Dipartimento di Management e Diritto
A Review of the Literature on Corruption in Healthcare Organizations
2020-01-01 Vincenzo, S; Mechelli, A; Cimini, R; Vian, T
A systematic and bibliometric review on risk culture: a novel theoretical framework
2021-01-01 Cimini, R
Accounting conservatism and risk culture
2017-01-01 Mechelli, A; Cimini, R
Assessing stakeholders’ perception influence on companies’ profitability: evidence from Italian companies
2022-05-30 Hristov, I; Cimini, R; Cristofaro, M
Auditor Independence and Value Relevance in the European Banking Sector: Do Investor Protection Environment and Corporate Governance Matter?
2021-01-01 Mechelli, A; Cimini, R; Sforza, V
Central government accounting harmonization in EU member states: will EPSAS be enough?
2016-01-01 Cimini, R; Sforza, V
Corporate governance, legal systems and value relevance of fair value estimates: empirical evidence from the EU banking sector|Gobierno corporativo, sistemas legales y relevancia de valor de las estimaciones de valor razonable.Evidencia empírica del sector bancario de la ue
2019-01-01 Mechelli, A; Cimini, R
Dall’incurred-loss model all’expected-loss model: profili teorici ed analisi di impatto in sede di first-time adoption dell’IFRS 9
2020-01-01 Mechelli, A; Sforza, V; Cimini, R
Do (Audit Firm and Key Audit Partner) Rotations Affect Value Relevance? Empirical Evidence from the Italian Context
2017-01-01 Mechelli, A; Cimini, R
Eurozone network "Connectedness" after fiscal year 2008
2015-01-01 Cimini, R
How has the financial crisis affected earnings management? A European study
2015-01-01 Cimini, R
Is Comprehensive Income Value Relevant and Does Location Matter? A European Study
2014-01-01 Mechelli, A; Cimini, R
Is IFRS 9 better than IAS 39 for investors' decisions? Evidence from the European context at the beginning of the transition year
2020-01-01 Mechelli, A; Sforza, V; Cimini, R
Is regulatory capital more value relevant than book value of equity? A cross-country analysis
2015-01-01 Mechelli, A; Cimini, R; Mazzocchetti, F
La revisione dei principi contabili nazionali: prime considerazioni sul progetto OIC
2012-01-01 Gaetano, A; Cimini, R; Pagani, A
La value relevance dei valori di bilancio delle imprese in perdita. Profili teorici ed evidenze empiriche
2017-01-01 Mechelli, A; Cimini, R; Mazzocchetti, F
Non-Financial Resources to Enhance Companies’ Profitability: A Stakeholder Perspective
2023-10-27 Hristov, I; Cristofaro, M; Cimini, R
The debate around EPSAS: a structured literature review for scholars and practitioners
2023-01-01 Sforza, V; Cimini, R; Fanti, E
The effect of corporate governance and investor protection environments on the value relevance of new accounting standards: the case of IFRS 9 and IAS 39
2021-01-01 Mechelli, A; Cimini, R
The effect of female presence on corporate boards of directors on the value relevance of accounting amounts: empirical evidence from the European Union
2022-01-01 Cimini, R