi addirittura accentuate rispetto alla disciplina precedente.
Codella, S.A. (2010). L'Autonomia individuale e l'autonomia collettiva nella previdenza complementare riformata.
L'Autonomia individuale e l'autonomia collettiva nella previdenza complementare riformata
The "new" discipline on complementary pensions, introduced by D. lgs. December 5, 2005, No 252, "Regulation of supplementary pensions, pursuant to authority granted by Law August 23, 2004, No 243 "rules on pensions and the government delegation in the field of public security, to support additional security and stable employment and the reorganization of security agencies and assistance required", is characterized by some typical elements of the original model of derivation (and, namely, to the D. Lgs. April 21, 1993, No 124 and above by subsequent modifications and integrations), but also by significant innovations in the past. The theme will be limited to the investigation of the role played by individual autonomy and collective autonomy in the system of complementary pension reform. Indeed, the new regulations has changed some aspects of absolute importance, the previously established balance between the role played by the individual (as a member) and the unions. Complementary pensions that with the aforementioned rules from the original D. lgs. No 124, 1993, appeared to be a phenomenon purely trade union, has gradually (and also through legislation "intermediate") went to "individualize" and, say, the Legislator has sought ever more manifest, to make "participant" the member (or potential member, since - despite the original principles expressed in the first version of the Law of delegates - even with the 243, L. 2004 and with the Legislative Decree no. No. 252 of 2005, there was "opted" for a "mandatory" additional security). The (undeniable) basic choice was made by the Legislature in 2005 with choices often little net (or at least so certainly less consistent than that established by the same 243, L. 2004) and, on numerous occasions, marked by hesitation , thoughts and contradictions. It is therefore appropriate to analyze the "current" balance the roles of collective autonomy and collective autonomy in some areas "crucial" and reform, namely, those relating to "time" establishing funds, the monitoring tasks , supervision, information and standardization of COVIP (if only because the individual can "effectively participate" only if the system is transparent) mode of financing, the "portability" of the individual position as well as in terms of performance, purchase and advances. If indeed the intention of the legislature of 2005 was to be finally "take off" (or rather groped to take off) the second pillar pension, it would seem possible at first (and perhaps approximate) reading D. lgs. No 252 of 2005, believing that "the" solution would be to invest the individual of the title role of "market". The legislator has thus given the task of individual autonomy stimulate competition and bring about an improvement of the 'offer "to" market ", operated no more (or at least not in a hierarchically higher-level) collective autonomy, but a series (rather diverse) of subjects. Besides the need to provide a "tool" more attractive to the individual (which, as mentioned, will have to decide "whether" to enter the second pillar pensions) is due to the now all too familiar crisis of basic security, since the nineties, led (according to some legal "course", according to another "necessity") to design a security system in place additional support from the public. It is perhaps this link with the public welfare (or, if you prefer, the functionalization of the supplementary pension to the basic one) not to be allowed and not even make appropriate (as, however, felt the same legislator of the reform) a mortification of the role of collective autonomy, however, should continue to act as "guarantor" of mutual purpose and solidarity which must continue to characterize the complementary pensions. If this is true, it is equally true that real risk of having "created" a discipline with strong moments of tension and contradiction between the "two" different "souls" of the supplementary pension is divided between a "spirit of solidarity and mutual (including support for public welfare) and a "calling" the most selfish and mercantile (close to an investment on an individual basis). D. lgs. 252 of 2005 acting on the balance between individual autonomy and collective autonomy has been an influence, even more sensitive about such critical background, showing even more clearly, the existence of a hybrid system and in many respects inadequate. The pair of driving guidelines relating to 'individual autonomy and collective autonomy has also significant impact on an issue that, despite the doctrine now tends to minimize, continues to be of central importance, that is, the constitutional position of the uncertain complementary pension schemes, even to define what are the tools needed to ensure means "adequate" to the needs of life. If, indeed, after the notes of the Constitutional Court decisions, the issue of constitutional position of the supplementary pension seemed (at least partially) resolved, the discipline of D. lgs. No 252 of 2005 requires further consideration, since an 'exaltation of individual autonomy (especially with reference to the possibility of "leakage" from the system through individual choices devolved autonomy) puts a strain on a structure that was inspired by a model face protection also (and especially) the collective and general. The subject of analysis on the role played collective autonomy and individual autonomy is intertwined, therefore, necessarily with that on the "nature" and "function" of the same supplementary pension. Moreover, only by accepting a complementary pension "free" will reduce "the minimum" legal constraints placed both individual autonomy and collective autonomy, and a supplementary pension "functionalized" also allows the general and collective interests (or rather : Force) regulatory intervention of the legislator certainly more invasive and to limit the spaces left to the individual (whose interest is opposed, often, the collective and general) and to invest the autonomy of the role of guarantor of the collective end mutual and solidarity within the regulatory framework. However, D. lgs. No 252 of 2005 is a discipline that undoubtedly affected all exposed weaknesses and contradictions and seeks - through a redefinition of roles of individual and collective autonomy - a significant development of the second pillar pension, without, however, succeed (but perhaps without even the ambition) to solve some problematic background of the system, a number of respects, appear to have widened even compared to previous arrangements.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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