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Locating nesting sites for critically endangered Galápagos pink land iguanas (Conolophus marthae)
2024-01-01 Gargano, M; Colosimo, G; Garizio, L; Gratton, P; Lewbart, Ga; Gerber, Gp; Loreti, P; Catini, A; Bracciale, L; De Luca, M; Mastrangeli, F; Sevilla, C; Gentile, G
Locomotory activity in Dolichopoda cave crickets. A chronobiological study of populations from natural and artificial caves.
2005-01-01 Pasquali, V; Renzi, P; Lucarelli, M; Sbordoni, V
Long-term changes and recurrent patterns in fisheries landings from Large Marine Ecosystems (1950–2004)
2012-01-01 Conti, L; Grenouillet, G; Lek, S; Scardi, M
Low doses of Tetracycline trigger the E. coli growth: a case of hormetic response
2013-01-01 Migliore, L; Rotini, A; Thaller, Mc
Low trophic species: potential for use in IMTA systems of sea cucumber in the Mediterranean Sea
2023-10-26 Rakaj, A
2010-01-01 Leone, C; Capoccioni, F; Bevacqua, D; Ciccotti, E
L’entomofauna delle biblioteche e degli archivi di Roma.
2008-01-01 Lucarelli, M; Minelli, M
Macrozoobenthic assemblage in two aquatic coastal ecosystems of Albania
2011-01-01 Boncagni, P; Fianchini, A; Gravina, Mf
Marine Strategy, una sfida ed un'opportunità per la Biologia Marina italiana
2013-01-01 Scardi, M
May metagenomics disclose the hidden secrets of the ancient damaged parchments?
2020-01-01 Migliore, L; Perini, N; Alabiso, A
Mediterranean sea cucumbers - Biology, ecology, and exploitation
2024-01-01 Rakaj, A; Fianchini, A
Methodological approaches to the control of phototrophic biofilms colonizing subterranean sites in the Mediterranean area
2009-01-01 Urzì, C; De Leo, F; Bruno, L; Zammit, G; Krakova, L; Pangallo, D; Albertano, Pb
Un metodo basato sulla fauna ittica e su tecniche di Intelligenza Artificiale per la valutazione dello stato ecologico dei fiumi ai sensi della Direttiva 2000/60/CE
2007-01-01 Scardi, M; Tancioni, L
Le microalghe bentoniche del Pozzo del Merro
2012-01-01 Congestri, R; Bruno, L; Albertano, P
Microbial consortia in wastewater treatment and up-cycling.
2022-01-01 Alabiso, A; Frasca, S; Savio, S; Braglia, R; D’Andrea, M; Canini, A; Costa, F; Migliore, L; Congestri, R
Microbial Diversity in Paleolithic Caves: A Study Case on the Phototrophic Biofilms of the Cave of Bats (Zuheros, Spain).
2010-01-01 Urzì, C; De Leo, F; Bruno, L; Albertano, Pb
The microbiome of seagrass: from structure to function.
2022-05-02 Migliore, L
Microclimate drives intraspecific thermal specialization: conservation perspectives in freshwater habitats
2021-01-01 Bartolini, F; Giomi, F
Micronuclei induced in erythrocytes of Cyprinus carpio (teleostei, pisces) by X-rays and colchicine
2001-07-25 Gustavino, B; Scornajenghi, K; Minissi, S; Ciccotti, E
Micronucleus test in erythrocytes of Barbus plebejus (Teleostei, Pisces) from two natural environments: A bioassay for the in situ detection of mutagens in freshwater
1996-01-01 Minissi, S; Ciccotti, E; Rizzoni, M
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