Dipartimento di Storia, Patrimonio culturale, formazione e società
[Recensione a] Matthew Adam Cobb, Rome and the Indian Ocean Trade from Augustus to the Early Third Century CE. (Mnemosyne Supplements, History and Archaeology of Classical Antiquity, no. 418.) Boston, Mass.: Brill, 2018.
2020-01-01 De Romanis, F
A Muziris Export: Schidai or Ivory Trimmings
2017-01-01 De Romanis, F
Across the Ocean: Nine Chapters on Indo-Mediterranean Trade
2015-01-01 DE ROMANIS, F; Maiuro, M
An Exceptional Survivor and Its Submerged Background: The Periplus Maris Erythraei and the Indian Ocean Travelogue Tradition
2016-01-01 DE ROMANIS, F
Approvvigionamento annonario ed economia del suburbio della Roma imperiale
2002-01-01 DE ROMANIS, F
Archeologia e papirologia lungo la hodòs Myshormitiké. A proposito di un libro recente
2006-01-01 DE ROMANIS, F
Aurei after the Trade : Western Taxes and Eastern Gifts,
2006-01-01 DE ROMANIS, F
Cassia, cinnamono, ossidiana : uomini e merci tra Oceano Indiano e Mediterraneo
1996-01-01 DE ROMANIS, F
Comparative perspectives on the pepper trade
2015-01-01 De Romanis, F
Contrasto di contesti : denarii e aurei giulio-claudi in Campania e in India
2018-01-01 De Romanis, F
Cultores huius loci. Sulle coabitazioni divine del lucus Furrinae
2008-01-01 DE ROMANIS, F
Discussione F. PETER CANDY and EMILIA MATAIX FERRÁNDIZ (EDS), ROMAN LAW AND MARITIME COMMERCE. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2022.
2023-01-01 DE ROMANIS, F
Discussione su: Rajan Gurukkal, Rethinking Classical Indo-Roman Trade: Political Economy of Eastern Mediterranean Exchange Relations. Studies in History, 35(1), 123–128.
2019-02-01 DE ROMANIS, F
Entre contraintes pédoclimatiques et tendances du marché. Notes sur les céréales chez Columelle
2020-01-01 DE ROMANIS, F
Exchanging Coins at Barygaza, Periplus 49 and the Devaluation of the Kārṣāpaṇa
2023-01-01 DE ROMANIS, F
Foreign Geographic Projections in Cosmas Indicopleustes
2024-01-01 DE ROMANIS, F
Geografia e astronomia in età ellenistica: Diodoro di Samo, le Pleiadi e la Limyrike
2022-01-01 De Romanis, F
Il cristianesimo dell’India meridionale alla luce delle evoluzioni del commercio romano nell’oceano Indiano
2024-01-01 DE ROMANIS, F
Il pane di similago e i cinque modii mensili della lex Terentia et Cassia frumentaria
2003-01-01 DE ROMANIS, F
Il porto di Caucana: prospettive annonarie
2004-01-01 DE ROMANIS, F