Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Impresa "Mario Lucertini"
A Bilevel Flow Model for HazMat Transportation Network Design
2009-01-01 Bianco, L; Caramia, M; Giordani, S
A Bilevel flow model for HazMat transportation network design
2008-12-16 Bianco, L; Giordani, S; Caramia, M
A Bilevel Network Flow Model for Planning HazMat Shipments
2007-01-01 Bianco, L; Caramia, M; Giordani, S
A Bilevel Programming Model for Grid Scheduling
2010-01-01 Bianco, L; Caramia, M; Giordani, S
A Branch and Bound Algorithm for the RCPSP with Feeding Precedences and Makespan Minimization
2010-01-01 Bianco, L; Caramia, M
A chance constrained optimization approach for resource unconstrained project scheduling with uncertainty in activity execution intensity
2019-01-01 Bianco, L; Caramia, M; Giordani, S
A Chance Constrained Optimization Approach for Resource Unconstrained Project Scheduling with Uncertainty in Activity Execution Intensity
2018-03-30 Bianco, L; Caramia, M; Giordani, S
A game-theoretic approach for regulating hazmat transportation
2016-05-01 Bianco, L; Caramia, M; Giordani, S; Piccialli, V
A heuristic procedure for the crew rostering problem
1992-01-01 Bianco, L; Bielli, M; Mingozzi, A; Ricciardelli, S; Spadoni, M
A network based model for traffic sensor location with implications on O/D matrix estimates
2001-01-01 Bianco, L; Confessore, G; Reverberi, P
A New Approach for the Project Scheduling Problem with Generalized Precedence Relationships
2008-01-01 Bianco, L; Caramia, M
A new formulation for the project scheduling problem under limited resources
2013-01-01 Bianco, L; Caramia, M
A New Formulation for the Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem
2012-01-01 Bianco, L; Caramia, M
A New formulation of the resource-unconstrained project scheduling problem with generalized precedence relations to minimize the completion time
2010-01-01 Bianco, L; Caramia, M
A New Lower Bound for the Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem with Generalized Precedence Relations
2009-07-07 Caramia, M; Bianco, L
A New lower bound for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem with generalized precedence relations
2011-01-01 Bianco, L; Caramia, M
A set partitioning approach to the crew scheduling problem
1999-01-01 Mingozzi, A; Boschetti, Ma; Ricciardelli, S; Bianco, L
Advanced topics in project management process
2010-01-01 Bianco, L; Caramia, M
Aircraft Flow Scheduling in the Terminal Maneuvering Area
2001-01-01 Bianco, L; Dell'Olmo, P; Giordani, S
An exact algorithm for combining vehicle trips
1993-01-01 Bianco, L; Mingozzi, A; Ricciardelli, S